For those of you doing weight watchers

Discussion in 'General' started by nikki_0724, Jan 30, 2011.

  1. nikki_0724

    nikki_0724 Well-Known Member

    Am I able to walk into a WW and pick up the books and what ever I need to figure out the points. I dont want to go to the meetings I just want to use the points system. Where can I go to get the info? How many points I should be eating to lose weight, What foods are what points and how to figure out points for foods that are not listed in the book?

    Any info would be great. I was doing SB and its working but I need something easier i think....
  2. TwinLove

    TwinLove Well-Known Member

    You can also join WW online and you don't have to go to the meetings :good: Then you'll have the food calculator for it at your disposal.
  3. nikki_0724

    nikki_0724 Well-Known Member

    Do you get any books or anything if you join online.
  4. Ange2k25

    Ange2k25 Well-Known Member

    You would have to buy the books from their online store. Some people don't care if they have the books or not, others like me like them for a reference.

    (This would be what led to my protest against Points Plus, I had JUST bought new program materials to treat myself at over $100 total and replaced my nearly 9 yo set before they announced the change. I can't justify spending that much again on the Points Plus materials. I also figure I lost 152 pounds the old way, it works well enough for me.)
  5. nikki_0724

    nikki_0724 Well-Known Member

    I have a few of the old books I picked up at a yard sale.. I wonder if those will work!!! 152lbs!!!!! Thats AMAZING!!!!!I still have over 100 to lose!!!! Please PM me!! I would love to hear your story. What you did, how long it took. I need some motivation!!!
  6. Buttercup1

    Buttercup1 Well-Known Member

    You don't need the books if you join the online program. You have the food tracker and the points plus values online. I have never done WW meetings or the old points system but I really like
  7. TwinLove

    TwinLove Well-Known Member


    I've never had the books either. What is offered there that isn't online? :pardon:
  8. AimeeThomp

    AimeeThomp Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    That would really annoy me too!

    Everything that is in the books is online on their website. I've never spent money on any extra materials for WW - until this new pointsplus. I had to buy a calculator (around $5) b/c there is no slider to go with pointsplus, but that is the only thing I've ever bought.
  9. dfaut

    dfaut 30,000-Post Club

    You don't need the books per se! The app on my phone is as complete as the books.

    Ang, totally see your point! You are a ROCK star at this stuff!! Go girl!!
  10. nikki_0724

    nikki_0724 Well-Known Member

    I have a BB and Im worried I cant access the app. Plus I dont want to be attached to the computer all the time:( Didnt want to have to pay the dues to join ww either:( Of course I dont know anything about WW. Can I access this info with out having a membership?
  11. AimeeThomp

    AimeeThomp Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    There is a lot of free info online about the old points program but I'm not sure about the new pointsplus program.

    Honestly, as someone who has had to diet to maintain my size for the majority of my life, and successfully maintains a healthy weight when I'm not coming back from a pregnancy, I would recommend joining WW if you want access to their products and are looking to lose weight. WW is all about portion control and eating healthy which are the only things that really work for weight loss, IMO.
  12. nikki_0724

    nikki_0724 Well-Known Member

    Ill have to look into it. My problem with food is that I dont eat enough:( I could live on 800 calories and be happy but with taking steroids and not eating enough, everything I put in my mouth just stays bc my body things Im starving it.....I have to figure out a Happy Medium and so far what ever im currently doing the last few days is not working. When I was off to bed the other night I added up my calories and I was only between 600-800. I know my body is suffering from it now bc the scale has stayed the same since Thursday:(

  13. Ange2k25

    Ange2k25 Well-Known Member

    The old books only work if you do the old program. If you use the old books and old points slider, you can just work that program instead of the new points plus. Just make sure it is the same "vintage." The earliest points program allowed for higher than the 4 grams of fiber to be counted to lower the points value of food-that is the one a friend lost 100 pounds on and got me interested in WW. It changed just before I joined and she was a die hard and kept doing the former program since she was doing well on it. I went through a couple rounds of the WW points program myself. When I first joined, everyone had a range of points and you could bank your leftover points once your minimum points for the day were met. Then they changed it to a points target with the extra 35 flex points-I lost during both phases lol and prefer the flex points system, so that is basically what I do. A friend at work took my older two sets of books for herself and her husband and they're doing well with those. He found an extra points slider on ebay to go with the one I gave them.

    I will say I am hearing good things about the Points Plus program and if you are new to WW, it may be worth seeing if someone you know can get you the books and a points calculator if you don't want to do online. That way, you'll "learn" the newest program. I told DH, I have just too much going on to have to relearn all the points etc. that I've momorized. I can look at a label and 95% of the time figure out the points without the calculator.

    BTW-I have over 100 to lose AGAIN. It is a long, drawn out story lol. I lost about 20-25 on my own before I joined WW then another 152 on WW. My doctor didn't like my lowest weight. I could not maintain it without 2 hours of exercise a day and eating weightloss points. He decided it was lower than my body could be at reasonably, so I gained the 10 back and did really well at that weight with reasonable exercise and points. A couple years later, I did the 1/2 marathon in Seattle and two miles before the end, I injured my foot. Of course, I was sooo determined to finish that I did it on my injured foot and could barely walk for a couple months. The next 10 pounds came back then and my exercise had to go down a notch from 5 miles jogs 4-5 times a week to back on the recumbant bike. That's where I was when I got pregnant with the girls. I gained a lot, but was within 25 pounds of my pre-pregnancy weight at the 6 week check up. After that, so much is lost in the nightmare that was my ppd. I self-medicated with food until DH dragged me to the doc when the girls were 11 months old. Problem was, the meds the doc gave me made things worse. Then I developed bronchitis issues and had prednisone several times in a six month period. I gained 20 pounds in the last course alone, at least 40 more in that time. It was so frustrating because that is when things started getting better for me emotionally. After that, my body just would not lose or gain weight. I could do weightloss points or eat what I wanted to and the scale stayed steady. I did WW perfectly for a month and was down a whopping 1 pound, which is just my normal fluctuation. About a year after the last course of prednisone, WW started working again and I lost the first 50 again. Of course, I let work stress help me gain a lot of that back.

    So, here I am yet again. Not at my highest thankfully-never did manage to get back to my very highest weight from before I joined WW the first time but I did get close. I really look forward to being out of the 300's forever and am happy to have some support here. January's loss was a total of 13 pounds-didn't do so well the last week since I was sick, but I will sure take 13 and go from there!
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  14. kingeomer

    kingeomer Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    Nikki, I'd also add that WW would recommend that you eat your recommended points a day...even though the new points plus program doesn't factor in calories when they calculate points like the old points program...but each food does have a points value except for fruits and most veggies (those are 0) as hard as it might be and as counterintuitive as it sounds, I would definitely try to up your calorie intake to try to get the scale to move. You had a wonderful loss last week of 8 lbs and your body might be still this week and catch up next week.

    I don't know that there is much online for free info with the points plus program...but here is a website that you might find useful with weight watchers
    friends for weight loss
    Also, if you haven't check out hungry girl too.
  15. nikki_0724

    nikki_0724 Well-Known Member

    Thank you ladies!!!!

    Steroids are horrid.. That is where all my weight came from!! IM on a the highest dose of Advair for my asthma and I try to go with out as long as I can bc I hate what it does to me:(
  16. dfaut

    dfaut 30,000-Post Club

    Nikki, I'm glad Nancy said what she did.

    You can't lose if you don't eat your allotted calories for the day. You said it yourself. Your body thinks it's going to starve. What if you joined WW online now while it's free. Then you gather all the materials you can while you are doing it and then if you think you can manage alone, you don't pay, but you have the info you collected etc.?

    I need the support, so I just figure it's an investment in my health and the future for the kids. So, I pay. But I have the $ to do that with. So, find a way so that you can understand and feel better about eating normally and you'll be surprised at what your body will let go of if you let it! :hug:
  17. nikki_0724

    nikki_0724 Well-Known Member

    IM going to do just that. Im going to join for one week and collect all the info I can. Im buying that body media fit in a bit and Ill be sure to update and let you all know how it works out.
  18. dfaut

    dfaut 30,000-Post Club

    It takes a good week or two just to settle into the program! I would give yourself a month if you can manage. Don't absolutely cut yourself off at a week, but I get that it can be a difficulty to pay for it!

    Plus you have us to help guide you when you come up with questions!! :hug:
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  19. kingeomer

    kingeomer Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    Diane, thanks for saying that! Nikki, another website that might help you in tracking what you eat that is free is It tracks your calories, fat, protein and will also track the calories you burn and give you your calorie, fat, protein and carb goals for each day. I just wanted to throw that idea out there for you too in case you find WW not to your liking. I do agree with Diane to at least give WW a month if you can (I know you said money was an issue) and see how it feels for you. Good luck and we are here to support you!
  20. nikki_0724

    nikki_0724 Well-Known Member

    Money is not an issue I just dont want to pay for a few different programs at the same time unless I know for sure they are going to work. I tried WW a few years back and it didnt work for me. I just dont want to get sucked into something Im going to hate thats why I figured I would try the week free trial and go from there. If it works Ill stick with it. Its an investment in my health and right now thats my only concern:)
  21. dfaut

    dfaut 30,000-Post Club

    Nikki, sorry! I didn't realize it was a preference thing! I've never actually known anyone who didn't succeed with WW, but a few who didn't like it. So that makes sense!
  22. nateandbrig

    nateandbrig Well-Known Member

    I hope you like it Nikki, it's the only thing I've tried that worked and didn't seem like a ton of work.
    I do the monthly pass and I like it because I can cancel at anytime and just pay monthly and get a bit of everything. I don't have a single book and haven't bought anything ww related (besides food), so the monthly pass is worth it to me.

    Good luck to you!
  23. nikki_0724

    nikki_0724 Well-Known Member

    No Worries:) Im just really looking forward to the BMF and hope that works. Im guess the reason it didnt work was bc I was young and stupid and didnt listen to my mother when she told me to take it seriously or I would regret it. I was 150 at that point and how I kick myself for it now! Im going to give the trail a try and see what happens:)
  24. dfaut

    dfaut 30,000-Post Club

    High five!
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