My son, the smaller of the two, is constantly getting some type of sickness, oh and gets bad fevers. Well, Thursday he developed a fever of 99.4 in the am and then again in the late afternoon. Figured it was just teething. Same thing happened again yesterday. But, when I went to put him to bed (1.5 hours after tylenol) he was up to 100.6. I set the alarm and checked on him when he would be able to take more Tylenol and it was up to 102.5. Tylenol and Motrin and checked on him again 4 hours later and he was back down to 98 ish. Woke up this morning and he was back at 100.6. Gave him both Tylenol and Motrin and took him to the doctor. They swab tested him for strep and flu, and he has flu a and b. We got some meds and are to continue them for 5 days along with T and M. I just know that both of the girls are going to get it and it is just a matter of time. Do or did any of you have one child get sick more than the other? Does it get better? I just feel bad for him because he is sick all of the time.
It's so hard when they are ill - poor thing. Do you give vitamins? These can give the immune system and good boost. Also, all mine just got the flu jab. Don't know how old they have to be but worth looking into. Hope he is feeling better soon.
Poor little guy :hug: I hope he feels better soon and the other children do not catch it. I would agree with the vitamins suggestion, ours take the Poly Vi Sol drops.
My little guy tends to get sick more often. I have started them on a multi vit that contains vitmamin C as well as many others. Also probiotics are good bacteria for the gut that helps them digest and fight things better. I also started giving my boys a herbal immune booster. I have found that by doing these every day my boys have had less respiratory problems and seem to be gernerally happier, I talked to a naturalpathic Dr before I put my boys on these just to be sure they were safe. Best of luck
They are both on Vitamins with Iron, as we found out they have low iron at their 1 year appointment. And, they both got the flu shot at their appointment a week ago. Sigh.
Im sorry you´re dealing with this. Could it be a reaction to the flu jab or is it a bit too late. One of my friends´ LOs got a delayed reaction to a jab which is why Im asking. Just a thought. Anyway, I just wanted to say I hope he gets better asap. :hug:
If you go the multi-vitamin route, be sure that whatever you choose has a good dose of D3 in it. Recent studies show that nearly all Americans are deficient and our levels tend to get worse during flu season since our best method of getting vit D is from sunshine. I've also been reading about immune boosters because I am anti any extra vaccinations so I wanted to know what to do instead. There's lots of good info on and search vitamin D at the top.