Flatness after helmet... mods please link to 1-5

Discussion in 'The First Year' started by nikki_0724, Dec 4, 2006.

  1. nikki_0724

    nikki_0724 Well-Known Member

    Looking from moms that childs head still had some flatness to it after the helmets. Brandon did the helmet thing and we were told his helmet was no longer usable but he didnt need it and his head looked great. I beg to differ but the orthtist says that the moms always disagree and it takes alot to convince us. He said if the ped said he needed it again they have no problem refitting him with a new one that fits. (ins covers 100%)
    Mu question is for the moms whos child.children were in helmets and are now out.
    Was there still some flatness to the head after the helmet came off for good.
    Did it resolve itself?

    Brandon turns one in a few days and Im worried that its never going to be 100% round...
    I'm thinking about haveing another helmet..I can see the flatness best if he has on a form fitting hat very noticible then. WOuld you re helmet?

    sorry for the rambeling and I hope you can make some sence out of this post. I dont remember when he had his helmet off when he got it or how long he wore it for....memory has not been right lately..

  2. nikki_0724

    nikki_0724 Well-Known Member

    Looking from moms that childs head still had some flatness to it after the helmets. Brandon did the helmet thing and we were told his helmet was no longer usable but he didnt need it and his head looked great. I beg to differ but the orthtist says that the moms always disagree and it takes alot to convince us. He said if the ped said he needed it again they have no problem refitting him with a new one that fits. (ins covers 100%)
    Mu question is for the moms whos child.children were in helmets and are now out.
    Was there still some flatness to the head after the helmet came off for good.
    Did it resolve itself?

    Brandon turns one in a few days and Im worried that its never going to be 100% round...
    I'm thinking about haveing another helmet..I can see the flatness best if he has on a form fitting hat very noticible then. WOuld you re helmet?

    sorry for the rambeling and I hope you can make some sence out of this post. I dont remember when he had his helmet off when he got it or how long he wore it for....memory has not been right lately..

  3. JDMummy

    JDMummy Well-Known Member

    Nikki: We didn't use the helmet but Patrick has had a lot of "home therapy" for his pretty flat head. It has rounded out quite a bit except for one place in the back and I am thinking it is not going to go completely round.

    I don't think everyone's head is really round anyway. Come to think of it, I have a small flat spot that you could set a tea cup on and so does my sister. And we were tummy sleepers so maybe some kids/people don't have round heads. Just thought I would add my $.2.
  4. dfaut

    dfaut 30,000-Post Club

    Nikki! I linked you to the Health Issues forum. It seems more appropriate than 1-5.

    Good luck with your questions!!
  5. Dianne

    Dianne Well-Known Member

    Do you know what his measurement was when he was done with the initial helmet? Kyle was 5mm and I do believe I have seen improvement since he finished but he 8 months when he was done. I am not sure what I would have decided if he was a year old when he graduated from the first helmet. I think the measurement would be my deciding factor. While mom's see almost everything the numbers are not biased.
  6. debid

    debid Well-Known Member

    Given their age, I doubt you'll get much out of a second helmet. The cranio specialist told me that it is common for babies to learn to pull the helmet off themselves sometime after 12 months. Because it would be a choking hazard to add a chin strap, they are done at that point. He was so right -- after they figured it out at 14 months, keeping them wearing the helmets they had worn without complaint for nearly 7 months was suddenly impossible. The growth rate also slows down pretty substantially in the second year so they go longer between adjustments.

    Even though we weren't able to get perfect results, I'm still very happy with the correction we did attain. They haven't been out long enough to know if there will be any additional natural correction but they are no longer having the neck issues that caused the problem in the first place so it won't get worse.
  7. 2peeps4jen

    2peeps4jen Well-Known Member

    For us, their heads weren't perfect, but they were noticeably better. Did they take a mold of his head before the helmet? They did for us and it was easy to see the difference.

    Again - their heads aren't perfect - but they are better than they were. They'll get more hair, too and that will help.
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