food help

Discussion in 'The Toddler Years(1-3)' started by newtothis, Jul 15, 2010.

  1. newtothis

    newtothis Well-Known Member

    one of my LOs will eat anything you give him. the other is so picky! the kid lives on cheese and cheerios!
    is there a cookbook with recipes so that i can 'sneak' veggies into things?
  2. vharrison1969

    vharrison1969 Well-Known Member

    We have Deceptively Delicious, and I've made a few recipes from there, but it's kind of a PITA to make and store all of those purees. I have a pickier boy, and I find the best way to get him to eat different things is to just keep offering. I know they say you need to offer a food up to 15 times before kids may try them; literally I have to offer vegetables upwards of 50 times before Nate will even put one in his mouth! :wacko:

    Keep in mind that fruits have similar nutrients as veggies, so if your LO likes fruit, keep giving it in addition to offering veggies. Offer and model good eating, lather, rinse and repeat. They will get there eventually! :good:
    2 people like this.
  3. emp59

    emp59 Well-Known Member

    My friend's son is the same way! This website offers some free recipes that you can try before buying the book which is nice

    Also, my friend and I made a bunch of stuff from that her son will eat. Like pp said, keep offering veggies and such even if he won't eat them! One of my girls is refusing a lot of veggies right now, but if I sit down with her with a bunch of cucumbers (or anything really) and eat them with her, she thinks its the bee's knees and will munch on them. Not quite with the enthusiasm that her sister has, but it works!

    We also do smoothies and I add veggies everytime. Especially spinach and green beans (sounds so gross!) because those are their least favorite. It tastes almost exactly the same without or without the veggies. This way, i know they are getting the nutrients and I don't have to force feed! My girls also won't eat frozen or fresh green beans, but will eat canned ones. Try different ways of offering them as well.
  4. Fossie

    Fossie Well-Known Member

    I have two cheese lovers and I use that to my advantage. They will eat pretty much anything with cheese so I sneak lots of things into quesadillas with lots of cheese, fix scrambled eggs with cheese and ham, mix veggies or meats in with macaroni and cheese, etc. Those are two of my kids favorites, but I do get them to eat other things primarily with the use of dips! They love green beans dipped in ketchup, chicken nuggets in honey mustard, and carrots in ranch dressing!
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