For those of you who were induced...

Discussion in 'The First Year' started by Cocolucy, Jul 18, 2007.

  1. Cocolucy

    Cocolucy Well-Known Member

    I'm visiting from the expecting board...I'm scheduled to have labor induced tomorrow morning. After 3.5 months of bedrest, it's hard to believe I've (almost) made it to my scheduled induction! Anyway, I wondered if any of you moms who were induced might have any tips or advice. They told me to eat a little breakfast before coming in but not too much. Also, they said that I would likely be there all day.

    One concern I have is that Baby A's head is positioned in front of my cervix--did any of you experience this? It made it hard for my ob to examine my cervix at my last appt on Friday, and she said to ask for an experienced nurse at the hospital because it's a difficult exam. I wonder if this is going to make things more difficult. She was able to tell that the cervix was completely thinned out and at least 1 cm dilated, but she couldn't tell if it was more dilated without it being really painful for me.

    Well, if any of you have any BTDT stories or advice, I would appreciate it! Thanks!
  2. SilvrHeart

    SilvrHeart Well-Known Member

    congrats on making it this far!

    I don't have much to offer on this except, when i was induced (due to pre-e), they did not allow me to eat ANYTHING (even though i was starving) b/c if I ended up needing a c-section at any point, i had to have an empty stomach. As it turned out, I did need an emergency c-section and they were quite pleased that i had not eaten in 12+ hours. So - I hate to confuse the issue - you just might want to double check on the breakfast instruction, or eat as little as possible . . . and maybe someone else on here has more detailed advice on this!

    Good luck!
  3. tracymcg

    tracymcg Well-Known Member

    I was induced at 38 weeks, with almost the exact situation you have (minus the bedrest). I was thinned out, 1cm dilated, both babies vertex, with A's head in front of the cervix. The only problem this presented was that his head was not applying direct pressure on the cervix so contractions took a while to get going. Once they did, I dilated to 5 quickly, was given the epidural, very slowly got to 8.5cm and stalled out for over 6 hours. They finally ordered a c-section because we would have been nearing the 24 hour mark, and they get concerned about infection.

    My advice would be (if you can) hold off on having them dose the epidural as long as possible. I'm convinced the epi slowed my contractions and ultimately made them unproductive. Also, move around as much as possible to keep your muscles from cramping up. Once you have the epidural dosed you're stuck in bed, and my back began to cramp so badly after about 12 hours, that it was WAY more painful than the actual contractions.

    They say you want to eat a light breakfast with some protein to carry you through the day. Honestly though, you won't care or remember the last time you ate! There's so much going on with your body, food is the last thing you'll be thinking about. I would try to get nice and hydrated the night before though. That was what I noticed most, you are SOOO thirsty and can't drink anything but a few measly ice chips.

    Good luck!! I hope you have a quick and successful induction :D .
  4. brandycaviness

    brandycaviness Well-Known Member

    I was induced at 37w 5 days (pre-e too), but I was thinned out, but 0 cm. When I got there the 1st thing the nurse asked was if I had eaten, (I hadn't BTW). They wanted me to eat then b/c I was going to be there a while. Needless to say that at 9 pm (14 hrs later) my breakfast was gone and I headed to the OR. I still have some stubborn babies. Advice... TRY to relax and go with the flow. I wanted a vaginal delivery, but I wanted my girls here more.

    GL!!! Post your birth story when you can.
  5. JakoBen

    JakoBen Well-Known Member

    I was induced at 36 wks. with my boys and was also on bedrest from 24wks. to delivery. I never could have imagined that a labor and deliver could be so wonderful!! I had a Dr. appt. at 8:30 that morning and after my ultrasound, my Dr. was a little worried about Baby B not having enough room so she declared, "It's time", and sent me to L&D. I should add that I was 100% effaced and a fingertip dilated. I first had to go home and grab my stuff and then checked in at L&D around noon. They took me to my labor room and started my IV, hooked me up to all the monitors, and had given me antibiotics in my IV (for group B strep). At 1:00pm they started my Pitocen and I did start having regular contractions....I never felt anything more than what my BH contractions had always felt like. At 3:00pm my Dr. came in and checked me and I was 3-4cm dilated. She decided to break baby A's water(which felt funny...didn't hurt, just a weird feeling) and recommeded that I get my epidural...I wasn't in any pain at the time, but she advised that once the water was broken, the contractions would become much more intense. There were in to give me my epidural within 15 min. The epidural did not hurt at all, just a tiny prick and then I didn't feel anything. I had THE BEST epidural...I didn't feel even 1 contraction..nothing!! My Dr. checked me again at 6pm and I was 6cm dilated. At 8Pm the nurse came in and asked me if I felt like I needed to pee, cause she would insert a catheter to relieve my bladder and then remove it. I didn't feel the need, but told her to go ahead and do it anyway. She couldn't get the catheter in because baby A's head was in the way. She checked me and I was 10cm and ready to GO!! I had NO idea. I felt no pushing urges or pain. The Dr. came in and they wheeled me to the OR as it is mandatory to deliver all twins in the OR at the hospital I delivered. I pushed 2x and out came baby A at 9:03pm, pushed 2 more times and baby B was born at 9:13pm. I felt wonderful!!! They turned to epidural off and I had complete feeling back within the hour. I was even eating a McDonald's Bic Mac with in 30 min. after they were born!! I was starving!! I had absolutely NO pain afterwards either, no pain pills were needed at all...even Advil! Sorry this got to be pretty long....but I just wanted to share with you what my inducement delivery was like. It was a GREAT experience and much easier than the actual pregnancy!! I can't wait to read your birth story! I hope you have a great experience. I wish nothing but the best for you and you family!! :hug99:
  6. Cocolucy

    Cocolucy Well-Known Member

    Thank you all so much for the great info!!! I really appreciate it. It sounds like the experience can be different for everyone, but I shouldn't be surprised if I end up with a c-section. I'm so excited and nervous.

    Thanks for the encouragement and support!
  7. Sofiesmom

    Sofiesmom Well-Known Member

    I was induced too at 38w2d. No special reason ... my doc just likes to get them out at 38 weeks and in my case it was the Monday after Thanksgiving when my doc was on call. I had been dialated for a while and was 4 1/2 cm when I arrived. The started Pitocin at 6 am. At 8 am they broke my water, I got my epidural at 8.30 am and at 10 am or so I was fully dialated and wheeled to the OR. I pushed 5 times for my girl, she came out very easily. My boy was breech and was born by breech extraction 4 minutes later. No real complications although my boy was in a little distress due to the "strange" delivery. He scored Apgar 5/9, my girl 9/9 but they both went home with me, no issues. Big and healthy babies. I was lucky I already gave birth to a 9lbs2oz girl so that made delivery definitely a lot easier.
  8. mrsfussypants

    mrsfussypants Well-Known Member

    I was induced with both my singleton and my twins. With my ds I was in labor for 24 hours. It was a LONG day. With my twins I was induced at 37 weeks, but was already dilated to a 4. They started the pitocin and broke my water around 8:30 in the morning and by 2:00 pm I had both babies vaginally with no problems. Aside from the epidural not working, it was everything I had hoped. I wish you the best of luck tomorrow!! Can't wait to read the birth story!

  9. marcy874

    marcy874 Well-Known Member

    I was induced at 38.5 weeks also the Tues after Thanksgiving because my doctor was out of town. :D I don't remember if they told me to eat in the morning or not, but I think so. I got there around 7am, they got me into a room, got me changed, checked me out and did an ultrasound to check the position of the babies (both still head down). I think it was 9am before they actually started my drip. My day moved pretty slowly and uneventfully. I had some contractions, but nothing major. My doctor called to check my progress around 4-5pm and since things were moving so slowly (I was only 1-2 cm dilated when I got there and maybe at a 4-5 by that time) she had them break my water. She arrived at 6pm to check me and found they hadn't broken my water all the way, so she did it again! Anyway, after that my labor did intensify quite a bit and I got my epidural around 7-7:30. It worked wonderfully for about an hour and a half, then started wearing off. So around 10pm they completely redid my epi, but it was great after that and the insertion isn't that bad, so not really a big deal in the big scheme of things. Redoing the epi vs. the back labor pains I had, I'll take the epidural any day!!

    The epidural may have slowed me down some though, it was almost 1am before my contractions really started getting close. They weren't at all painful, but I knew I was having them. Alina was born on the 2nd push a little after 2am, Madison's head wasn't tucked in like its supposed to be, so it took me 28 min. to push her out and for the doctor to get her head how it was supposed to be. Even then, I still wasn't feeling the pain, just a little tired from being up all day and pushing for a 1/2 hour.

    Good luck tomorrow!!
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