Food Obsessed to Food DEPRESSED!

Discussion in 'Pregnancy Help' started by Jillianstwins, Nov 21, 2007.

  1. Jillianstwins

    Jillianstwins Well-Known Member

    Okay, I hit 32 weeks on Monday and I have to say I have gone from cravings, being really hungry and getting my nutrition from good sources as well as some treats.....I followed Dr.Lukes book and gained my 24lbs by 24 weeks, I was the eating Queen gaining and eating well! :D

    NOW I am miserable, heartburn, bubbly stomach from everything I eat, popping Tums like crazy. I usually wind up skipping dinner when my husband and two children eat and just have a big bowl of cereal with strawberries and banana on it later in the evening. I have even tried drinking those new yogurt smoothie drinks to get some good nutrition and fill my tummy.

    Should I just suck it up and just deal with it? Breakfast and lunch I seem to do better with and just snack at dinner. Ug.

    Hoping I dont feel this way tomorrow for dinner at my folks! Let me know if you all have any suggestions to get me over this hump.

    Thanks for listening and Happy Thanksgiving......xojillian
  2. DATJMom

    DATJMom Well-Known Member

    Totally normal. Things are getting really cramped in there. Pace yourself for dinner tomorrow night!!
  3. Dianna

    Dianna Well-Known Member

    Sorry to hear that. I am sure your tummy is runnng out of room. Tomorrow I would just pick at food...little tastes here and there.

  4. navywife2bmom

    navywife2bmom Well-Known Member

    ive been having the same exact thing for about 2 weeks now...
  5. AmynTony

    AmynTony Well-Known Member

    if your heartburn is so bad you don't want to eat (mine was also) I suggest getting a script for Zantac from your doctor...its perfectly safe during pregnancy and it allowed me to be able to eat again...
  6. Jillianstwins

    Jillianstwins Well-Known Member

    I know it is part of the territory...I think complaining about it made me feel better for 5 minutes. My husband ran out and picked up what I thought I wanted....a spinach calzone (gotta get my iron in!) and some homemade iced tea(decaf/no sweetners).

    My tummy is upset, gurgly/bubbly, full of gas and when I do burp it a teeny tiny little one.....just plain old indigestion feelings.

    Sorry to complain (as I sit here and cry). I am hitting the wall, all I did was lie on my left side today and rest. Which is what I do everyday!

    Thankfully I see both my ob's on Monday....regular practice ob and my high risk ob in appointments back to back, with a cervical length check (after I had a bout of ptl early Friday morning that was stopped with terbutaline).

    I can do this, I know, but it is just getting really hard :(
  7. Angelaandtwins

    Angelaandtwins Well-Known Member

    I'm sorry - you sound so miserable. Come here and complain anytime - that's what we're here for! I would suggest that you eat what appeals when it appeals. Listen to your body and definitley ask the doc about heartburn treatments. Hope yu get some relief soon.

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