First haircut!

Discussion in 'The First Year' started by JoannaD, May 24, 2011.

  1. JoannaD

    JoannaD Well-Known Member

    When did your twins get their haircut for the first time? Did you take them to a normal hair salon or a children's salon? Did you have your twins get their first haircut at the same time? C is in desperate need of a haircut. His bangs on in his eyes. E doesn't need a hair cut right now, but I feel like if I get C's cut, then I should get E's cleaned up as well. Especially with their birthday party coming up soon. I'm going to cry when we take them. They're growing up way too fast!

    Let's see pictures!
  2. eagleswings216

    eagleswings216 Well-Known Member

    My boys had their first haircut at 7 months. They have always had lots of hair - they really could have had it done around 6 months, but we put it off a bit. My mom does their haircuts - no way would they do well at a barber shop. We usually put something on TV they like and she snips their hair while they are watching (and I hold them on my lap if need be). Messy, but it gets the job done and is less stressful for me in the long run than trying to keep them calm at a shop.
  3. megkc03

    megkc03 Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    Nicholas always had more hair. And still does. He had his first haircut when he was 14 months old. Anthony, the poor kid, he still doesn't have much hair! His first haircut was exactly a year later, so he was 26 months old. And Annabella was around 20/21 months old.

    For their first haircut, I took them all to the same salon, where it is kid oriented and they get the piece of paper saying it's their first haircut and the first cut of their hair. :( Here is the album for Annabella: Annabella hair cut

    Nicholas: Nicholas first haircut

    Anthony: Anthony's first haircut

    Now my sister in law does the boys hair. I will probably still take Annabella to the salon. Her hair is a bit more difficult to deal with!
  4. Rollergiraffe

    Rollergiraffe Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    Mine were about 9 months. We did the local kid's place too where they give you a certificate and they get to ride in cars and watch movies. They were really good! And yes I cried like a fool :lol:


    Oh man, now I miss my little tiny babies.. where did they go?
  5. sdmommy

    sdmommy Well-Known Member

    My boys were about 4 months. Caleb was born with a full head of hair and by that time, his hair was too long all over and covering his eyes. I viewed a bunch of YouTube videos because I wanted to do it and it turned out just fine. I also cut Josh's hair a bit even though he didn't need it. Poor kid is almost bald to this day.
  6. MNTwinSquared

    MNTwinSquared Well-Known Member

    Mine were over 2 years old when they got their first haircut. I took them to a kids cut place and got a certificate. I made it a fun experience (I hope!) Warning: They age when you get their hair cut! ;)
  7. w101ttd

    w101ttd Well-Known Member

    Michelle's first hair cust was at 6 months. Nolan's was abit later.. I have cut their hair 4 times for Michelle and 3 times for Nolan. I am about to give Michelle another hair cut. Her hair grows like crazy. Her last one was just 2 weeks ago. this time I want to take her out to a shop. What shop should I take her??. TIA!
  8. cheezewhiz24

    cheezewhiz24 Well-Known Member TS Moderator

  9. MrsWright

    MrsWright Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    The boys were around 10 months:) My cousin does hair so she did it and we buzzed them and they did great!!!


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