for babies taking 5 bottles a day with 7ish bedtime

Discussion in 'The First Year' started by elhardy26, Jul 11, 2008.

  1. elhardy26

    elhardy26 Well-Known Member

    So, here's our current schudule...
    Bottles: 6:00, 9:30, 1:00-1:30, 5:00, 8:30/9
    Bed: 10/10:30 will sleep until morning bottle

    what I want to do is move that last bottle earlier to 6:30 with 7:15ish bed time so they can get more nightime sleep but if they just ate at 5 they won't eat again at 6:30...

    so for those with an early bedtiome, what's the timing of your bottles and does your baby/ies sleep between the last two bottles (if they are close together?) thanks!
  2. bstone716

    bstone716 Well-Known Member

    I mostly BF, but here's my schedule.

    6:00AM--wake w/ 5oz bottle EBM
    BF - 9, 12, 3, 6
    7:30-7:45--5oz bottle EBM, bath, PJs, bed.

    The boys usually don't sleep between 6PM and their last bottle...though when they were younger they did.

    HTH! Let me know if you have other questions.

  3. my 4 1/2 month old twins schedule looks like this

    7:00 am...5 oz bottle
    11:00 am...5 oz bottle
    3:00 pm...5 oz bottle
    6:30 pm...5 oz bottle and bed time routine
    9:30 pm...5 oz bottle (we call this the dream feeding...they sleep through it...and sleep through until 7am)

    I am going to try and eliminate this last feeding as soon as they can drink 6 oz. They are having a hard time with 6 oz...just aren't big enough yet I guess.

    Hope this helps, Shelly
  4. rrodman

    rrodman Well-Known Member

    QUOTE(1stTimeMom26 @ Jul 11 2008, 12:46 PM) [snapback]871670[/snapback]
    So, here's our current schudule...
    Bottles: 6:00, 9:30, 1:00-1:30, 5:00, 8:30/9
    Bed: 10/10:30 will sleep until morning bottle

    what I want to do is move that last bottle earlier to 6:30 with 7:15ish bed time so they can get more nightime sleep but if they just ate at 5 they won't eat again at 6:30...

    so for those with an early bedtiome, what's the timing of your bottles and does your baby/ies sleep between the last two bottles (if they are close together?) thanks!

    We are generally 6, 9, 12, 3, and 6. Sometimes earlier bottles end up later and the last two are more like 4 and 6 or 4:30 and 6:30. I always just have the philosophy of getting them to eat as much as they will at the last feeding. Sometimes they don't finish, and that's fine. Usually they do even if it's pretty close to the previous bottles. I would back up the 5:00 bottle some though.
  5. elhardy26

    elhardy26 Well-Known Member

    QUOTE(fisherwomenwiththree @ Jul 11 2008, 01:01 PM) [snapback]871704[/snapback]
    9:30 pm...5 oz bottle (we call this the dream feeding...they sleep through it...and sleep through until 7am)

    I am going to try and eliminate this last feeding as soon as they can drink 6 oz. They are having a hard time with 6 oz...just aren't big enough yet I guess.

    I don't get the dream feed, when ever we feed them a 9 or 10 bottle they are asleep in the beginning but by the time we burp and change them they are wide awake again, are my girls just light sleepers?
  6. mommymauro

    mommymauro Well-Known Member

    my 10 w old's
    6am 5oz
    9am 5oz
    12pm 5 oz
    3 pm 6oz
    7 pm (Seth 6 oz Nathan 8oz)
    bed by 8, always awake sometimes just "talking" for up to an hour... but perfectly happy and down for the night

  7. elhardy26

    elhardy26 Well-Known Member

    QUOTE(Mom to Jack and Anna @ Jul 11 2008, 01:07 PM) [snapback]871712[/snapback]
    I would back up the 5:00 bottle some though.

    I know... the trouble with that is they usually fall into a deep sleep for the afternoon around 2:30/3 and i have to wake them for the 5:00 bottle, if they haven't slept good all morning I hate to cut their afternoon nap short.....
    it's so hard to figure out a schedule that works for them AND for us...
  8. elhardy26

    elhardy26 Well-Known Member

    for everyone eating every 3 hours, how much sleep are your babes getting in-between feedings? are you waking them up to feed them again after 3 hours or are they waking up themselves, or not sleeping between feedings?
  9. mommymauro

    mommymauro Well-Known Member

    QUOTE(1stTimeMom26 @ Jul 11 2008, 12:29 PM) [snapback]871763[/snapback]
    for everyone eating every 3 hours, how much sleep are your babes getting in-between feedings? are you waking them up to feed them again after 3 hours or are they waking up themselves, or not sleeping between feedings?

    Mine aren’t the best nappers, usually only an hour (sometimes I have to go back in at 30 min to help them go back to sleep) and I never wake a baby… if a feeding time ends up 3:30 as a result and I push the 7 to 7:30… they are always done by 8 and still in bed at the same time… and usually get back to the hour mark in the next am.

  10. Beth*J

    Beth*J Well-Known Member

    My girls are 6 months old (4 months adjusted). We do 5 bottles a day. All the bottles are the same amount each time. Annelise takes 5.5 ounces and Karina takes 6.5 ounces. The girls are approximately 11.5 pounds each. I think my babies sleep more than others. Here is our basic schedule:

    7 - bottle
    7:30-9:30 nap
    10 - bottle
    11-12 - nap
    1:00 - bottle
    2-3 - nap
    4 - bottle
    sometimes a catnap
    7 - bottle
    7:30 bed and STTN

    I usually do wake mine to eat if necessary. I need to keep them on the same schedule. Also, they have pretty nasty reflux and if the feedings are too close together, it compounds the problem.
  11. Beth*J

    Beth*J Well-Known Member

    QUOTE(1stTimeMom26 @ Jul 11 2008, 12:07 PM) [snapback]871714[/snapback]
    I don't get the dream feed, when ever we feed them a 9 or 10 bottle they are asleep in the beginning but by the time we burp and change them they are wide awake again, are my girls just light sleepers?

    If you are going to dreamfeed, I wouldn't change them. Burping is tricky though. Mine can't go without burping because of their reflux, so I understand that problem. Dreamfeeds really don't work for my girls.
  12. HinSD

    HinSD Well-Known Member

    Here's ours, we still have a middle of the night feeding we are slowly getting rid of. Once we get rid of it, they will just eat more at other meals

    6:00 am
    10 am
    2 am

    eta: Our schedules are similar, your night feeding is just at 9 though. So in a book I read about this method and I liked it- to get rid of our night bottle, we decrease the amount by 1/2 an ounce every 3 days. So, for the past 3 days the girls have had 4.5 oz. at 2 am instead of 5. Then, I ADD .5 oz to their 1st feeding in the morning. Tonight, I will decrease their 2 am feeding by another .5 oz and increase their second feeding by .5 oz.
  13. bstone716

    bstone716 Well-Known Member

    QUOTE(1stTimeMom26 @ Jul 11 2008, 01:29 PM) [snapback]871763[/snapback]
    for everyone eating every 3 hours, how much sleep are your babes getting in-between feedings? are you waking them up to feed them again after 3 hours or are they waking up themselves, or not sleeping between feedings?

    I'm blessed with good sleepers (at least for now). They usually nap at least 1.5 hours between feedings. Sometimes it's even 2 or more. I do wake them up if I need to, but many times they wake up on their own. Their best naps are in the mornings - between the 6 and 9 AM and between the 9 AM and noon. They usually don't sleep much after the 3 PM...maybe an hour if I'm lucky. Lately, we've been spending that time watching Baby Einstein or playing on the floor (they've just started rolling and they like to "practice." :) ).

  14. QUOTE(1stTimeMom26 @ Jul 11 2008, 01:07 PM) [snapback]871714[/snapback]
    I don't get the dream feed, when ever we feed them a 9 or 10 bottle they are asleep in the beginning but by the time we burp and change them they are wide awake again, are my girls just light sleepers?

    Here's what we do to make sure they don't wake up completley:
    no lights on...just an ajar door with hall light on
    NO TALKING (to each other or babies)
    diaper change in their beds to eliminate more movement (unless poopy) BEFORE we feed them (exceptoin for this feeding)
    no loud velcro bibs...just a burb cloth tucked under the chin
    we only burp a minute or two (another exception for this feeding only, they rarely burp anyways)

    We have been doing this for 2 months now and both babies stay asleep or barley wake up...if they do we avoid eye contact and try to guide them back to sleep with some rocking (again the only feeding/sleep time that we do this).

    HTH, Shelly
  15. b/gtwinmom07

    b/gtwinmom07 Well-Known Member

    I would suggest changing them before you feed them as well that way they can be more awake then and drink more and then fall asleep. We always did and still do change them before they eat. Your schedule sounded like ours until around 5 months when we could move things around a bit more. We were getting them down late and they were sleeping through but it was late for us.

    We woke them during the day for feedings because we wanted them to kind of get programed to eat every 3 hours and guess what they still do. We are finally about to drop one bottle now (we are currently at 5 bottles) and we are 9 1/2 months.

    It does take time and if you can do it that is great but usually around 4-5 months is when you will notice a change or cue when they are ready. Either way there will be a transitioning period when they adjust and you will think why did you do it but if you can stick it out then it will work.

    GL and HTH
  16. amyjoy3

    amyjoy3 Well-Known Member

    QUOTE(1stTimeMom26 @ Jul 11 2008, 11:46 AM) [snapback]871670[/snapback]
    So, here's our current schudule...
    Bottles: 6:00, 9:30, 1:00-1:30, 5:00, 8:30/9
    Bed: 10/10:30 will sleep until morning bottle

    what I want to do is move that last bottle earlier to 6:30 with 7:15ish bed time so they can get more nightime sleep but if they just ate at 5 they won't eat again at 6:30...

    so for those with an early bedtiome, what's the timing of your bottles and does your baby/ies sleep between the last two bottles (if they are close together?) thanks!

    Our schedules are the same except the girls go to bed between 6pm and 7pm. Even though they eat at 5pm, I give them a few ounces or whatever they will take around 6pm or 6:30pm and then they go to bed and sleep until 6am. To move the bed time up earlier, do it gradually by 15 minute intervals. So far here is our schedule:

    6am: wake and bottle
    7:30-8:30: nap
    9am: bottle
    11am-12pm: nap
    12:30pm: bottle
    2:00-3:00: nap
    3:30pm: bottle
    6pm: bottle
    6:30pm: bed

    Now they are fussy between 3pm and 6pm because I keep them up for 3 hours when usually they are not up for more than 2 hours at a time. Sometimes they do end up falling asleep on the floor while playing and I just let them sleep until it's time for the last bottle. This rarely effects night time sleeping. The schedule varies because sometimes they wake at 6:30pm or nap longer, but I'm sure you get the idea. We used to put them to bed at 7:30pm, but they moved their schedule up themselves and I found they were so cranky in the evening because they were tired! If they go to bed early, around 6:30pm they will sleep for the entire 12 hours.
  17. brookbranplus2

    brookbranplus2 Well-Known Member

    It nice to see what other moms are doing.
    First of all my boys still only drink 4 oz. Sometime they finish and sometimes not. I'm not to worried about it though because they are gaining weight great.

    It seems to vary but our schedule goes something like this:

    6am Bottle
    right back to sleep till 9am
    9:30am bottle
    nap 10:30- 11:30
    12:30 bottle
    nap 2pm to 3pm
    bottle 3:30pm
    nap 5pm to 6pm
    bottle 6:30
    nap 7:30 to 9:30
    9:30 bottle and back to bed

    It's interesting that the previous poster said that burping wakes up their babies when for some reason it always puts mine to sleep.
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