flipping over nothing

Discussion in 'Pregnancy Help' started by twinreverb, Feb 11, 2008.

  1. twinreverb

    twinreverb Well-Known Member

    My mom is the best mom in the world. She will be helping me with the twins when they come. My husband works nights and sleeps most of the day so basically I am on my own yay. :blink: Thank god for my mom!

    So my mom has been stressing and flipping out a little lately. I think it is freakin hysterical and adorable. I have been trying to reassure her and getting her to just chill. IT WILL BE OKAY. haha she is having major nesting syndrome, which is funny considering umm shouldn't that be me. I think I am in denial. (I have just been trying to come up with names for my kids, which I am happy to say that we have finally finalized the name selection... I hope it doesn't change again haha considering I am 31 weeks already. My little man was not being very active last week and the U/S tech was like, "what is his name" and we were like, "nothing solid yet" and she said, "I figured as much". She made me and my husband feel like complete crap for not having his name but having hers. Like that caused him to be less active Grrr sorry little vent) Anyways so my mom has been calling like 50 times a day to update me on random stuff. She has become a shop-a-holic buying all this stuff for the nursery and for the kids and I am just like, umm chill woman we will need some stuff like, I don't know, diapers when they come. I think the potterybarn frames for the walls is not really fitting in the "essential list" :) Believe me, she is all over that list as well. She cracks me up. My husband is a major shop-a-holic as well so I am just lying here (bed rest) going okay guys credit cards about to be confiscated. The kids both have enough clothes until they are a year old... Seriously, the kids will not be able to play in the bathtub for some time... yet we have the toy caddy and a crap load of toys for the bath... and he bought the new teddy Ruxpin. My husband thinks they are going to pop out and automatically be 3 years old. I read him stories on here to try and give him some doses of reality. So anyways the reason I started the post was my mom called... well multiple of times today but during one call she was talking to me about the multiple shows on television... the 8 kids and the 6 kid ones... and she was stressing and I just started laughing and I was like, ummm ok if all of us dump our kids on you at one time then yes stress but umm I am carrying 2 not 6. It was a classic moment of grandmother freakage... definitely one for the books. I don't know maybe I am just to laid back in the thought that everything will just work out and be okay. I don't know I just really love my mom and her and my husband are just funny together. Building the cribs together... My mom put the stroller together tonight and then she started going to the next freak out subject on the list. I just did what she asked and picked out birth announcements... Maybe I should be more overwhelmed than I am but to me... everything they need has been taken care of so why stress? I am talking about... there is a crib or bassinet in every room. It is getting a little crazy... but I love and appreciate everything my mom has done for me... again she is the best.

    Anyway I thought it was funny about her watching the Multiples tv shows and freakin out.

    Anyway hope you are all doing well and being entertained by your family members.
  2. fellfortomorrow

    fellfortomorrow Active Member

    oh wow. gotta love them right?

    my moms the same way. i fell asleep early last night with my phone in the other room. she called 6 times to see if i was okay. then when i didnt anwser she called my dad , who got in touch with hubby, and reassured them that i was sleeping,not dead,not having babies with out them... silly mommas
  3. mommymauro

    mommymauro Well-Known Member

    QUOTE(fellfortomorrow @ Feb 12 2008, 08:48 AM) [snapback]617525[/snapback]
    oh wow. gotta love them right?

    my moms the same way. i fell asleep early last night with my phone in the other room. she called 6 times to see if i was okay. then when i didnt anwser she called my dad , who got in touch with hubby, and reassured them that i was sleeping,not dead,not having babies with out them... silly mommas

    I love it… my mom lives 30 min away and she called once and left a message while we were out, well we didn’t get home until 10pm (too late to call) and I make it a rule not to call her (unless an emergency) before 8 am (sometimes she has sleep issues and is up a lot) well I sent her an email telling her I would call in the am (she is on her computer a lot)… but she didn’t realize her email was down… 7:50 am my mom is at my door with tears in her eyes… she lives a good 30 min away… it was hard not to giggle, but as a mom I sort of understood… She went on that she had visions of us be followed and home invasion robberies (time to turn off the news mom)...I had high school flash backs… I think if she could she would have grounded me…
  4. twinreverb

    twinreverb Well-Known Member

    QUOTE(e mauro @ Feb 12 2008, 09:27 AM) [snapback]617664[/snapback]
    I love it… my mom lives 30 min away and she called once and left a message while we were out, well we didn’t get home until 10pm (too late to call) and I make it a rule not to call her (unless an emergency) before 8 am (sometimes she has sleep issues and is up a lot) well I sent her an email telling her I would call in the am (she is on her computer a lot)… but she didn’t realize her email was down… 7:50 am my mom is at my door with tears in her eyes… she lives a good 30 min away… it was hard not to giggle, but as a mom I sort of understood… She went on that she had visions of us be followed and home invasion robberies (time to turn off the news mom)...I had high school flash backs… I think if she could she would have grounded me…

    awwww yep it drives my mom crazy when I don't answer the phone. She lives 3 hours from here.
  5. bstone716

    bstone716 Well-Known Member

    My mom is driving me nuts! She calls every morning (as does my mother-in-law). I know she means well and just wants to check on me, but sometimes I really just don't want to talk. She completely flipped out last week when we didn't call her immediately after a doctor's appointment. She and I had it out and things have been better....thankfully. I hope she chills out when the boys come!

  6. twinreverb

    twinreverb Well-Known Member

    MIL on the other hand just grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr :angry: said our kids are going to get beat up and we need to rethink their names... ok lets look up last years top names and name them that... or hey lets name the girl after you... don't think so even though you keep on suggesting it! As long as she does not dress my kids they will be ok. Oh well, she just upset DH and can never be supportive of anything... different is not acceptable! It isn't like we are naming them panda and bear. annoyed sorry for the vent. Oh and I grew another inch last night and my DH snoring is driving me nuts... he is snoring in my ear right now.
  7. cheriek

    cheriek Well-Known Member

    gotta love them:) sounds like you have 2 to stress for u :lol: im sure they are enjoying all the planning:)
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