flat heads

Discussion in 'The First Year' started by flygirlcdh, Sep 20, 2009.

  1. flygirlcdh

    flygirlcdh Well-Known Member

    My identical twin boys (now 12 weeks old) came home from the hospital with different shaped heads. Over the last couple weeks the flat spot on the back has gotten worse. While looking up information on it I realized they both have plagiocephaly. Connor has Plagiocephaly Head Shape and Caleb has Brachycephaly Head Shape. Not as severe as the pictures I looked at but enough that I didn't need to look at their heads to know easily which had what. Ok now for my questions...
    1. Their next appointment is at 4 months, should I ask the doctor for a referal then (assuming it hasn't gotten better) or wait til they are 6 months?
    2. Once their heads go to normal will they have the same head shape? (really a question for anyone who has had this happen to their id twins)
    3. I ordered 2 noggin nests for them. Do these actually help?
    4. They sleep in bouncers at night. Should I put them on the noggin nests at night too, or just when I'm awake? And would them sleeping in a play pen instead help or not make a difference?
    They are in their bumbos and doing tummy time as much as they will stand to keep them off their heads during the day. And also have them on boppies during the day to sleep some to make it softer for them.
    5. Is their anything else I could do to try and keep it from getting worse or even to help improve this?

    If case anyone is interested I found out what type they have from this website: http://www.cranialtech.com/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=317:eek:nline-assessment-step-1&catid=95:my-babys-head-shape&Itemid=70

    TIA (sorry this got long)
  2. busymomof3

    busymomof3 Well-Known Member

    My boys both had mishapen heads. My physio told us to make sure to prop them on the side of their heads that isn't flat. We have done this and it had made a big difference. Especially during sleep you want to keep the pressure off the side that has flattened out already. I would talk to your doctor about it at your next appointment. I would also try putting them to sleep laying flat on their backs, this may also alter the pressure points.
  3. DATJMom

    DATJMom Well-Known Member

    I would make an appt with your Ped to discuss treatment options. The sooner you address the flat head issue, the sooner you will see results. Both of my cousins twins wore helmets and she wishes she would have started the process sooner.
  4. rajeshris

    rajeshris Well-Known Member

    I would at least get the conversation going. Most babies resolve on their own--especially if you do the repositioning techniques, but if they do need helmets, rather know sooner than later. One of my boys fixed on his own, the other needs to have a helmet--which we are getting in 2 weeks. They are 4 months adjusted (7 months actual). The physical therapists we were referred to are great. They scan their heads and then you can take them back in a month to see if it is improving or getting worse. In our case, after two months of checking, there was no change, so they said it probalby wouldn't get better on its own...so we are goign with the helmet. Good luck!
  5. jnholman

    jnholman Well-Known Member

    One of my boys had a flat spot. It was getting worse even with the repositioning. So, I put the activity mat on the couch (we have hardwood floors and I am sitting right there so he does not fall off) and I turned him to sleep on his belly. SO MUCH BETTER!

    I mentioned it to the Dr at the 2 month appt and by his 4 month appt, the Dr was very happy with the changes.

    Have you tried an incline to sleep positioner? I used that before I rolled him over.

  6. flygirlcdh

    flygirlcdh Well-Known Member

    I'm really not so worried about the flat spots as I have just started to notice them, but as the shape of their heads. They are way off from the shape of a normal babies head. One still has his cone shape head as bad as when he came out and hasn't gotten any better. Can this be resolved with everything I'm trying? Thanks for all of your responses.
  7. mrschenoweth

    mrschenoweth Well-Known Member

    Hi Courtney.

    When my babies were 2.5 months I noticed their flat heads and I was on here asking the same thing as you: should I wait until their 4 month appt. to ask the dr. about it? The overwhelming response was NO! The sooner you get them in there, the better. And I am SO GLAD I did! Turned out by babies had torticollis and needed PT. Definitely get the ball rolling on this. I think it will make a big difference.

    As for your other questions about noggin nest and head shapes for id twins, sorry, don't have any experience with those. I'm sure you've come across repositioning strategies in your search...those work pretty well.

    Good luck! :)
  8. seamusnicholas

    seamusnicholas Well-Known Member

  9. flygirlcdh

    flygirlcdh Well-Known Member

    I know I need to get them in their cribs and want to only I can't let them out of my room yet. I would be up all through the night checking on them. I'm so afraid of SIDS and like just being able to look down at them and know they are alright. They sleep really well at night 8 or 9 pm to about 5 or 530. Also I like to keep them inclined because they spit up A LOT and choke at least a couple times a week. And if they were in the other room I'm afraid I wouldn't hear them through the moniter. I only know when it happens at night because I hear them thrashing, hitting the sides of their bouncers because they can't breathe.
  10. seamusnicholas

    seamusnicholas Well-Known Member

    I totally understand. Mine had reflux and that is another reason I kept him in his car seat.

    For now, just try to focus on it during the day and the noggin nest will be good too.
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