Flipping out during diaper changes

Discussion in 'The Toddler Years(1-3)' started by imlodog, Dec 18, 2007.

  1. imlodog

    imlodog Well-Known Member

    this has been going on for a little while now and i am at my wits end. my dd and ds both flip out during diaper changes. i mean, crying, flipping all over the place, screaming. there are rare times that i can distract them w/ something...but it doesn't always work. i then just try to get them changed as quickly as possible. they also do this sometimes when getting dressed.

    the worst part is my ds will completely meltdown at my feet while i'm changing my dd's diaper?!?!?!? one time even biting my foot!!! i don't know why he is doing this? is it a phase?

    any tips or advice would be appreciated.

  2. TwinLove

    TwinLove Well-Known Member

    QUOTE(imlodog @ Dec 18 2007, 07:34 PM) [snapback]539653[/snapback]
    the worst part is my ds will completely meltdown at my feet while i'm changing my dd's diaper?!?!?!? one time even biting my foot!!! i don't know why he is doing this? is it a phase?

    It better be a phase! The one thing I do notice, there is only one lady he loves more then me, and that's Angie. If I am changing her diaper, anything that I do that makes her cry, he will come to her and try and "rescue" her. :rolleyes: So I'm guessing that's what's going with the feet biting. It's a sweet jesture, Lo, don't you see?? <_<
    I really just try and distract them and get it done as quick as possible. I do try and change them in the family room because the TV seems to be the best distraction. I have also given them a wipe and they wipe their hands, face, etc. and that keeps them busy for 1.2 secs. No other advice, sorry...hopefully it will just pass soon. :hug99: I know it's frustrating!!
  3. dfaut

    dfaut 30,000-Post Club

    They are doing the ol' SCISSOR KICK GRAB and FLIP?!! I remember it well. It IS a phase!! It will pass!! :hug99:
  4. rematuska

    rematuska Well-Known Member

    I'm so glad to hear it's a phase! Same here - one is doing this, the other probably will start as soon as I finish typing, and Mag never did. :search:
  5. seamusnicholas

    seamusnicholas Well-Known Member

    Hate it! I have to use extreme force!
  6. DATJMom

    DATJMom Well-Known Member

    QUOTE(seamusnicholas @ Dec 19 2007, 02:18 AM) [snapback]539805[/snapback]
    Hate it! I have to use extreme force!

    Same here. I dread bathtime because that means that I have to diaper and dress 2 resistant babies who do the scissor, kick and flip mentioned above.
  7. MichelleS

    MichelleS Well-Known Member

    It is definitely just a phase but a frustrating one. Something that was suggested here years ago but worked for us when ours were going through that phase was to change them on the floor. And, if they really wiggled I'd put my leg over them to hold them down. It still gave them some room to wiggle but did contain them while keeping goth hands free to change them quicker.
  8. koozie

    koozie Well-Known Member

    I save adult, safe items from our bathroom and around the house to give them on the changing table. And only on the changing table.
    Some examples are: my christmas necklace with a bell on it; plastic soap dispensers that they can open & close, plastic toothbrush holders that they can blow through (there is a hole in the bottom), adult barrets and hair clips, a wisk from the kitchen, etc. etc. I let them play with them on the table, then take away as soom as we are done. It works very well! They know they are adult items so they are fascinated and calm.
    I also sing to them (itsy bitsty spider, row-row-row-your-boat, do-re-mi, etc.).
  9. DATJMom

    DATJMom Well-Known Member

    QUOTE(koozie @ Dec 19 2007, 02:45 AM) [snapback]539852[/snapback]
    I save adult, safe items from our bathroom and around the house to give them on the changing table. And only on the changing table.
    Some examples are: my christmas necklace with a bell on it; plastic soap dispensers that they can open & close, plastic toothbrush holders that they can blow through (there is a hole in the bottom), adult barrets and hair clips, a wisk from the kitchen, etc. etc. I let them play with them on the table, then take away as soom as we are done. It works very well! They know they are adult items so they are fascinated and calm.
    I also sing to them (itsy bitsty spider, row-row-row-your-boat, do-re-mi, etc.).

    I am totally going to try this. Mine are fascinated with what they cant have. But under supervion...ah the possibilites :lol:
  10. Overachiever

    Overachiever Well-Known Member

    QUOTE(koozie @ Dec 18 2007, 09:45 PM) [snapback]539852[/snapback]
    I save adult, safe items from our bathroom and around the house to give them on the changing table. And only on the changing table.
    Some examples are: my christmas necklace with a bell on it; plastic soap dispensers that they can open & close, plastic toothbrush holders that they can blow through (there is a hole in the bottom), adult barrets and hair clips, a wisk from the kitchen, etc. etc. I let them play with them on the table, then take away as soom as we are done. It works very well! They know they are adult items so they are fascinated and calm.
    I also sing to them (itsy bitsty spider, row-row-row-your-boat, do-re-mi, etc.).

    This is what I do. It doesn't always work, and prying the object from their hands can be a fight unto itself, but at least I can get the dang diaper on straight!

    I will say if you still use a changing table, you might want to change them on the floor till this phase passes. We had a terrible scare where Anni nearly launched herself head-first off the table -- I literally caught her in mid-air!! -- since then I'm giving up the table for awhile!
  11. natmarie

    natmarie Well-Known Member

    QUOTE(seamusnicholas @ Dec 18 2007, 08:18 PM) [snapback]539805[/snapback]
    Hate it! I have to use extreme force!

    Same here! I totally have to pin the one I am changing in hopes that the diaper is some what put on correctly. I remember DS being in a stage like this for a little while. It does pass...just wait to you get the stage where they want to dress themselves and it takes forever!
  12. Julia Hulsey

    Julia Hulsey Well-Known Member

    It is definitely just a phase but a frustrating one. Something that was suggested here years ago but worked for us when ours were going through that phase was to change them on the floor. And, if they really wiggled I'd put my leg over them to hold them down. It still gave them some room to wiggle but did contain them while keeping goth hands free to change them quicker.

    That is what we used to do.
  13. li li

    li li Well-Known Member

    you've already got some good advice from pp. the other thing i find helpful during these phases (yup they return) is to use pull-ups, particularly if there's another adult around. because they're expensive, they used to be my luxury at the end of the day once DH had bathed them. somehow even if i'm struggling with a regular diaper, a pull-up is more possible.
  14. Boni

    Boni Well-Known Member

    SOOOOOO glad to hear its only a phase.... phew. I break out in a sweat trying to change diapers or dressing.... But what i found works for me is that i have a toy that they only gt to play with when i change them... distracts them a bit longer
  15. imlodog

    imlodog Well-Known Member

    thanks girls! i have tried the "adult" toys - remote control usually works - i always tell them that it is only for diaper changes. then i have to pry it away from them and have a whole different tantrum to deal with. oh well...i guess i will just have to wait until this phase passes :)

    thanks for the great advice!

  16. koozie

    koozie Well-Known Member

    Believe it or not, mine totally surrender the item they were allowed to have on the changing tbale as soon as they are put down on the floor. I must be lucky.............. They must be just so glad to get off. :)
  17. naomi02

    naomi02 Well-Known Member

    My ds recently started this, too & one thing I noticed was that it was around the time the weather got colder.....I had been keeping the wipes in the window sill & I think they were just too cold. I also do the 'special toy' thing & it helps. I found some little kalaidascopes (sp?) at Pier One for a dollar & those have been great changing-time toys!
  18. TwinMom205

    TwinMom205 Well-Known Member

    Its a phase! I promise!

    Last year, I had to throw my leg over them to hold them to the floor so I could get a diaper changed. I swear, I could change a diaper under 5 seconds! lol Now, they lay themselves down when they want a new diaper! Its MUCH easier!

  19. AmynTony

    AmynTony Well-Known Member

    us too Lo - Ian kicks me and then grabs his poopy parts and it makes me want to scream! I usually tuck his legs under mine (I sit on the floor with the kids between my legs to change them and I put one leg under each of mine - otherwise its nearly impossible to change him without a good swat!
  20. RRTwins

    RRTwins Well-Known Member

    Thanks for providing a light at the end of this tunnel! We're going through the same thing and it's nice to know it will end at some point. We call it the "diaper olympics". Sometimes I win, sometimes I get kicked in the face. :)
  21. Ali M

    Ali M Well-Known Member

    Starting at about 10 months old, I began to change diapers while the girls were standing up. They'd be distracted by something they were doing at a table or couch and I'd have the diaper changed before they even noticed. I never had to deal with the fighting diaper changes phases because of this. :)
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