Flushing things down the toilet

Discussion in 'The Toddler Years(1-3)' started by debid, Jan 21, 2008.

  1. debid

    debid Well-Known Member

    :unsure: :mad: :( :wacko: :shok: :cray: :help:

    I don't know what the item was... it was gone when I got there but Trevor was fully dressed and saying bye-bye to SOMETHING. It wasn't the bathroom with the dog food which they've flushed plenty of times and I tell them "No" sternly. They KNOW they aren't supposed to flush anything but pee and poop. Knowing it's forbidden and being able to control the desire are very different things. They pulled the toilet lock off and broke it so childproofing the potty isn't likely.

    And how do you potty train when you can't give them access to the bathroom?!

    My mom tells stories about having their septic pumped and the guy bringing the items from the filter... a watch and a set of keys among other items. So now I'm going to have a panic attack every time I can't find my keys.
  2. Disney747

    Disney747 Well-Known Member

    This is one reason I have not seriously started the potty training. And we have those aweful door knob locks on the bathroom door. That is the only way to keep them from the bathroom.
  3. natmarie

    natmarie Well-Known Member

    :laughing: This post made me laugh. I am sorry, I have know I ideas to help except to reinforce what you are doing about telling them only pee and poop go down the toilet and also a punishment if they do send stuff down the toilet.

    Your post made me think of the part in the book I'll Love You Forever about when the child is two and all the many things that he does (including flushing a watch down the toilet).
  4. ktfan

    ktfan Well-Known Member

    That's why none of my kiddos have access to unchildproofed areas of the house without me until they are like 5! Aaron potty trained last summer and I still take him to the bathroom rather than letting him go alone. I will allow my older kids to watch him if I'm in the middle of something. We are working with Erick now and if he needs/wants to go he tells me and I take him. The hallway to the bathroom/bedrooms is gated. The main living area of the house is well childproofed and I don't leave anything in here that I don't want them to steal! I'm dreading taking down the last gates!
  5. debid

    debid Well-Known Member

    You have two 2.5-year olds and one who is almost 4 and NONE OF THEM climb over the gates? Are you kidding me?! We haven't used gates in months because they go right over. I do use the privacy locks on the bathroom & bedroom doors (knob covers are also ineffective) but we only have two emergency keys for the whole house and I'm forever searching the door frames for those keys so the frequently used doors don't get locked 100% of the time. I sent an email to Kwikset on Sunday asking them how I can get more emergency keys because none of the hardware stores have them and just got a reply that they are sending some so I'll have one per door soon.

    Our potty issue is that they'll go and use the potty on their own or they'll tell me they're soggy or poopy after they've gone in their diaper but they won't tell me they need to go before it happens. It's all very frustrating. So, I've moved their little potties back out into the hallway while we figure this out.

    QUOTE(ktfan @ Jan 22 2008, 08:49 AM) [snapback]583760[/snapback]
    That's why none of my kiddos have access to unchildproofed areas of the house without me until they are like 5! Aaron potty trained last summer and I still take him to the bathroom rather than letting him go alone. I will allow my older kids to watch him if I'm in the middle of something. We are working with Erick now and if he needs/wants to go he tells me and I take him. The hallway to the bathroom/bedrooms is gated. The main living area of the house is well childproofed and I don't leave anything in here that I don't want them to steal! I'm dreading taking down the last gates!
  6. Becky02

    Becky02 Well-Known Member

    I was just going to suggest putting a little potty out where they can get to it and then after they go in it the two of you can go and put it in the toilet and then let him flush it. Until you can trust them not to flush things down the toilet I would make sure the bathroom is locked.
  7. KPS1971

    KPS1971 Well-Known Member

    Thankfully we have not had that problem yet. We have the door knob covers on our doors but Lucas has figured out if he turns it just right and puts just enogh pressure he can open them!

    The boys are only in the bathroom when they take a bath or follow me in there to go potty. They have not really noticed the toilet yet. We do have a potty in the living room for the boys but only because my SIL thought it would be funny to have a VERY lengthy converstation about going potty on the big boy potty! I was NOT happy. They are no where near ready to potty train and besides I am not prepared!
    I am one of those people who wants to read every "instruction manuel" out there and they come up with a game plan first! I know not a good trait to have with twins!

    I am sure when the time comes they will do there fair share of terrozing me with backed up plumbing! Sorry I don't have any suggestions!
  8. Sullyirishtwins

    Sullyirishtwins Well-Known Member

    I was at a play group today. There were so many Moms with tots running around and I kept trying to find MINE and there Justin was standing over the toliet and BAM! He threw a toy into the toliet. Ugh!!!!

    Diana w/Rianna and Justin going on 16 mos old next week!
  9. KYsweetheart

    KYsweetheart Well-Known Member

    Mine are potty trained and they still try to flush things. They have access to the bathroom, because gates are useless... they climb over them and knock them down. Zack went to the potty to poop and tried flushing the toilet paper roll.
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