For those that delivered early

Discussion in 'Pregnancy Help' started by kumphort, Feb 27, 2009.

  1. kumphort

    kumphort Well-Known Member

    This question is for those that delivered early,
    Did you have any signs, or complications before the early delivery that led you to believe that you would be likely to deliver early?
  2. ssb2e

    ssb2e Well-Known Member

    I delivered at 31w6d and we knew that I would likely deliver early by around 17 weeks. I had a very short cervix, so was put on bedrest at 17 weeks to try and get me as far as possible. Also developed preeclampsia around 22 weeks and that was what caused me to end up delivering early.
  3. summerfun

    summerfun Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    No, not really. At my 20w u/s everything looked great, cervix was nice and long and everything. I felt great and was still teaching part-time, went to my 24w appt. and found out, I was having contractions (although I could not feel them), my cervix was short (down to 1), I was 2 cm dilated and there was a foot there. :eek: I was at work that morning. I then had an emergency cerclage and was told that should do it. Saw both my OB and my peri in a week and they said everything looked great and that should hold me to the end. And 10 days after my cerclage (only 2 days after my peri appt when I was told all looked great) Emilie popped out at home.

    This was my second pregnancy. My first DD was a week late with no PTL, so I was not high risk at all, except that I was having twin.
  4. doublej's

    doublej's Well-Known Member

    I guess we just dont know :eek:
  5. twoplustwo

    twoplustwo Well-Known Member

    QUOTE(doublej @ Feb 27 2009, 09:45 AM) [snapback]1208130[/snapback]
    I guess we just dont know :eek:

    I was late with my first 2.

    with twins I had no complications, very smoth pregnancy. at about 36w I suddenly could no longer bear my own weight. My legs would just collapse under my own weight. (hold the weight jokes! :D ) I went to the doc a couple days later for my reg appt. I had to hold on to things just to walk. The nurse put me in my room and the doc came in within a few seconds. That NEVER happened so the nurse must have said soemthing to him. He took 1 llok at me and said, "are you ready to have these babies? we're taking them in about 2 hours." My pelvis had seperated. Ouch!

    I only gained 40 pounds, there was really no signs.
  6. newjersey_mom

    newjersey_mom Well-Known Member

    I had no sign whatsoever the first time I went into labor. We were able to stop it and I was put on bedrest at 30 weeks. I made it 2 more weeks and had my girls a week ago! And even the day I went into labor for real I had no signs that day either! Out of the blue that night the contractions started and this time I was dialated and on my way!
  7. snoopytwins

    snoopytwins Well-Known Member

    I started spotting and feeling kind of "off," like uncomfortable. This started on a Friday, I called the oncall doc and he said, as long as it wasn't red blood (which it wasn't) then not to worry. I checked back on Saturday because I had more brown spotting. Still told not to worry. That Monday morning, I was 32 weeks, called my doc and he told me to come in and get checked. Apparently, my brown spotting was losing my mucous plug (which happens and can be totally fine) but in conjunction with my uncomfortableness (which turned out to be contractions every 3 minutes and I was 3 cm dilated), I was in labor. After several doses of terb and my steroid shots, my contractions were subdued. Went home after two days to strict bedrest and my water broke at 36 weeks.

    I felt silly when I called about the spotting...almost like I was embarassed. If you have any questions/qualms/concerns always, always, always call your doc and if you're not satisfied, with just wait and see, go straight to L&D...they will generally check you there (dilation/fluid leak/etc) and hook you up for a NST.
  8. KCMichigan

    KCMichigan Well-Known Member

    Yes, lots of early contractions and bedrest at 21 weeks....on meds off/on until I delivered at 31.6. I actually did not have a clue that the 'big' day was here --sent DH home for a shower! Emergecny C a hour later for distress of baby b. All went well--we knew it would be soon, but thought we would get a few more days/weeks yet!

  9. kymbahlee

    kymbahlee Well-Known Member

    I was told at 20 weeks the goal was 30 weeks as twin b has growth restriction.
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