follow up question to pre-walker shoes

Discussion in 'The Toddler Years(1-3)' started by double-or-nothing, May 1, 2007.

  1. double-or-nothing

    double-or-nothing Well-Known Member

    I guess what I meant was that I want to find shoes that are not soft leather and soft soled like the Robeez. I'm wondering if there is a shoe that I can put them into that are more like real shoes even though they are not walking yet. Or is that bad for their feet right now? Like, is it ok to put them into some of those cheap sneakers from payless or do think those are not recommended at this time. TIA...again :D
  2. debid

    debid Well-Known Member

    We have Preschoolians for walkers. They have a thin, rubbery sole that is extremely flexible. They also have a new style of canvas shoe out with a rubber toe which would probably be helpful for crawlers so the leather on the toe doesn't get so scuffed up. These are shoes that will not inhibit their ability to cruise or walk. Yes, they're more $ but by the time you figure the 40% discount, the shoes are $25 delivered which isn't so much more than the stuff at Target. The difference in how they walk in them, however, is striking. We happened to be shopping one day and walked by a Payless so I went in and had them try on the most flexible shoe I could find on the shelf. It was a sandal with a rubber sole and it was the correct size (I've had them measured recently). Trent walked like he had cement blocks on his feet. I can't bring myself to put them in shoes that make them uncomfortable to save $20. Guess I'm sold on the "good stuff".
  3. Babies4Susan

    Babies4Susan Well-Known Member

    I've heard good things about Preschoolians, and I'll probably order them each a pair this month. I may stop in to the Stride Rite outlet first, to see what they have though. I want to get them each a decent pair of walking sandals for summer.
  4. Minette

    Minette Well-Known Member

    The official answer is that it's not recommended.

    However, I bought Amy some T-strap shoes from Target (because they were the only things I could find in a size 2) when she was just starting to walk. She loves them, and she walks just fine as far as I can tell. Not bad for $12. (She's never worn expensive shoes though -- maybe those would be even better -- but she seems to walk the same in the Target shoes as she does barefoot.)

    I also really like the Merrell infant/toddler shoes. They are pricey ($30), but seem to hold up better than the really soft leather shoes, while being almost as flexible.
  5. Becky02

    Becky02 Well-Known Member

    I bought cheap shoes for my son from Walmart and he wears them when ever we go out. I don't see a problem with them, they are sneakers that have velcro on them. He is starting to walk now so I am going to go out and buy him walking shoes, but I don't see a big deal in getting them cheap shoes. I would say as long as they aren't wearing them all the time it shouldn't make a difference with their feet.
  6. Dragonfly76

    Dragonfly76 Well-Known Member

    Our therapists recommended to get actually walking shoes with a lot of ankle support, because my girls are rolling their feet in a little bit when standing. They say that first shoes are important and we should get the good ones, so we went to one of these stores that carry all good brands and one pair of shoes sales people found for us would cost us $65 and another $45. We decided to try Nordstrom Rack before making a final decision and this was a great decision, because we got just the same shoes but for under $15 per pair. You have to be lucky to find your size there though.
    This is what we've got
    A very cute suede booties by Jumping Jacks, I couldn't find a picture online
  7. titania

    titania Well-Known Member

    see kai run and preschoolians both have a flexible rubber sole. i am sure there are others out there, but these are the ones i know about. oh wait, pedoodles, squeaky shoes, and pipsqueaks also have a rubber sole, but are still flexible. but you can't beat the twin discount at preschoolians. we just got our first pair today! :banana:

    what situations are you looking for shoes for? if your dc is not walking, the robeez type are really great. they still look like shoes to me, only cuter! there are a TON of that type of shoe out there too! :icon_biggrin:
  8. dfaut

    dfaut 30,000-Post Club

    There are pre-walker shoes. I know that Stride Rite has them. They have a lot of rubber on the tips to protect the shoe while they crawl. Go look at those and then see what the equivalent is at Payless or whereever....
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