Finger foods

Discussion in 'The Toddler Years(1-3)' started by JoellePotter, Aug 10, 2010.

  1. JoellePotter

    JoellePotter Well-Known Member

    My boys are 1 year and almost 2 weeks old (however were 29 weekers). They've never really done well with baby food. Lately I've started giving them tastes of our food. They seem to really enjoy fries (I know, not the healthiest) and waffles (no syrup). I've tried a little bit of mashed potatoes, but they really didn't like it. Wyatt seems to have a problem with the textures, while Riley isn't as picky. I'm looking for suggestions of other simple foods to give them to try. I worry a lot about choking hazardous foods. I'm still trying the baby foods, but they still don't consume much of it. Since switching from Similac Neosure formula with rice cereal to milk they have become hungry way more often, so I added the rice cereal back into their bottles and it's helped keep them fuller longer, but also looking for other things to incorporate into the days.

    Mornings, I've been doing their bottles as well as some waffles (now they aren't the best at swallowing it all, but still know what to do with it, just a lot happens to make it every where else) and baby food (usually banana cause that's what they'll eat w/ no problems).

    Then there's another bottle about 4 hours later

    Another baby food if I can get them to eat it

    And another bottle or 2 before bed.

    At 11 months, they were down to 3 - 8 oz bottles w/ rice cereal in them. Now their bottles are all over the place.

    Just looking for some suggestions!
  2. miss_bossy18

    miss_bossy18 Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    i had a lot of success with toast spread with a veggie or fruit puree & cut into strips. that was my go to finger food for months!
  3. megkc03

    megkc03 Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    Hmmm...Here's what I would try...

    -yogurt(put it in a bowl and give them a spoon I went and bought deep spoons for them at this age-worked wonders!)
    -cereal/milk(again-deep spoon helps)
    -scrambled eggs
    -hardboiled eggs
    -toast/english muffins/bagels(you could put pureed baby fruit on them as a topping)

    -deli meats
    -ground chicken with maybe some gravy mixed in(I have a yummy chicken croquette recipe!)
    -pbj sandwiches
    -fruit(strawberries, blueberries, watermelon, honey dew, etc)

    Good luck! I know it can't be easy! :hug: FWIW, Annabella was AWFUL with baby food, but did really well on table foods.
  4. heathertwins

    heathertwins Well-Known Member

    I know some preemies can have some textural issues so I "wonder" (dont' know for sure) if it would be best to really expose them to textures to prevent them from avoiding them later on ?? Again, I don't know maybe another preemie twin mom might have a different opinion.

    With my singleton she is an eater and I love it, BUT SHE has to feed herself. She will starve before you give her a spoon unless she gets to hold it.

    My twins were fussy eaters and still are. Low weight issues with one of them still. If you are book person I love "Child of mine: feeding with love and good sense" very well written and everyone gets something out of the book.

    For food....

    Omlettes with fine veggies & meat inside, hotdogs cut in half and into small pieces, cooked mixed veggies from the freezer (rinse under cool water and ready to eat), avocado, pancakes,
    mashed leftover veggies.

    Even if they don't eat it the first time, just keep serving it and leave it on their plates and do this for 2 weeks -- they start to get familiar with it and then will start to eat it. In the early stages they put things in their mouth and take them out and it is part of exploring and being familiar with the item. it can take up to 20 exposure to a food before a child will eat certain foods.

    Plus I saw someone else posted a thread on finger foods you might want to check out.

  5. kingeomer

    kingeomer Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    I think Meaghan pretty much covered my suggestions but I also just wanted to provide a link to the thread that Heather was talking about Finger foods thread

    Good luck!
  6. slugrad1998

    slugrad1998 Well-Known Member

    Mine still don't like mashed potatoes! When they were first starting out, mine did great on eggs, string cheese broken into pieces, bananas, ripe peaches. Anything cut small enough they should be able to handle without choking if they are handling waffles, etc.

    Another thought is that instead of putting rice cereal back in their milk you could add in a snack. We will do a snack mid morning and mid afternoon of puffs/crackers/yogurt melts/raisins, etc to get them through to the next meal.
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