First day of PT'ing (long)

Discussion in 'The Toddler Years(1-3)' started by Aeliza, Nov 8, 2010.

  1. Aeliza

    Aeliza Well-Known Member

    Well, it started out ok. I brought Kiefer to school with his diapers on, but his bag had his undies and change of clothes. He had two accidents and a few tries on the toilet. He did pee for the teachers a couple of times. We went home, and I tried him on the toilet too. It would have gone ok, but Cameron would not stop trying to flush the toilet, stick his head in front of Kiefer, play with the toilet paper, touch stuff on the sink. It was a mess! It was causing a bit of stress/tension from me so I put the undies back on Kiefer, let him wash his hands and we left the bathroom. They both wanted dinner as it was about 6:15. They got themselves buckled in to their boosters at the table and I gave them a cup of milk while I started their dinner. Kiefer was whining a bit as Cameron was annoying him. So, I gave them some cheese while they waited. That worked until it was done. Then I gave them another piece of cheese and that worked until it was done. Then a pretzel. I was making pasta so it was going to take some time.

    It was about that time that I had to try Kiefer on the potty again. I asked him if he'd like to try to peepee in the potty and he immediately covered his private area, turned away from me and started crying NO! He was actually really upset. He didn't even want to look at me. I don't know what happened. I never yelled at him. Even through Cameron's shenanigans in the bathroom I told him how proud I was of him for trying. I never raised my voice even at Cameron, but I think he was mad at me nonetheless. It got to the point he wouldn't even let me touch him or get near him. I let it go, though I was feeling a little hurt and confused why he was reacting this way.

    Cameron would not stop rocking in his chair despite my warnings. I didn't want him to tip the chair over, so I released him from his booster before he hurt himself. He was having fun, but not the fun I am comfortable with. At one point, just as I was about to serve the pasta, he got in front of Kiefer who was still in his booster and tried to unlock him. Kiefer was annoyed with him and was begging him not to play with his buckle. Kiefer grabbed Cameron's head and smacked it against the edge of the table. Sure that hurt Cameron, but there was no way I was putting up with that! So, I sent Kiefer to his room for time out. When I got him out 2 minutes later, he had a pee accident in his undies and was obviously a bit apprehensive about letting me change him still. He eventually did let me. I told him it was alright. I just put him in his diapers and jammies for the night. We did eat our dinner, but wow, what a mess!

    I think from now on, I'm going to have to not allow Cameron in the bathroom when Kiefer needs to pee. I'm hoping Kiefer feels better tomorrow and lets me continue to PT him. I'm going to do my best to keep Cameron out of the room so I can focus on Kiefer in peace. I'm still so proud of him for his first day. I told him so many times today. I hope he knows it.
  2. kingeomer

    kingeomer Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    I am glad that Kiefer had a decent first day but I just wanted to let you know that with my DS, when he is yelling "No!" when I ask him if he has to go, it usually means he has to go poo (rarely pee). My son is very good at telling us to "go away" when he has to go poo. I know it sounds weird, but he might have been telling you had to go. I am not sure why my DS likes to handle it that way, I guess he likes to us reverse psychology on me :unsure:
    Good luck and I hope he has an even better day 2!
  3. jjzollman

    jjzollman Well-Known Member

    And this is why I am such a lazy potty-trainer says the mom of 34-month-old not-yet-potty-trained little boys.

    Good for you for giving it a go - but don't feel like it *has* to happen right now. :hug:
  4. becasquared

    becasquared Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    Jori, only Alice is PTed in our house, Roycie wants NOTHING to do with it. They're what, 3 and a few months, almost 40 months? Alice is totally doing awesome. She's even telling me when she needs to go, which is way better than every hour and a half, us saying "Alice, let's go sit on the potty."
  5. tinalb

    tinalb Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    I hope today was an easier day for you!
  6. Aeliza

    Aeliza Well-Known Member

    Well, no tinkles in the potty. All accidents. But I suppose it takes time. I'm just going to be patient.
  7. maybell

    maybell Well-Known Member

    "just" run him into the potty when you see the accidents starting... 'pee pee goes in the potty'... that's your new mantra!

    I love the language of the 3-day potty training ebook that's on the internet. was worth the money for me to buy.

    anyway, for her method you have to concentrate totally on PTing for the full 3 days... its hard work for the few days until they get the hang of it. and YES, the bathroom is such a distraction. Even now I can't leave TP on the holder, I have to put it on the shelf behind the toilet... otherwise, half the roll will end up in the toilet and we'll get a stopped up toilet.

    and another HUGE distraction was the hand washing! they've finally after a couple months settled into washing hands nicely... but still sometimes they want more soap or less etc.

    enjoy the process! and praise praise praise!
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