for those of you having boys, are you planning to circumcise?

Discussion in 'Pregnancy Help' started by tammygb, Aug 12, 2007.

  1. tammygb

    tammygb Well-Known Member

    we're having two boys and my dh is leaning toward NOT having them circumcised. silly me, i told him early on that the decision is up to him. of course, i thought he would go the traditional route.

    someone told him about 50% of newborn boys are not being circumcised in the US these days. i wonder if that's true.
  2. AshleyLD

    AshleyLD Well-Known Member

    I wanna get my boy "snipped"

    I think an un-circumsized weenie.. looks funny.. My DH is not circumsized and he def wants to get Our baby done..
  3. belinda07

    belinda07 Well-Known Member

    I live in Australia and it is becoming less common to do it here. Friends have even mentioned their doctors reluctance to do it. My DH is circumcised but we wont be doing our little boy unless there are medical complications that require it, because I personally believe it's not neccessary. :)
    ....... and even though DH wants it done....he isn't as stubborn as me. lol.
  4. camdensmommy

    camdensmommy Well-Known Member

    I don't know what I am having, but if I have a boy- I will get him circumcized. I didn't even think about it for one minute with my son, just had it done. It is better for them, healthier, cleaner etc. And from my understanding if you don't they can have problems later in life, and may have to have it done anyway, and it is EXTREMELY painful for them to have it done later in life! Ask your hubby how he would like to have his cut on now, ha ha ha! I can see why a man thinks it is cruel, but I do hear it is better.
  5. tammygb

    tammygb Well-Known Member

    QUOTE(AshleyLD @ Aug 12 2007, 07:36 PM) [snapback]365768[/snapback]
    .. My DH is not circumsized and he def wants to get Our baby done..

    Can I ask a personal question (since I don't know of any men who haven't been circumcised)? Why does your DH want to have your boy snipped? (I'm trying to come up with arguments to use with DH.)

  6. xavier2001

    xavier2001 Well-Known Member

    I deferred to DH on this one, he did the research and then decided that it was better to circumsize.

    My boss has a son who is not, and it gets into social issues later on, he's 8 and worries about getting teased by the other kids for being "different". At one point they were thinking about circumsizing him, but then due to the ansthesia issues, etc. decided not to and to let him make the decision when he's older.
  7. AshleyLD

    AshleyLD Well-Known Member

    QUOTE(tgbmomofthree @ Aug 12 2007, 04:42 PM) [snapback]365783[/snapback]
    Can I ask a personal question (since I don't know of any men who haven't been circumcised)? Why does your DH want to have your boy snipped? (I'm trying to come up with arguments to use with DH.)


    He says that there are medical reasons. Like increased yeast infestions, ect. He also said that its very hard to keep it clean and dry because you have to pull the skin back.. (sorry if TMI)
    I personally think it looks weird.. Before him i had never met anyone who was uncircumsized..
  8. java jennie

    java jennie Member

    Both my husband and I agree to circumcise our boy. Luckily we agree on that!
  9. jules923

    jules923 Member

    I had my son circumsized and will do the same with the twins...dh is totally for it too...
  10. summerfun

    summerfun Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    We had Trevor circumcised.
  11. Stellaluna

    Stellaluna Well-Known Member

    When we learned we were having boys, we faced two major decisions: what to name them, and whether or not to circumcise them. Not knowing much about the latter, I did ALOT of research online and could not find a good enough reason to subject them to a medically unnecessary procedure.

    So my guys remained the way they were at birth, and it hasn't been an issue at all.
  12. jasonsmommy

    jasonsmommy Well-Known Member

    We DID NOT do our sons, and we won't be doing the twin boys either.. it is a cosmetic thing to us, he did not medically need it and we have had no problems.. I also know that he can make that decision when he is older.. if he wants it done we will totally support him..

    ALSO it is NOT horrificly painful to have it done later in life. We know a 22 year old who had it done just for cosmetic and was up and about that day, he said it was no biggie..
  13. MichelleS

    MichelleS Well-Known Member

    We are definitely having our son circumsized. We've agreed on this since day one.
  14. annlubbers

    annlubbers Well-Known Member

    We plan on circumcising our boys. My hubby is circumcised as well and he said he wants them to "match". Good Luck!
  15. esthermend

    esthermend Member

    well for us this was a no brainer DH and I are orthodox Jews so G-d willing on the 8th day of our little boys life he will be snipped :D
  16. JDMummy

    JDMummy Well-Known Member

    I had three boys and I circumcised them all. It healed quickly for them all too.
  17. Mellizos

    Mellizos Well-Known Member

    I did ALOT of research online and could not find a good enough reason to subject them to a medically unnecessary procedure.

    So my guys remained the way they were at birth, and it hasn't been an issue at all.

    Ditto. The rate of circumcision in the US is falling. It's highest in the Midwest and lowest on the West Coast and Southwest. Routine circumcision for non-religious reasons is uncommon in comparable countries, like the UK and Australia.
  18. Gumberly

    Gumberly Well-Known Member

    We planed on having our son done from the day we learned it was a boy. He was born 2 and half weeks early by c-section and had extra swelling so they wouldn’t do it in the hospital. Almost a month later we took him to have it done at the doctors office. It was not fun to say the least. Then two months after that we noticed it did not look right and sure enough it needed to be redone which couldn’t’ be done until he was over a year because he would have to be asleep to do it. So just after his first birthday we spent a very stressful day in the hospital.
    Now having told this story it may surprise you to hear but I plain on having my next son done as well. While I hope and pray this time we have none of the complications I think that either way it is worth it.
  19. nurseandrea02

    nurseandrea02 Well-Known Member

    My DH & I were set on circumcision the day we found out we were having boys. Circ day was rough on all of us & we did have some complications with recovery on Aiden. Thankfully all is healed now, but after watching what they went through...I'm not 100% sure I'd do it again.
  20. jeepwife

    jeepwife Well-Known Member

    We had Pierce done, and it went smoothly and there's no question on these two if they are boys they will be done also.

  21. ladybenz

    ladybenz Well-Known Member

    My husband and I are not in agreement on this, so we have not made a decision yet. Of course, we haven't found out the sex of our babies yet either, so it maybe a non-issue.
  22. samiam1229

    samiam1229 Well-Known Member

    My hubby is also uncircumsized and has seriously researched having it done now @ 27 yrs old because it is "such a pain". He is presently recovering from a yeast infection and it is very painful and sensitive all the time. I was leaving it up to him on whether or not to do our son and it was real easy for him to say he wanted it done, without a question.
  23. jesstheca

    jesstheca Well-Known Member

    We are definitely having our boys c-sized.
  24. twoin2005

    twoin2005 Well-Known Member

    We did have it done with Ben. But I have to be honest and say that we did it because we thought that is what you do with little boys. We really did not research it a whole lot. The rates here are falling, I know just as many that did NOT have it done. I wish we would have taken the time to give it some more serious thought. I am not saying that the outcome would have been different. But it is an elective medical procedure (not done for religious reasons, in this household) and I just think that I did not do my part to research/understand WHY I wanted to have it done. I did it rather blindly.
  25. People may have personal reasons for wanting to circumcise, ie: religious reasons, 'looks funny uncircumcised', wanting son to look like Dad, etc, but people should know the facts if they think they're doing it for the better health of their son. There was a large study recently done (some good googling can probably find reference to it) that looked at circumcised vs. uncircumcised men and the ONLY benefit they could find to circumcising was that HIV may not be so easily transmitted. All of those other 'medical' reasons look to be myth. Additionally, men who have been circumcised later in life (which is a VERY rare need, by the way) say that they felt sexual contact was not as hightened once they were circumcised, which is probably due to scar tissue.

    As you can guess, I will not be circumcising my sons, and my husband fully agrees.
  26. QTsMom526

    QTsMom526 Well-Known Member

    I just had the boys circumcised recently. I wanted to have it done in the hospital right after they were born, but that didn't happen. My insurance didn't cover it because it is considered "cosmetic", so I had to have the pediatrcian do it and pay out of pocket. Also, because they were too small when they were born, so we had to wait until they grew a little bit. It is not a pleasant thing to witness, let me tell you, but I am glad I had it done. I figure it will be less of a hassel for them later on.
  27. Jenn G

    Jenn G Well-Known Member

    This is a bit of a debate in our house at the moment. Dh wants to circumsise, but I don't. Dh thinks that they should look like their friends are going to look, but I disagree. People are doing it less and less in this country and I think that by the time my boys reach a point in life when it might become "socially awkward" they'll find that a lot of their peers are also uncircumcised and it won't be such an issue. I also can't imagine sending my newborns off to have this procedure done when I don't really think it's medically necessary...
  28. ladybutterflyrose

    ladybutterflyrose Well-Known Member

    We are getting our son circumcised.
  29. mom i am

    mom i am Well-Known Member

    Our boys are not circumcised. DH is not and has never had any issues with infections and such, he is proud that his parents went against the norm.
  30. rudy893

    rudy893 Member

    I know it's becoming less common of a practice to circumsize, but after working in the health care field & seeing some problems that can occur when they aren't 'cut' (cause the area can be harder to clean etc.) .... both of our boys will be circumsized.
  31. SommerNyte

    SommerNyte Well-Known Member

    Our boys will not be circumsized.
  32. pgwithtwins

    pgwithtwins Well-Known Member

    We will circumsize if either of these babies is a boy, or both. DH and I agree and although I gave him some info both ways he still thinks to do it is best....I think it best so that they match DH personally but...I let him decide since he has the parts not me.
  33. megkc03

    megkc03 Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    We are having twin boys and will not be circumcising either. DH is not-he's 27-and has NEVER had any problems with cleanliness, infections, etc.... I also asked DH if his friends ever commented/noticed anything different and he said he was never put in that situation. I'm trying to sit here and think of when friends are going to be seeing my sons area! I haven't fully done the research yet either, but it does seem like it's done for cosmetic reasons. And I've seen it done on a baby before-no thanks! Whether they can feel it or not...Just my opinion though. Plus-I plan on teaching them how to clean, etc...Well-daddy will be doing that...
  34. tmschefke

    tmschefke Well-Known Member

    We had our boys circumcised and will have these boys circumcised also. We did it for both medical and cosmetic reasons.
  35. rheamay

    rheamay Well-Known Member

    Just as you teach your girls to clean "down there" I think we can teach our boys to do the same. I really don't understand the big deal. My DH is circumsized, but none of our boys are. We think it's unnecessary. Also, the hospital I delivered in does NOT do them. You have to leave the hospital and make a seperate appointment.

    good luck with your decision. It is one we talked about for a long time before coming to our decision.
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