Finger foods

Discussion in 'The Toddler Years(1-3)' started by AZBabes, Dec 20, 2007.

  1. AZBabes

    AZBabes Member

    I am posting here about my 10.5 month olds. They have been great eaters up till now and still are. However, they are really enjoying feeding themselves finger foods (DD basically refuses the anything on a spoon) which is quite fun for us all but I am having a hard time with vegetables...little potato cubes (hash brown style), peas, cubed carrots (on a really good day) are about all I can get them to eat. Even the sweet potato and squash they use to love I cannot seem to cube up and get them to eat. They love their fruits and toast, pancakes, pasta with tomato sauce, Cheerios, etc. I am thinking of broccoli/cauliflower is cheese sauce but they didn't like them pureed...

    What about beans? When did you give them and what type - yellow/green or kidney/black-eyed?

    Any ideas would be great!
  2. rematuska

    rematuska Well-Known Member

    The only veggie I could get mine to do for a while, and still some days, is sweet potato fries. We also do shredded carrots. Mine still won't do beans.
  3. rheamay

    rheamay Well-Known Member

    mine at that age liked lima beans & green beans. They still don't much like kidney beans and the like. Oh they really liked garbanzo beans, too.
  4. aimeemolloy

    aimeemolloy Well-Known Member

    what about Broccoli? My son used to call them "trees" He loved them
  5. Cathmar

    Cathmar Well-Known Member

    My girls have loved broccoli for a few months now too. When they first started eating them, I just overcooked them a bit so they were easy to chew and I also cut off the bottoms (they seemed like choking hazards). Now that they ahve more teeth, I don't overcook them as much, but I still remove the bottoms. I sware to you, they LOVE them. They try to grab them out of each others hands. My nephew loves broccoli too....he's 3.
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