First shoes

Discussion in 'The Toddler Years(1-3)' started by Britten, Jun 4, 2008.

  1. Britten

    Britten Well-Known Member

    My mom was in town recently and complained that my girls never wear shoes. I thought they weren't supposed to wear shoes until they were walking. Mom says that it's supposed to help them learn.

    Baylinn has been pulling up for months and cruises but not yet taking her first steps alone. Breena is just now starting to pull up.

    So when should I head to Stride Rite? Now or do I wait until after the official walking starts?
  2. Tizzylish

    Tizzylish Active Member

    Actually, you are right. I think when we were kids docs told our mothers we needed hard soled shoes, peds are telling a different story now. They say barefoot or soft-soled shoes are the best for learning. We love, love, love Robeez. They are expensive but Target even has knock-offs of them now. Robeez are adorable and wash up so nice that I'm okay with spending the extra money. Pediped is another popular soft soled brand. I'm sure Stride Rite has soft infant shoes now too, I love their shoes for our older DD.

    Keep doing what you are doing!
  3. guestd

    guestd Well-Known Member

    Mine never really wore them until they walked. I would try, but they would just kick them off. It wasn't worth the fight. Even after they started walking, they preferred to be bare foot. Sometimes I think the shoes get in the way. I would make them wear shoes when we went somewhere, but at home they are usually bare foot unless we are outside, then they wear crocs.
  4. debid

    debid Well-Known Member

    It's a generational thing. When your mother was a baby, most doctors were telling mothers that they needed to put stiff, high-top shoes on their children to train them to hold their ankles straight. They passed this information along in some cases. The thought now is that barefoot is best except in cases where their feet could be injured and then a soft and flexible shoe is best. That's what we did and my boys LOVE shoes so I wouldn't worry about them accepting or rejecting shoes based on when they are introduced. Maybe get some Robeez as a compromise. Those won't hinder their progress but still give the "shoe" look.
  5. kcole

    kcole Well-Known Member

    I agree with the Robeez or the knock-off Robeez's at Target - soft-soled when they HAD to wear them and none the rest of the time.
  6. Babies4Susan

    Babies4Susan Well-Known Member

    We did soft-soled Robeez knockoffs, when they were starting to get confident I got them a pair of Stride Rites. Now I buy from wherever.
  7. Amanda

    Amanda Well-Known Member

    I agree w/ everyone. No need for anything aside from soft shoes at this point.
  8. DATJMom

    DATJMom Well-Known Member

    I used Robeez until they really started walking and we needed shoes to go outside in. I am a Stride Rite fan all the way once they start walking.
  9. MrsBQ02

    MrsBQ02 Well-Known Member

    We love the Target knock-offs! I still like them to wear those when they can, I think it's actually easier to walk without the bulky shoes. But now that they're walking- if they'll be walking "out in public" or at the church nursery, etc... they wear their Stride Rite sneakers for better protection. (though gracious, I was SHOCKED at how much those things cost! :eek: )
  10. naomi02

    naomi02 Well-Known Member

    You're right.....they say now barefoot is best till they're walking & then the soft soles. I personally like the Pedipeds. DS started walking during the summer & the Robeez made his feet sweat like crazy. I didn't want to spend the money on the Pediped at 1st & looked forever for sales or ebay....they just don't go down a whole lot in price. So I figured, at least they hold their value somewhat & saved the box so when she outgrew them I could re-sell them on ebay.
  11. mmhzmom

    mmhzmom Well-Known Member

    Barefoot is best! If you do want something on their feet, especially for outside, there are a lot of great soft leather shoes that do not have a sole and those are great. I think someone mentioned Robeez, there are lots of other brands that you can find on line as well. Just let your mom know that things have changed, not that she is wrong, but the knew recommendation is barefoot.
  12. Lisa R

    Lisa R Well-Known Member

    I agree with all the pp's about the generational changes.

    We were huge fans of Robeez at that point. I did buy the target brand but I found that they weren't as washable as the Robeez brand. We went camping when the kids were about 14 months old and the shoes got dirty. I tried to wash them and they were ruined. I bought the Robeez brand and we used them all the time. They were great in the summer when we went camping or out in the yard. My kids loved their shoes and since they had so many styles, we were able to get a style that fit each child. I'll never forget Aidan's "crabby shoes" (they had a little crab on the toes).

    Once they were walking well and we were spending more time outside, I bought each child a pair of sneakers. They still loved their Robeez but we were able to pick the more appropriate shoe depending on the situation.

    Good luck!
  13. Becca34

    Becca34 Well-Known Member

    Barefoot is best, no question. The recommendation has changed since we were kids...

    There is a seller on Ebay called "shoeszoo" that sells Robeez knockoffs that are great -- I just bought two pairs for each of my kiddos. They're both pulling up and cruising just a bit, but a long way from walking. Anything more than Robeez-type shoes would just hinder them at this point...although I do have a couple pairs of cute sandals just for pictures, LOL.
  14. NicoleT

    NicoleT Well-Known Member

    Mine didn't get their first pair of shoes until they started walking-- 11 months for DD and 12 months for DS. That is when we got them Stride Rites. You are the mom, I think you can thank your mom for her concern and then stick with your decision.
  15. AmynTony

    AmynTony Well-Known Member

    Stride Rites (first walkers) are VERY flexible now - they are not the soft soled like the Robeez (which I personally hate) but the Stride Rites we got for our 2 were so flexible I could bend them in half! They didn't wear them regularly unless we were outside - they were barefoot/socks in the house all the time...

    now they wear $10 Wal-Mart or Payless sneakers and Crocs...they only fit into their Stride Rites for about 3 months and DS chewed the soles off his so they're in their memory boxes now...
  16. ahmerl

    ahmerl Well-Known Member

    Ped i Peds rock, but not neccesary until they are walking. Jack and Lily started walking very early and have been very comfy in their cute little pedipeds. I obviously leave them barefoot as much as possible but we go out often and we live in FLA where it is 90 degrees and the ground is VERY VERY VERY hot!
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