Fisher Price Rainforest Bouncer?

Discussion in 'Pregnancy Help' started by agdgirl27, Nov 30, 2008.

  1. agdgirl27

    agdgirl27 Well-Known Member

    Do any of you have the rainforest bouncer? Do you like it? I just set mine up since my little boys will be arriving sooner and it seems like it vibrates hard. Let me know your thoughts.
  2. MNTwinSquared

    MNTwinSquared Well-Known Member

    We have the fisher price aquarium bouncer. WHen the baby is in it, the vibrations should be just fine. The weight helps. I don't have any issues with the one I have. The twins loved it.. Evan however isn't 'into' it. But, he does not need much to be happy. It was a lifesaver for the twins!
  3. twinnerbee

    twinnerbee Well-Known Member

    Mine love them, but you're right about the vibration. I didn't use that part for the first month. It's got a nice comfy incline, though...they've taken MANY naps in them. Someone gave us another type of graco bouncy and it is too upright. The babies didn't like it at all, but they really like the rainforest bouncies. My DD loves the waterfall light part, but my DS like to watch hers...i think it's too much for him when we put his on. I set them up near each other so he can look over at hers and they're both happy. More than anything else though, we just use it as a vibrating seat whn we sing or read to them.
  4. mamammbs2

    mamammbs2 Well-Known Member

    I have one I used for my son. He loved it and the incline is very nice! Seemed comfy for him to nap in. I plan to buy another for when the twins arrive. Enjoy!
  5. caba

    caba Banned

    We had those for my twins. They lived in them for the first few months of their life!! The vibrate isn't as strong when the weight of the baby is in them.
  6. tburke75

    tburke75 Well-Known Member

    So funny! My husband and I were just talking about getting another one! My twins love it. We actually registered for a different bouncy seat which we did get as a gift and that one is a total bust. We only had one, so my friend loaned us her rainforest bouncy seat and it is a lifesaver. I just started using the vibration and the interactive thing where the waterfall lights up and the monkey and the frog move around and it keeps them occupied for a while. They laugh and smile at it. I started facing the other bouncy seat toward the rainforest one (feet to feet) so both my twins can enjoy it because the interactive part has two sides (thank goodness). Definitely worth the $$!!
  7. HandsFull

    HandsFull Member

    By far the best purchase I made for my son!! He lived in that thing until he got too heavy that his butt was touching the floor, lol. I didnt use the vibration too much, he just liked to kick an play with the toys & look at the water fall, but it was good when he was a little gassy. I plan on buying one more so both of the twins will have one when they arrive!
  8. Heathermomof5

    Heathermomof5 Well-Known Member

    We have those and the vibration was too hard at first for my girls even with both girls in it together - our swing was too fast at first too !
  9. Specky

    Specky Well-Known Member

    We bought this bouncy at a twins club sale...and totally worth it! One of our sons spits up a bit, and if we can't hold him upright after feeding, this bouncy has worked great because of the incline! It doesn't crunch them, our babies are small. I don't use the vibration, mostly because I hate vibration...haha, but it does seem a bit strong for my little ones.
    I agree with the pp about the swing, I find ours swings to fast too...

    good luck! Hope everything goes well for you!
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