First day of PTing

Discussion in 'The Toddler Years(1-3)' started by mooshie, Jul 11, 2009.

  1. mooshie

    mooshie Well-Known Member

    Well, now that we're back from camping and don't have any plans to go anywhere for quite some time I figured now would be a good time to start potty training my boys. They've both been excited about learning for a while, and they both have to have what the other has, so I decided to just do them both together. So, today after breakfast we got started. I showed them the Buzz Lightyear underwear, and the Cars potty seats, and they were SO excited! We (my DH has been here helping me thank goodness!) put them in the underware, and started takling to them about staying dry and all that jazz. We gave them plenty to drink, and then twin A peed on the bathroom floor. I expected this at some point and was glad it was on linolium and not carpet. So we cleaned it up, and talked about the difference between wet pants and dry pants and blah blah blah... They were taking it pretty well until about noon when they had each ad a few accidents, and were tired of the whole thing. Then twin A wouldn't even get up off the potty seat for fear of wetting his pants again, and twin B wouldn't get on the toilet even when he needed to for I'm not really sure what reason. Luckily by then it was lunch time, so we got them both cleaned up, fed them and put them down for a nap. After nap twin B woke up dry! :) Twin A woke up soaking wet. So we put all his clothing and bedding in the washer and gave them both a bath (like I said, they both have to have the same things!) Then the afternoon went on pretty much like earlier in the day with lots of accidents and tears. DH and I weren't yelling at them or anything. They're just so unhappy with this process, as am I at this point. Today we have already washed ALL of their underware (some more than once I think). I'm just glad it's bedtime because I'm exhausted from all the accidents and tears. I feel like I did it all wrong. But I'm also too stubourn to go back to diapers. I have this crazy fantasy that dispite today's dissapointments they will magically "get it" soon and this will all be but a bad memory. But what if I'm wrong and they never get it? :( I have 3 older children, and not once have I had a potty training day as bad as this. Now granted they both did go on the potty, but they usually followed that up with wetting their pants about a minute after they got up. I know that must mean they weren't really done the first time, but how long do they need to sit there with nothing comming out? I've never had that happen so much b-4.

    Anyway, I guess I just need to vent! I'm SO frustrated. I had such high hopes that things would go better due to their excitment. If anyone has some words of wisdom or advice I could really use it.
  2. AmynTony

    AmynTony Well-Known Member

    we just did this with my 3 year old son...we took away the diapers on a Sunday morning...He didn't make it to the potty at all on Sunday - Monday was one or 2 successes - by Tuesday I had him timed...if I took him to the potty every hour and a half he would pee - but I couldn't wait until an hour and 35 minutes because he'd have an it Friday he was telling us when he had to go and by that weekend he was pee trained and has had only one pee accident since (and it was when he was having a poop accident at the same time)...

    poop is a bit of a different story - we're at about a 60-75% success rate with poop at this point but he's getting better about it. I'm figuring another week or so until he's got the pooping down pat...

    oh and don't expect nap/night training for a while - that happens when the body's ready!
  3. Babies4Susan

    Babies4Susan Well-Known Member

    They are a little young. One of my DD's trained easily at 2 1/2, but the other one just wasn't ready. She didn't train until she was over 3. I tried training her at the same time (at 2 1/2) but it became apparent very quickly that she wasn't ready and it is not worth the stress of trying to train a child that just isn't ready.
  4. DATJMom

    DATJMom Well-Known Member

    Totally agree that they are young. However, we just trained our boys and one of them got it quickly and the other is stubborn. However, I wouldnt judge from one day how its gonna go. I would give them some more opportunities to make the connection. Give them lots to drink and maybe try naked training instead of underwear. I found that was much easier than trying to get pants off 2 kids in a jiffy. GL!
  5. Leighann

    Leighann Well-Known Member

    :hug: I hope they get it soon.
  6. Utopia122

    Utopia122 Well-Known Member

    Hugs to you. I can remember how frustrating that first week was for us. It gets better!!
  7. JDMummy

    JDMummy Well-Known Member

    It does it get better! They are young, you could just take a little time off and start again in a couple of weeks. Kevin was quicker but Pat already peed on the floor today, then told me about it and he is 3!

    :hug: :hug: We are here if you need to vent!
  8. mooshie

    mooshie Well-Known Member

    Thanks for the words of encouragement. I think that part of the stress was so many new things. They were overwhelmed. Today they've still had accidents, but they're fewer with much less screaming, and they both woke up dry after their nap. :) Soooo... I guess we'll just see how it goes for a while because they both seem to be happy with their progress as am I. :) Hopefully things will continue to improve and soon this will all be behind us. :)
  9. MichelleL

    MichelleL Well-Known Member

    If you're willing to stick with it, keep going! It took my girls 5 and 6 days to finally "get" it. Until then, I was pretty sure I needed to bang my head on a sharp object to relieve the stress.

    How is it going now? :hug: :hug:
  10. KYsweetheart

    KYsweetheart Well-Known Member

    I waited until their 3rd birthday. It really just clicked.
  11. AmynTony

    AmynTony Well-Known Member

    it does seem to go better after 3 I do agree with you...
  12. mooshie

    mooshie Well-Known Member

    Thanks! I'm glad I decided to stick with it because Twin B has TOTALLY got it!! He has been totally dry for 4 days straight now! :) And Twin A is doing really well! He has the occasional accident, but they're little ones where he didn't realize he had to go until he started, but no big messes on the floor. I figure I'll give him some more time and try not to get too frustrated. Wow! On day 1 I never thought it would turn out like this! It is much better than I had anticipated. :) Thanks for the support!
  13. shannonfilteau

    shannonfilteau Well-Known Member

    Our pediatrician said 'That most of the time IF you start at age 2 you'll be done be age 3; but if you start at age 3 you'll be done by age 3." I also read that girls are better at it than boys for whatever reason.
    I know how stubborn my two are with certain things so we chose to wait, but Good luck to you that's great that Twin A has it so far!
  14. mooshie

    mooshie Well-Known Member

    That's interresting. I'd never heard that b-4. Though maybe I'm glad I'd noe heard it b-4?

    Twin A is doing fabulously today (He's been improving all week)! (twin B got it first) He actually made it to the potty dry all day! :) So, I'm glad I decided to go for it and not give up after that first bad day. :) No more diapers is nice!

    Hopefully when you start with your twins it'll go well for you. :) Be sure to let us know.
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