Flat head help prior to needing a helmet....

Discussion in 'The First Year' started by watersurfers, Sep 20, 2009.

  1. watersurfers

    watersurfers Well-Known Member

    My son is developing a significant flat spot. He is 9 weeks old. I am working on turning him to the opposite side more, using rolled up cloth diapers. We will see how it goes. A friend recommended we try either the Boppy Noggin or the Infant Head Bed, which are designed to help with flat head syndrome. Has anyone tried any of these sort of things and had luck? I really want to aggressively try to avoid the helmet thing if I can, but during the day it is really hard to always hold him or sling him, since I have two infants and a toddler....
  2. mrschenoweth

    mrschenoweth Well-Known Member

    My babies have flat heads too due to torticollis. We never tried the noggin nest or infant head bed. We tried to do the rolled up towel thing but that didn't work for us because they would squirm and fight until they could turn their heads the direction they wanted. The thing that helped us the most was physical therapy for the torticollis. After a few weeks of that they started turning their heads the other direction on their own. We also repositioned them constantly the best we could. We would place them so they would want to turn their heads the other direction because there was nothing interesting on the other side.

    Do your babies have a flat side because they prefer to turn one direction? If so, maybe talk to your pedi about torticollis. Good job for catching this early! The earlier, the better. Aggressive repositioning can be very effective. Good luck!
  3. SC_Amy

    SC_Amy Well-Known Member

    I'd check with your pedi to see what they recommend.
  4. tinalb

    tinalb Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    I don't have any experience with either of those products, but I would definitely bring it up at your next pedi visit & see what they recommend! Good job for catching it early!
  5. seamusnicholas

    seamusnicholas Well-Known Member

    My son had torticollis and I noticed his head was getting really flat around 4 months. I put the noggin nest in his swing and bouncy when he was in those. It was around that time that we also began PT and stretching at home and feeding him so he had to turn his head and placing him on his side in his crib. So I am sure it was a combo of all those things that did not worsen the situation. My son was measured for a helmet and the results were mild/moderate so he did not need one. I think the noggin nest cant hurt.
  6. becky5

    becky5 Guest

    We used the Noggin Nest, but only for the carseat. The rest of the time was spent repositioning so that they would not be laying on the flat spot. GL, ours did correct itself.
  7. nikki_0724

    nikki_0724 Well-Known Member

    We used the Noggine Nest and a similar from Pottary Barn. Ty's he was flat in the back from sleeping on his back. At 4 months I started using a Noggin nest where ever he was sitting or laying. They say not to use it while sleeping in the crib but I did. I felt ok doing so because he didnt move all over when sleeping and I have him on an Angel Care Monitor. With in 2 months his hard we perfectly round. best product on the market IMO!! Only wish they had it when Brandon was a baby. He had a helmet and still has a flat head at 4 years old.
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