For Those Of You With A Toddler Or Toddlers

Discussion in 'The First Year' started by seamusnicholas, Apr 6, 2007.

  1. seamusnicholas

    seamusnicholas Well-Known Member

    I dont know how you do it. For just 3 hours last night I was watching my 2 year old niece and 4 year old nephew who I might add are very well behaved children. In just 5 minutes, I was trying to get the babies dried off from their bath while my nieces pizza fell on the floor and my nephew wanted me to get the marker washed off his hands. THis was in no means a crisis situation but it got me thinking how you do not get one minute to yourself. My house also very quickly got messy with toys everywhere. I like things pretty neat. I realized how difficult it must be for you. You moms are amazing to do this everyday!

    I was talking to my dh about this and said, what if we had four children. We think this was crazy...what if one had the flu or one needed to be driven somewhere. Wow!!! Again, you are amazing! :D
  2. Gilbert_Mommy

    Gilbert_Mommy Well-Known Member

    My twins are 10 months almost and I have a 3-yr old. Sometimes it makes it more difficult. My toddler is more of a handful than the twins a lot of the time. He waits until I'm preoccuppied with one of the babies and then he tries to get into or do things he shouldn't. But it is also good having a toddler because he gives the babies entertainment. They love playing in his room with him and he can entertain them while I get dinner cooked, or do other things. He's also a big help in getting me diapers and wipes and things.
  3. Cassie05

    Cassie05 Well-Known Member

    My 3 year old is alot more of a handful than my babies thats for sure. There are constantly toys everywhere, Im constantly telling him to stop bugging the girls. Lately he is trying to be a baby again and refuses to potty train. Its definatly difficult but it all works out...there is no such thing as alone time though until everyone is in bed haha
  4. MommyTo3andCounting

    MommyTo3andCounting Well-Known Member

    It's comments like this that make me feel okay about my messy house :laughing:

    People are always commenting on how crazy life at our house must be, having 5 kids that are 4 and under definitely gives you a run for your money! The funny thing is, once you're thrown in the middle of it, you don't even notice the noise, mess or chaos - it's just life as usual. It really hits you when someone comes to the house and you see their eyes get wider and wider at the hurricane that is my family!
  5. KYsweetheart

    KYsweetheart Well-Known Member

    Thank ya :)

    It is hard... but worth every minute. I am enjoying the toddler age... they are so into discovering new things, and the looks on their faces when they do is priceless.

    Just think, soon I will have 2 toddlers and a newborn!
  6. Her Royal Jennyness

    Her Royal Jennyness Well-Known Member

    I don't know how I do it either. I think it must be because I'm a very patient person. (Someone once told me, "You don't have the patience of a Saint, Saints wish they were as patient as you!")

    Emma, she's definitely more trouble than the boys. She waits until I'm distracted and then goes to work. How she can find a crayon (they're banned in our house and for good reason!) and draw on an entire wall in less than 2 minutes I will never know! I swear every time I turn around she's trying to plunge the toilet or squirting dish soap all over the counters or pouring baby formula on the floor or digging in the trash or or or or or or........ you get the idea!

    So thank you, it's nice to be appreciated!
  7. RondaJo

    RondaJo Well-Known Member

    I don't know how we do it either! I just cry a lot. I have NO patience, I never have. Must be because I'm the youngest child and used to getting things that I want right away.

    Emma, she's definitely more trouble than the boys. She waits until I'm distracted and then goes to work. How she can find a crayon (they're banned in our house and for good reason!) and draw on an entire wall in less than 2 minutes I will never know! I swear every time I turn around she's trying to plunge the toilet or squirting dish soap all over the counters or pouring baby formula on the floor or digging in the trash or or or or or or........ you get the idea!

    DS is the same exact way!
  8. Minette

    Minette Well-Known Member

    Getting used to things gradually makes a big difference. DH and I used to go to his brother's house when our nieces were younger -- they're now 4 and 6 -- stay for an hour, and then get in the car going "Thank goodness we can leave that craziness and go home!" When it's in your home, you learn how to manage it. Keep in mind though, my toddlers are still young and we only have 2 kids. 4 kids would be a whole different ballgame!

    A lot of things are easier though. 8-9 months was a pretty easy stage for us, but even so, now they can follow me down the hall for breakfast (rather than me having to carry them), they can put their own PJs in the hamper, they can tell me whether it's milk or cheese that they want, etc. I think having two toddlers is a lot easier than a combination of toddlers and babies would be.
  9. becky5

    becky5 Guest

    The funny thing is, once you're thrown in the middle of it, you don't even notice the noise, mess or chaos - it's just life as usual. It really hits you when someone comes to the house and you see their eyes get wider and wider at the hurricane that is my family!

    Well said!!! That is so true! :)
  10. MichTrif

    MichTrif Member

    LOL I had to stop and read this thread to DH. All he could say was "sounds like your life."

    My DS just turned 2 and the terrible twos are here is full-force. His new thing is sticking his hands in his diaper and pulliong out his poop! I think every room in my house has a wall that has been scribbled on. He loves to crawl on me and hit me when I am nursing the babies. He spits at me. And we have to keep the bathroom locked because he loves to play in there. He brings us the soap - usually after he has squirted it all over his toys. He also loves to hide the babies' binkys. Ugh, that makes me so mad!

    I very much look forward to naptime everyday!
    Feels good to vent! Glad I'm not alone!
  11. matwetwins

    matwetwins Well-Known Member

    Some days I don't know how I do it either and I am in the midst of it. My boys don't nap and haven't for a long time so I usually don't get a break and am typically exhausted by the time my DH gets home. For the most part the baby is way less work than the toddlers and because of that I constantly feel like she gets the short end of the stick when it comes to my time and attention. Having spaced mine only 24 mo apart has been hard and if I had it to do over again I think I would have aimed for 36 mo between them.
    All that said it has been getting easier as the baby gets older and the boys get older too. Now we are starting to get out more but the baby isn't in a carrier anymore and one of the boys is usually walking which brings a whole new dimension to going out.
  12. i4get

    i4get Well-Known Member

    All I can say is AMEN!!! I kept my almost two year old niece today since our daycare is closed and everyone else had to work. Thank goodness that the boys napped really well today and my niece took a THREE hour nap!!! It seemed like they traded off all day which was great...I only had them all together at the same time for the first two hours...which is typically the easy time for my boys (when they are fresh from a long night of sleep). I just kept praying that no one had a meltdown. My niece had a few crying jags (she's definitely not used to sharing "her" stuff). The hardest part to me was making sure my niece came with me wherever I went. I can sit the boys down right now and know they aren't going anywhere. But my niece is mobile and gets into everything. Anytime the boys needed a diaper change, I had to take the time to get my niece to stop what she was doing and come with me.

    When DH walked in the house today, all I said was "we ain't have any more. Call the doctor for that vasectomy." :laughing: Shannon
  13. amily1974

    amily1974 Well-Known Member

    We'll see, but I think you just do... I have 4 boys under the age of 3!!! But I just brought the twins home, and have had help so far, so I may be feeling a lot more crazed in a couple of weeks! How much fun will it be as they get older though! :) We're very blessed!
  14. Melis

    Melis Well-Known Member

    Somedays I wonder how I do. It is crazy. So thanks for the compliment. I never thought my dh and I would have 3 children let alone twins. So with that being said I can't believe I still work full time, have a pretty much put together house and pretty happy kiddos most of the time!
  15. Crystal74

    Crystal74 Well-Known Member

    The funny thing is, once you're thrown in the middle of it, you don't even notice the noise, mess or chaos - it's just life as usual. It really hits you when someone comes to the house and you see their eyes get wider and wider at the hurricane that is my family!

    MommyTo3andCount... ---you put this perfectly!!!! :D I would imagine that our houses are pretty similar, but you're still one up on me ;)

    I love almost every second of it. Thanks so much for the compliment!!!

  16. natmarie

    natmarie Well-Known Member

    QUOTE(MommyTo3andCounting @ Apr 6 2007, 04:02 PM) [snapback]208632[/snapback]
    It's comments like this that make me feel okay about my messy house :laughing:

    The funny thing is, once you're thrown in the middle of it, you don't even notice the noise, mess or chaos - it's just life as usual. It really hits you when someone comes to the house and you see their eyes get wider and wider at the hurricane that is my family!

    Same here!
  17. shellworley

    shellworley Well-Known Member

    My older boys wanted to go to the zoo--my first thought was why??? We have 4 kids and it is a Zoo at our house most of the time!!! :D
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