Fix my blankets!

Discussion in 'The Toddler Years(1-3)' started by Trishandthegirls, Jun 23, 2009.

  1. Trishandthegirls

    Trishandthegirls Well-Known Member

    Every night at some point, I am awakened by one or the other of my daughters yelling "I want mommy, I want mommy" in a panicked voice. I go running down the hall to find that the only thing wrong is she needs her blankets fixed. I am really and truly sick of being woken up at 1 or 2am every night to rearrange blankets. I'm fairly certain this is a real "problem" for the girls and not just an attention getting technique, because they happily fall asleep the instant I straighten out the blankets. Is anyone else having this problem? Any advice?

    If it helps imagine the situation, my girls currently sleep in tshirt and shorts pajamas and each have a small (maybe 24 inches by 24 inches) croched blanket and a larger quilt type blanket that covers their toddler bed but isn't big enough to tuck in. I think the fact that they have two blankets is causing some of the problem, because the two will get twisted up, or one will fall off but not the other. I'm also wondering if I need to get a larger thin blanket that could be tucked in so that the blanket doesn't end up on one side of the crib when they squirm and roll over. They don't sleep with a top sheet, but maybe I should get one of those too?

    Please help... I'm at my wit's end with this night time blanket fiasco.
  2. Snittens

    Snittens Well-Known Member

    Oh no, not fix my blankets! I feel like a soldier who hears a helicopter overhead and has a flashback! :wacko: What finally worked for me was to have a talk with Ainsley (it was mostly Ainsley) that Mommy has to sleep, when you scream like that, I think something is really wrong, like you are hurt. You are a big girl and can fix your own blankets. Hmmm... not sure if this will work at just turning two. Yes, she also fell back asleep after having her blanket fixed, but I did think it was a mixture of real problem and wanting me, (blanket needs to be fixed, didn't occur to her to fix it herself). Maybe show them how they can put blankets back on themselves?
  3. Stacy A.

    Stacy A. Well-Known Member

    We practiced with them fixing their own blankets before nap and bedtime for several days. We had them lay down, cover up and close their eyes and we turned the lights out. Then we moved their blankets around or pulled them to the bottom of the bed or made them hang off the bed. Then they got to open their eyes and try to fix their own blankets. We did it several times in a row until they got the hang of it. It became a game. Now, we only get those calls if the blankets have fallen out of the bed completely and they can't see them in the dark.
  4. mel&3

    mel&3 Well-Known Member

    Maybe a sleeping bag instead of blankets... just put it on top of the mattress. We went through this too, but we just used "parental intimidation" to get them to stop.
  5. MichelleL

    MichelleL Well-Known Member

    Can you get a thin twin sized blanket that will tuck under the bed? Otherwise, I love Stacy A's advice. :good:
  6. CHJH

    CHJH Well-Known Member

    I can TOTALLY relate. Around here it's: fix my blankets, clean my doggie's ear (Evan sucks on one of his stuffed doggies' ears and then complains because it's wet), I can't get my fuzzy on my bear (James sleeps with two stuffed bears, each of which MUST be covered with its own mini fuzzy blanket and then positioned to the left and right of his head), I need socks on (even when it's REALLY hot in our house), I need you to fix my blanket...and a personal favourite from last week, "I can't sleep because my Diego towel is in the laundry." What?! And my kids are only 27 months - what is it going to be like when they're 4 and have really good imaginations?!

  7. ruthjulia

    ruthjulia Well-Known Member

    UGH, YES! cameron does this to me pretty much every night (alisha sleeps right through the "MAAAAAMAAAAAAAA i need blankies on my back!!!")

    i do think it's toddler bed related because the times they have slept in a twin bed (on vacation or whatever) this is not an issue - i think the sheet stays tucked in. i keep saying i should get a twin sheet and blanket and fold them in half and tuck them all the way in, but haven't tried it yet.

    i may also have to try the "learn to fix your own blankie" strategy. let me know if you find something that works for you!
  8. LB

    LB Well-Known Member

    we go through this every single night!! It's really getting on my nerves. I truly think once I can get them twin beds this should stop. For me it's just been difficult to go bed shopping. I need to make it a priority. They use the blankie as a staller for going to bed..they will take it off and say, "cover up!" until I take the blankie away and threaten not to give it back. At least if they had a twin bed and real sheets/blanket it should stop.
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