First Birthday Parties

Discussion in 'The Toddler Years(1-3)' started by monique+2, Jul 19, 2008.

  1. monique+2

    monique+2 Well-Known Member

    My twins will be 1 soon and I want to have a big party for them(even though they won't remember it) I think it is a big deal. I was just wondering what kind of party to have and what things would entertain them. I plan to invite all the little kids i know between ages infant -6. Please give me some suggestions and birhtday themes and ideas that worked for you.
  2. gottagiggle&twins

    gottagiggle&twins Well-Known Member

    Our parks and recreation department here has an indoor park for kids 3 and under. I rented it out for two hours and invited our friends that have kids 3 and under. It was a big play date...they got to hang out and play on all sorts of different age appropriate toys. It turned out really awesome.
  3. plattsandra103

    plattsandra103 Well-Known Member

    i set out a ball pit, a smallish inflatable jumper (with a slide--borrowed from a cousin), a tunnel, excersaucer, riding toys, butcher paper and chalk (supervised by my teenage cousin), and had 2 bubble machines. the guests were 3 and under except for my 2 nieces who are 5 (they felt like queen bees). everyone had a great time....
  4. jpartlan

    jpartlan Active Member

    I agree with the inflatable bouncy thing. My sister had one and my boys loved it and they weren't walking yet. I would just say choose a time to get the older kids out and just let the babies bounce for a little bit.

    Also I accidentally got a cake with bright red frosting and it made my kids cheeks pink for a week but it made for GREAT pictures for my scrapbook. White frosting is a little boring, in the scrapbooks anyway. IMO. :D
  5. Kyrstyn

    Kyrstyn Well-Known Member

    Great Thread! I can't wait to read the responses!!
  6. b/gtwinmom07

    b/gtwinmom07 Well-Known Member

    We are having dalmations for our theme.

    Here are some other boy/girl themes
    Candy Lane
    Dr. Suess
    Beach Party

    I have more but can't find my list.

    We are going to fill a baby pool up with some stuff (they are on clearance right now - BRU has them for $4.50 ) and let them find little prizes
    A pinata is always fun
    We will pin the tail on the dog
    I want to have a few other activities for the one year olds but I haven't thought of any yet
    Goodie bags with lots of organic yummy things

    I am in the process of making their invitations
  7. benderboys

    benderboys Well-Known Member

    I did a breakfast birthday party for my boys 1st bday. I guess the theme would be my 2 little monkeys...but, I kept the party short, around 2 hours, so everyone could home in time for a little lunch and a good PM nap. We did french toast that I put on skewers with bananas and strawberries and other "monkey" sounding type food. It was pretty simple and there were more adults there than kids. But, the kids had a great time in the playroom. For favors I did chinese take out cartons with monkey and banana stickers and put either cupcakes or cookies in them.
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