First time mom with fevers for the first time

Discussion in 'The Toddler Years(1-3)' started by Buttercup1, Sep 12, 2008.

  1. Buttercup1

    Buttercup1 Well-Known Member

    The girls have had colds since Wednesday night and on Thursday they had their 15 month appointment and received their MMR shots. They've had fevers since at least this morning of 100, temporally and 101.2 and 100.5 rectally tonight. They've got runny, stuffy noses and have been fussy and less active. One of them has been rubbing at her ear a little but she sometimes does that when she's tired. We've been giving them tylenol around the clock. So, no need to call the MD right? Am I doing everything I should? Anything else I should know/do?

  2. twinzmom2b

    twinzmom2b Well-Known Member

    Could the fever be related to the shots? My twins both reacted to the 15 month shots and those were the only ones they had a reaction too. They did run fevers and were just REALLY cranky. Reagan also got chicken pox from the vaccine. It was a rough round of shots.
  3. Flutterbymama

    Flutterbymama Well-Known Member

    QUOTE(Buttercup1 @ Sep 12 2008, 09:00 PM) [snapback]977851[/snapback]
    The girls have had colds since Wednesday night and on Thursday they had their 15 month appointment and received their MMR shots. They've had fevers since at least this morning of 100, temporally and 101.2 and 100.5 rectally tonight. They've got runny, stuffy noses and have been fussy and less active. One of them has been rubbing at her ear a little but she sometimes does that when she's tired. We've been giving them tylenol around the clock. So, no need to call the MD right? Am I doing everything I should? Anything else I should know/do?


    My ped says you don't really need to treat a fever unless it is making the child uncomfortable. I generally treat a fever at night so they can sleep but let it run its course when they're awake unless they're fussy then I medicate. You can alternate between Motrin and Tylenol every 3 hours if the Tylenol by itself is not working. I don't call unless the fever is above 103 and won't come down. I try to get mine to drink cool fluids to make sure they stay hydrated. I'm not sure a fever can dehydrate you but it makes me feel better. I think I remember my oldest running fever after the MMR too. Sounds like you're doing all that you can. Dr. Sears' website used to have a pretty comprehensive section on fevers if you want to read up on it. And run the humidifier to help with their stuffy noses.

    Good luck. I hope they feel better soon.

  4. MrsBQ02

    MrsBQ02 Well-Known Member

    ugh, I HATE fevers!!! Especially when they're so little, it's so hard to tell what's going on. My preference is to let fevers run as long as they don't get much over 102. Once it's much over 102, I'll medicate, or if it's lower and you can tell they don't feel good. Like Christy, I'll medicate before bed so they sleep comfortably. I also tend to give them motrin at night since it lasts longer. If it gets really high and the meds aren't bringing it down, put them in a lukewarm bath, that usually helps. The only thing I NEVER know is when to call the ped! Most likely, it's a viral thing and there's nothing you can do, but it's just so hard to know!!!

    Anyways, hope the little ones feel better soon!
  5. angie7

    angie7 Well-Known Member

    Those are mild fevers (scary but mild). It could very well be from the shots and must run their course. I don't treat fevers. It's the body natural defense against infection, by reducing fevers, you are not allowing the body to fight the infection and can prolong the infection and sometimes make it worse. I don't start to worry until it hits 103*. You can try luke warm baths and compresses. That seems to work well. Also hydrate, hydrate, hydrate. When running fevers, liquids are more important then food. Always offer drinks like water, juice, pedilyte, etc. If they have a runny nose milk can make it worse since it generates more mucus.
  6. CHJH

    CHJH Well-Known Member

    Sounds like you're doing everything right. Try to make sure they take lots of fluids (water and juice are better than milk when you have a cold - dairy can thicken mucous and make you more stuffed up). I find Baby Advil better than Tylenol - it lasts up to 8 hours, which is great overnight. A cool-mist humidifier and some Vics Vapo rub can help with sleeping when your children have colds - that's what we do. Also, Evan likes to have a pillow when he's stuffed up and it does seem to help a little (maybe it helps him drain?). James hates pillows.
  7. Buttercup1

    Buttercup1 Well-Known Member

    Thanks everyone, we made through our first fevers. They woke up without temps but they've still got colds which are making them fussy. Hopefully that will be better in a few days.
  8. delby23

    delby23 Well-Known Member

    We've had quite a few fevers around here...low grade and high. For fevers around 101-102 I usually give Motrin or Tylenol at night and if they are uncomfortable during the day. My DDs don't seem to be too affected by fevers lower than 101 so I normally let the fever run it's course. From experience I know that our pediatrican doesn't recommend we come in unless the fever is 103 or over or unless there are other symptoms with the fever that make it necessary for them to be seen by the pedi. Our girls have both had fevers related to certain vaccinations and if the fever isn't gone in 48 hours after the vaccination the pediatrician tells us to call to "check in" with the doctor (we haven't had to call...its always been gone within 1/2 days).
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