Finger foods

Discussion in 'The First Year' started by mandywellman, Dec 15, 2010.

  1. mandywellman

    mandywellman Well-Known Member

    Girls are at 8.5 months...THEY were nott to big on baby food...but everytime i would eat they woudl want it! So about two weeks ago i started giving them food they can pick up them selves..if i give it to them on a spoon i can forget it they will not eat it!

    i have already given them
    grilled chz
    green beans
    mac and chz
    all the baby snacks...cherrios, puffs, etc

    but just wanted some mroe ideas of things i can give them that are quick for me to make and easy for them to pick up and eat!??

    TIA TIA TIA!! :)
  2. Rollergiraffe

    Rollergiraffe Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    My kids LOVED kidney beans. If you get them from a can rinse them really well as they have a fair amount of salt, but they're a good source of iron.

    Any kind of diced fruit or veggie works (steam the veggies so they're soft)... peaches, mangoes, kiwis, squash, broccoli, snap peas, red peppers
    berries... blueberries, raspberries
    Different pasta shapes with a bit of tomato sauce, butter, or just seasonings like oregano
    Diced or shredded meats

    Basically, once you're at this stage you can feed them anything you eat. I always just set some aside before I put too much spice or sauce on it.. we like things a lot spicier than the kids can handle!
  3. E's 3

    E's 3 Well-Known Member

    Everything the PP said. I also set things aside for them when I'm cooing before it gets too spicy or saucy so they are eating what we're eating at almost every meal.

    Also, cheese, chicken fingers, avocado, tofu, chickpeas (cut in half and with he 'skin' removed as I'm afraid they will choke on them whole), scrambled eggs, french toast and pancakes (they LOVE these and so do I!), baked sweet potato and white potato. That's all I can think to add right now :).
  4. lisagayle

    lisagayle Well-Known Member

    I just got on to ask this same question! Mine aren't quite 8 months but are pretty good movers and shakers. Neither one will take baby food from a spoon either. However if we give them small snacks they will eat them like champs.
  5. E's 3

    E's 3 Well-Known Member

    I thought of something else I do All my kids love the Healthy Bake multi-grain fish sticks from Highliner and they have loved any fish I have given them steamed, especially salmon.
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