Foot growth and shoes question

Discussion in 'The Toddler Years(1-3)' started by Fran27, Apr 2, 2009.

  1. Fran27

    Fran27 Well-Known Member

    I need to order their first real walking shoes... I was going to get them some sandals for this summer but I have no idea how much their feet will grow in the next couple months... I used the preschoolian measuring device and she was in the middle of 19, and he was at the start of 20... From your experience, what would it be like in 2 months?

    Another question... DD needs physical therapy and we want some shoes with a higher back to help her keep her feet flat. I was going to order their shoes through preschoolians, but I'm worried they will be too flexible so won't make much of a difference... Anyone with preschoolians experience that can help me there? Or could anyone recommend a brand of shoes that would work?

    Thanks again!
  2. Leighann

    Leighann Well-Known Member

    I wish I could predict how my girls' feet would grow. Its so difficult. Last summer we started out as both 3 and by fall they were 4 1/2 and 5 1/2. Then from fall to now they've only grown one size to 5 1/2 and 6 1/2 (so we bought size 6 and 7 for room to grow). I'd go to a local children's shoe store and have them measured and ask them advice about your DDs shoes for PT. I've never used preschoolians so I can't answer those questions, but hopefully someone else on here can help you there.
  3. littletwinstars

    littletwinstars Well-Known Member

    We've purchased many pairs of Preschoolians in the past. I believe we were ready for a new pair every 3 months or so. There are different styles (i.e. crawlers, walkers, runners) and each have different types of soles. The "runner" ones are the thickest and least flexible. They do have an "online chat" option so that you can speak to one of their representatives directly or call them.

    We just bought some Stride Rite shoes. They fit very well and they love them. Would another possible option for your children be some Crocs? They are appropriate for the warm weather and very comfortable. I would check with your DD's physical therapist first, but a lot of people recommend them. Plus they fit pretty loosely so they last quite a while. HTH!

    ETA: Also just wanted to be sure that you were aware of Preschoolian's twin discount. :)
  4. twinboys07

    twinboys07 Well-Known Member

    Growth is really hard to predict, as PPs said. I would guess 20s would be ok to use for both in 2 months, but who knows!

    We bought a few pairs of Preschoolians last year -- the "walker" style -- and I hated them. They felt flimsy and constricting all at once. I am the only person I know of who has disliked them, but we had about 4 pairs of them and I actually felt guilty putting them on my kids' feet. I really wanted to love them-- they were cute!! The sandals were especially flimsy and bizarre. You might take that with a grain of salt, since everyone else seems to love them.

    Of all of the MANY pairs of shoes we've owned, Stride Rites have been the very best quality by a long shot. We have a pair of high-top type shoes from Stride Rite that I really liked. I buy my boys a pair each season and always feel like I am putting comfortable, high-quality shoes on their feet each morning (and afternoon, and evening, and each of the 5,642 other times that they kick them off while riding in the car!).

    Good luck finding something that works well for you!
  5. Leighann

    Leighann Well-Known Member

    I also really like StrideRite. They are having a BOGO 1/2 off sale until 4/4 I believe ;)
  6. JulieAnn74

    JulieAnn74 Member


    I've heard nothing but wonderful things about Preschoolian shoes!1 I've never purchased the but my friend raves about them!! I do know that they give a twin discount 40% off the order!! You have to e-mail them first and they ask you to e-mail them a pic of your kids and then they give you a code I believe!!! I use ISA booties, robeez, shoo shoos ,Stride rite and croc shoes for my kids chubby feet!!! I have a hard time finding shoes that fit them properly and so far these brands really work well!! Let me know how you like the Preschoolians brand!!!

    Julie ;)
  7. Fran27

    Fran27 Well-Known Member

    Thanks for the replies. I'm still hesitant to order anything... mostly worried they'll outgrow them before they really get a use of it or they'll be too narrow or something. I might go check some stores this week end to see if I can find some shoes for DD though.
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