For Stay at home moms who "don't get paid"

Discussion in 'The Toddler Years(1-3)' started by charlieshuman, Dec 2, 2008.

  1. charlieshuman

    charlieshuman Member

    Some days you have to focus on "the little things", so you don't get discouraged.

    The "No Pay" Mom

    It's a 24 hour a day,
    7 days a week,
    365 days a year job.
    There is no sick time,
    No vacations to speak of.
    Personal time off is a
    15 minute hot shower;
    once a day, if I am lucky.
    Some days I feel
    and unequipped.
    And, if I have to say
    "NO TOUCH" one more time
    I think I will scream.
    No- I don't earn a dime.
    But, I get paid with
    Wet, sloppy kisses
    and sweet, beautiful smiles.
    My reward is hearing
    my husband say,
    "You're a good mom"
    My joy is a tight hug
    from my boys-
    for no reason at all.
    Payment in full is
    at the end of a long day,
    with a room full of toys,
    My boys just want to
    Crawl up in my lap
    And just sit with their Mommy.
    My blessing is from God,
    For giving me more than
    All I could ask or imagine.
    And, for all of this,
    I Am Thankful.
    No "job" could ever be offered
    where I get paid more
    than I already receive.
  2. megan smith

    megan smith Well-Known Member

    Sounds like a great job to me! :)
  3. threebecamefive

    threebecamefive Well-Known Member

    This is very sweet and so very true. You have great perspective!

    [email protected] Well-Known Member

    This gives me goosebumps!!!!!!! Did you make this up or find it somewhere?
  5. charlieshuman

    charlieshuman Member

    QUOTE(angeez @ Dec 3 2008, 03:47 PM) [snapback]1095924[/snapback]
    This gives me goosebumps!!!!!!! Did you make this up or find it somewhere?

    I made it up, the other day- feeling a little down about finances and how I can't "contribute". I was talking to my husband, saying maybe I should get a night job, he said are you kidding, you have a full time job already. His advice- just pray. So I did and as I was praying the next day, I just felt like God was showing me to trust Him and count my blessings. So, I did. Thank you for the goosebumps comment.
  6. dfaut

    dfaut 30,000-Post Club

    Sniff, Sniff...How wonderful! :wub: That's my job!!!
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