Food question

Discussion in 'The Toddler Years(1-3)' started by xCandacex, Jan 16, 2007.

  1. xCandacex

    xCandacex Well-Known Member

    I know my twins are only 7.5 months but 1 yrs old is approaching fast, and I have a question about food [​IMG]

    I am a first time mommy so I'm really new to all of this.

    I am a vegetarian (I only eat eggs, milk and meat) I've been a vegetarian since I was about 15 yrs old. My mother always cooked for me when I lived at home until I was 18 yrs old (I know, I know) and when I made things for myself it was always bad foods like cheese pizza pops, sandwiches, vegetarian soup etc. Because I dont eat properly as a vegetarian, I take vitamins daily.

    DH is not a vegetarian but when we got together he just adapted to my eating habits. I didnt know how to cook much so when I moved out with him we ate simple meals (not healthy) all of mine containing no meat. His containing meat occasionally (meat sandwiches, beef burgers and hamburger helper) When he was a bachelor, he ate like pops, pizzs, grilled cheese..etc.

    I dont want the twins eating that crap and I dont want them to be vegetarians either (can be a personal choice made much later in their life) I want them to be healthy, eating healthy.

    I am wondering if anyone knows of any good websites that offer info on how to make child friendly, healthy meals with meat. Stuff that is relatively simple to make without weird spices and ingredients that are difficult to find at a regular old grocery store. Maybe some recipes of your own that your kids love.

    I just want to get a handle on this sooner rather than later so I'm not completely lost when they reach 1+ and I've got no clue what to feed them

    Thanks [​IMG]
  2. xCandacex

    xCandacex Well-Known Member

    I know my twins are only 7.5 months but 1 yrs old is approaching fast, and I have a question about food [​IMG]

    I am a first time mommy so I'm really new to all of this.

    I am a vegetarian (I only eat eggs, milk and meat) I've been a vegetarian since I was about 15 yrs old. My mother always cooked for me when I lived at home until I was 18 yrs old (I know, I know) and when I made things for myself it was always bad foods like cheese pizza pops, sandwiches, vegetarian soup etc. Because I dont eat properly as a vegetarian, I take vitamins daily.

    DH is not a vegetarian but when we got together he just adapted to my eating habits. I didnt know how to cook much so when I moved out with him we ate simple meals (not healthy) all of mine containing no meat. His containing meat occasionally (meat sandwiches, beef burgers and hamburger helper) When he was a bachelor, he ate like pops, pizzs, grilled cheese..etc.

    I dont want the twins eating that crap and I dont want them to be vegetarians either (can be a personal choice made much later in their life) I want them to be healthy, eating healthy.

    I am wondering if anyone knows of any good websites that offer info on how to make child friendly, healthy meals with meat. Stuff that is relatively simple to make without weird spices and ingredients that are difficult to find at a regular old grocery store. Maybe some recipes of your own that your kids love.

    I just want to get a handle on this sooner rather than later so I'm not completely lost when they reach 1+ and I've got no clue what to feed them

    Thanks [​IMG]
  3. Minette

    Minette Well-Known Member

    I don't know if this is helpful re: vegetarian vs. meat specifically, but is a great site in general. It's aimed mostly at people who are making all their baby food from scratch (i.e. no jars), but even if you are buying jars (as I did), there is great information about nutrition and safety, and some recipes for when they're ready to move beyond jars.

    Also, FWIW, many toddlers don't actually like meat. DH and I are not vegetarians and I occasionally offer my kids meat, but they almost never eat it. So you don't need to solve this problem right away. [​IMG]
  4. nikki_0724

    nikki_0724 Well-Known Member

    I was in the same boat as you and so was DH. I never ate meat until After the boys were born and I actually like it but thats another story. I cant cook and I dont know how and for the last month the kids have been eatting alot better then my thank god. I pick up this great book at borders Annabel Karmel First Meals.... Has food for children 9 months to 7 years ... Excellent book
  5. LouCee

    LouCee Well-Known Member

  6. Holly Wiebe

    Holly Wiebe Well-Known Member

    Hey Candace! Glad to see you're still around.

    Since 6 months I was/am feeding my boys out of the book Super Baby Food. It doesn't stress meat as much as beans and lentils and stuff. My kids have NOT been sick yet. They are very lean and healthy. You might want to see if it is in the library and give it a look before you buy it.

  7. crazybabies

    crazybabies Well-Known Member

    I had an awesome book & I think there's a website that goes with it:
    Super Baby Foods
    It's all about making your own...... really easy.
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