For all you moms having a rough day/week!

Discussion in 'The Toddler Years(1-3)' started by smiley7, Jan 30, 2011.

  1. smiley7

    smiley7 Well-Known Member

    I just read a post about one babe refusing naps and I honestly FELT the desperation in the email. I, myself, have been feeling tired, overwhelmed and sorely missing my pre-kids dats where I could engage in adult conversation and not hear a baby crying in my head all the time!!

    So I am sending out a hug to all you amazing mammas who do this day in and day out with patience, love and strength!!! You rock :)
    6 people like this.
  2. vyckie72

    vyckie72 Well-Known Member

    Bravo!! Thank you and I agree. Being a parent is hard enough, but being a parent of toddler multiples is a whole different thing. Thank you for helping me remember after the day I have had with cranky naughty teething needing a nap little boys. It helps me to step back and take a deep breath and get through the next day.
  3. smiley7

    smiley7 Well-Known Member

    I think we all need a reminder or two (or a million <_< )

    I don't know about you but by the sounds of it you feel like I do.... :gah:

    I am sometimes embarrassed to say that I lost my patience with the kids. I wasn't the most patient person before kids but honestly my fuse seems to light a LOT easier some days. I feel awful b/c my voice will go up an octave and I feel like doing this :grr: at them. I don't let it get there but I think it inside!

    I feel like I transition from staring at my kids in wonderment and love to flipping to excuses to get out of the house and away from them. I miss my freedom and these feelings are present even though I DO get a few hours to go grocery shopping or the gym/week. I am sure it's just a bout of the winter blues but hmmmmm.... I just felt like venting.

    I think i'll send a virtual hug out to all of you who need it and maybe keep one for myself :wub:

    :hug: :hug: :hug:
  4. Rollergiraffe

    Rollergiraffe Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    So true.. some phases are tough, and some days just seem impossible. I think it's good to acknowledge how frustrating it is and let the emotion out somewhere! It's also good to come and look for advice on how to fix things, and a kind shoulder to cry on. So hugs to mamas who are having a rough time out there. :hug:
  5. kingeomer

    kingeomer Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    This is a great thread smiley7!

    :hug: to all of our Mommas who need one this week and every week!
  6. Tamaralynn

    Tamaralynn Well-Known Member

    What a great thread! THanks for posting this. I have had quite the last 3 weeks myself. I have pretty much been alone for the month of January and yesterday everything that could go wrong went wrong. My three yr old refuses to nap now, the twins dont nap in the morning but have recently decided to play for their WHOLE afternoon nap. My cell phone died, had to get a loner, lost all my contacts. Was suppose to pick up my parents at the airport, my babysitter cancelled. FInally got a good friend to watch the twins until my brother could come over. TOok my 3 yr old with me to get my parents. Made reservations for us for Dinner, they messed them up and we ended up waiting 45 mins. Thank GOD the twins were at home. This going at it alone sucks sometimes...... :(
  7. 5280babies

    5280babies Well-Known Member

    Thanks for :hug: and support. Great post! I am going to send a :hug: right back at ya! Hope sleep finds all of us tonight and tomorrow looks a little different. The good thing is it usually does. :)
  8. chellebelle

    chellebelle Well-Known Member

    Thanks so much! :hug: This is HARD!!!! I too miss my pre baby life somedays, or at least life with just one baby lol. Oh how I long for those days when i see a young couple basking in the bliss (and ease haha) or wheeling just one sleeping baby around the mall with a starbucks in hand. ;)

    I have been having quite the hard past few months and am finally starting to feel the upswing a teeny tiny bit. If only this snow would go away! Here's to making it through the winter with our sanity intact!!
  9. vharrison1969

    vharrison1969 Well-Known Member

    I agree, thank you for this! :) My guys were acting like COMPLETE and utter fools this weekend, and I lost it and screamed at them after being drenched for the third time by their splashing in the tub. Sadly, they really know how to push my buttons. :(
  10. Anneke

    Anneke Well-Known Member

    Great post and hugs to all of you too! The TS forum has been a great support in my life with twins. It's actually weird finding strength and courage in a virtual world - and a world so far away from mine: separated by an ocean -, but it feels good to know other moms who experience(d) the same things as I do.
  11. tri159

    tri159 Well-Known Member

    Oh man, I am with you ladies! I am pregnant and TIRED and start each day already totally exhausted. I dread days that we are stuck in the house. My girls aren't sleeping well, which = neither am I, since my husband works such long hours and can't help at night. My house is a mess, but up for sale, I am WAY behind at work, and I look like a total (tired) slob. I can vaguely remember days of sleeping in, working out, and having a social life.

    Thanks for the hugs, I needed one! :grouphug:
  12. E's 3

    E's 3 Well-Known Member

    I needed to see that this morning. My weeks have been going from bad to girls are now back to getting up at 4:00/4:30am and refusing to go back to sleep, often only napping for 30 min a day and are still unbelievably fussy/miserable. They have been waking Dannik up too in the morning and at nap time so he's been cranky and hard to deal with as well (yesterday he was already back up in his room in TO before we even hit 6am!). I was hoping to get a fresh start with February this morning but no suck luck. I am loosing my mind and I'm not sure if I can do this anymore (not that I have the option of quitting my job ;)). It's nice to know I'm not alone :).
  13. smiley7

    smiley7 Well-Known Member

    Oh E's 3 you are SOOOOOO NOT alone!!! I had a breakthrough today but the last several days/week has been AWFUL. THey were cranks refusing their naps, and then not sleeping/eating on any schedule which made for more crankiness and full out meltdowns. I think they cried more these last few days then when they were little babies :( Then they started waking up earlier too... I feel like my head is full of wool... how in the world am I going to work? Although secretly I am still VERY excited to go. I PRAY we are back on track but mamma mia... I seriously was going to sell them to a local farmer and told them so :rotflmbo: They just thought that was funny and then proceeded to scream LOUDER!

    Hugs ladies.. it has to get better, it has to get better.... my mantra ALL day long!!!
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