for those of you who use babysitters...

Discussion in 'The Toddler Years(1-3)' started by kuchar, Mar 1, 2008.


What is the age of the youngest person you have let sit for your children?

  1. under 10

    0 vote(s)
  2. 10

    0 vote(s)
  3. 11

    0 vote(s)
  4. 12

    0 vote(s)
  5. 13

    0 vote(s)
  6. 14

    0 vote(s)
  7. 15

    0 vote(s)
  8. 16

    0 vote(s)
  9. over 16

    0 vote(s)
  10. I've never used a sitter

    0 vote(s)
Multiple votes are allowed.
  1. kuchar

    kuchar Well-Known Member

    My nieces babysit, they are 12 and 14, and they just seem so young to be responsible for a small child. So I'm curious... how old are your babysitters? How early did you start leaving your kids with a sitter, and what is the age of your youngest sitter? (including siblings, if, for example, you left your two year olds with their 10 year old sister for a few hours)

    Hey... just for fun, I'm going to throw in a poll!

    Thanks for any responses you all have!

  2. Overachiever

    Overachiever Well-Known Member

    My DD1 babysat a little when she was 13 -- I mean like I went to the corner store and back. Now I feel comfortable with her up to an hour at a time, but no more. If she has a friend over at bedtime, maybe 3 hours with them together. I've only done that 2ce and it sure was nice to have dinner with DH!

    But only because she cares for them so well and knows them so well. She actually does a better job than her grandma! I'm just afraid of what would happen in an emergency.

    If it weren't my daughter, I'd say an older teen -- maybe 17 or 18?
  3. naomi02

    naomi02 Well-Known Member

    All my babysitters are either my sisters or the Grandmas. And my sisters are all over 18. Once I did let my neice watch them, but it was only for about an hour & we were right across the street at the neighbors house. She's 13. I wouldn't feel comfortable leaving them with someone that age, though, if we were going out somewhere, like to dinner.
  4. EMc2

    EMc2 Well-Known Member

    When I worked one day a week, I'd have our 18 year old sitter come to our house from 6:30 to 2pm when my husband came home. The girls usually didn't wake up til 8am and they took a nap around 11am. So they were pretty easy at 6 months old. That was they're first sitter.
    Now I'm a full time SAHM but we occassionally go out. i quit my job because we moved to another state when they were 13 months old. The sitters I use now (a dynamic sister duo) the youngest is 14 her sister 16 going on 17 soon. They usually only babysit once the girls have gone to bed. Our girls are 22 months at present. Usually one of the two girls are here unless we go out earlier than they're bedtime. Then I make sure they're both here to help one another with the girls. They're very good, I don't think if it were another set of 14 and 16 year olds I'd do it. I guess it how comfortable you feel with whomever your considering and how badly you need to leave your child/children in someone's care. I'd stay home all the time if I could. But just not possible, and not always a "mentally healthy" choice.
    Good luck in your quest for someone you trust.
  5. Joanna G

    Joanna G Well-Known Member

    The youngest sitter I've used was 12. She has taken a babysitter class. We've used her twice & both times it was for 3-4 hours & we were blocks away at Christmas parties. Her mother actually won't allow her to sit for a longer time than that yet.
    The other sitters we've used have been at least 15.
  6. minnieinafrica

    minnieinafrica Well-Known Member

    My next door neighbor is 14. She only babysits after the twins are in bed. Her parents are usually home when we go out, but if not, I then tell my other neighbor in case of an emergency.
  7. moski

    moski Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    My niece is now 13, but she did babysit for us when she was 12. Pretty much when I would run to the store or something. I had no problem leaving the kids with her, her sister started babysitting for us at 14 (when the twins were 3 months) and her other sister has been sitting for people since she was about 12-13, too. They are all very responsible.
  8. Joanna831

    Joanna831 Well-Known Member

    I started babysitting at 13. It is the law here in Maryland. Parents can get arrested or fined if they get caught with kids under 8 in the care of someone under 13. So, before you have a babysitter, you should check with the laws in your area.
  9. NicoleT

    NicoleT Well-Known Member

    The one person outside of family that we have left them with is 19. I probably wouldn't consider someone under the age of 16. Ironically though I began babysitting at the age of 11 for a family with 3 kids (5, 2 and a 4 month-old), boy how times have changed!
  10. sharongl

    sharongl Well-Known Member

    The youngest sitter we ever had was 11. But, when she came over with her mom for something, she was one of the most comfortable people I had seen around them, and even did a great job of feeding Marcus--he was my rough one. She sat a couple of times after that, but then her social life got in the way :). Actually, I have found 13-14 year olds to be the most reliable. They enjoy playing with the kids, and are usually available--most are not dating yet. I started babysitting at 12, and these kids are way more prepared than I ever way--with babysitting and CPR classes. The last one even brought me her Red Cross card :)
  11. KYsweetheart

    KYsweetheart Well-Known Member

    My babysitter is 28.

    I don't think I could trust a 13 yr. old to keep up with my bunch!! LOL
  12. melissao

    melissao Well-Known Member

    I have several sitters. At the moment they range from 16-22 years old.
  13. shellworley

    shellworley Well-Known Member

    I have left the babies with my 10 year old son (he is very mature for his age) but they were both asleep and I ran to the grocery store to get milk. I was only gone for about 15 minutes. I wouldn't leave them with him if they were awake--they are like tornadoes, into everything.
  14. anicosia

    anicosia Well-Known Member

    I have a 19 year old I regularly use. If it isn't her it's my best friend (30's) or our cousin (40's).
  15. Angelasbabes

    Angelasbabes Well-Known Member

    I didn't leave my kids with sitters for a LOOOOOng time. Now I will leave my dd watch if dh is not around and the boys are already in bed, to pick something up from the grocery store - if necessary, but I usually can get those things earlier.

    I will not let my dd babysit for any longer though, she's going on 12, but I just don't see the responsibility that I feel she needs (can you say full attention??)

    I have a neighbor girl if it's a couple of hours (parents are home) and she's 12 or 13. VERY responsible though, she's years older than my dd in that category!

    I have an 18 year old (older sister of twin boys) come if it's any longer.
  16. JennaPa

    JennaPa Well-Known Member

    My sitters were always family when they were young - SILs, grandma etc. Since they turned a year or so, we've added some of the teachers from DD's daycare who are all over 18 and are very used to dealing with a lot of kids. Even with older, experienced sitters, we've had some serious issues. (DD fell off the couch and broke her leg at 15 months, DD had severe Asthma and sitter didn't respond til I got home etc...) It's a lot to take care of twins and their older sis. I have a hard time keeping everyone safe and the house from being destroyed. Things are getting better as they get older - we can get out more often and feel good about it. Finally.
  17. p31heather

    p31heather Well-Known Member

    I voted 11. We were very good friends of the parents and I spent alot of time with B before leaving her alone with the girls as young as 7-8 months. She was nervous at first and often asked her 17 yo sis to come along with her which was fine with us. B started feeling more comfortable after she'd had a babysitting course and several successful evenings of sitting.

    When I look for a sitter, I look for someone who has had a babysitting course and then I give them paid training. I bring them over for an evening so they observe and participate in the dinner, bath, and bedtime routines. Show them the ropes then I can also get a feel for their personality and how well they will gel with my kids.
  18. twin_trip_mommy

    twin_trip_mommy Well-Known Member

    We do not have babysitters but once last year some of our very good friends invited us out to dinner and offered their 3 daughters to stay with our 5. Their ages at the time were 16, 15 & 13.

    The age I voted for was 16 because she was the actual responsible one in the group and her two sisters were helping her.
  19. Utopia122

    Utopia122 Well-Known Member

    We had a 14-year-old girl babysit for us, but we were just outside putting up a fence around our yard, so I voted 14. We haven't ever went away and let anyone babysit the girls yet.
  20. runnergirl

    runnergirl Well-Known Member

    Our regular sitter is 19 and a freshman at the JC here in town. On the very rare occasion she can't babysit, her younger sister has sat for us and she is 15 and a freshman in HS. The first time, she sat for us I was really nervous, even though it was only for a couple hours. But she did great, she even made and fed them dinner for me. I think back to when I was in HS I babysat for families with very young children and babies, but I guess when its your own kids you feel differently!
  21. coffeelover23

    coffeelover23 New Member

    The youngest I can think of allowing to watch my kids is 16. but the youngest i've ever hired was actually 18 (partially cause I found them at sittercity). Especially for my situation, it's important for me that they have a car so they can drive around if I need them to for anything.
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