Flat spots

Discussion in 'The First Year' started by twins2008, Jul 18, 2008.

  1. twins2008

    twins2008 Well-Known Member

    I was just wondering if flat spots round out again. I have been trying to do more tummy time, holding time, and switching between floor, bouncy, and swing. My DS is starting to get one now and my DD has had one because of her torticullos (sp?). Will it get better?

  2. kristinmsn

    kristinmsn Well-Known Member

    Great question! I was wondering the same thing. My girls are the same age and one has a pretty significant flat spot. She resists when I try to position her head to the other side.
  3. seamusnicholas

    seamusnicholas Well-Known Member

    My son had torticollis and was diagnosed at 8 weeks. At that time he began pt and around 4 months, I became concerned about his flat spot. We did a ton of tummy time but I did not see much improvement. I took him to get measurements for a helmet around 5 months and he was mild/moderate so he did not need one. As the tort. improved during the next few months, his flat spot got so much better. He actually has a ton of hair so it is hard to tell but I know that my other son has a perfectly round head and my son who had the tort does not. Nobody would know but me but again, it really improved and rounded out for the most part. He was lucky, it does not always so I would just keep an eye on it.
  4. JDMummy

    JDMummy Well-Known Member

    We keep Patrick off his head and at night he slept with a Boppy Noggin Nest which I also put in his swing. It improved and you never even know he had a flat spot on his head now. He is very round! :)
  5. nikki_0724

    nikki_0724 Well-Known Member

    My son had torticollis that we went to PT for and he also had a helmet. it rounded out a bit but he does not have a totally round head like his brother.
  6. 4kidsmomexpectingtwins

    4kidsmomexpectingtwins Well-Known Member

    My mother said that I had a flat spot on my head until I was old enough to sit up and not be on my back so much. She said no matter what she did, I wouldn't trade sides to help round it out! I probably had undiagnosed torticollis. It did end up rounding out eventually. I believe DS#2 has it and will be checking with the doctor when he goes in for his 2 month checkup. I have begun to change my way of feeding him so he has to turn his neck the direction that he doesn't like, and I also moved his bed toy to the other side of his crib so he will be more apt to turn his head. I changed sides of his crib for him to sleep as well. You may want to try some of these tricks or see when it is that he favors that side and find a way to change it. Good luck... wish I could be more help.
  7. pamallhoney

    pamallhoney Well-Known Member

    QUOTE(Sarah© @ Jul 19 2008, 08:10 AM) [snapback]884575[/snapback]
    We keep Patrick off his head and at night he slept with a Boppy Noggin Nest which I also put in his swing. It improved and you never even know he had a flat spot on his head now. He is very round! :)

    Thanks for mentioning about the Boppy Noggin Nest! My mom is going to Pottery Barn Kids today and picking me up a couple. My other kids really liked belly time (they were mostly belly sleepers). Now with the twins who are back sleepers they can't stand belly time. It's funny that they have likes and dislikes/opinions at such an early age.
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