Finding time for fun.....

Discussion in 'The Toddler Years(1-3)' started by jjzollman, Dec 22, 2009.

  1. jjzollman

    jjzollman Well-Known Member

    Sometimes I feel like we get so caught up in the day to day, mundane things: don't hit the dog, don't hit your brother, don't hit ME, don't throw your toys, pick up your toys, time to eat, time to change your diapers, time to take a bath, naptime, bedtime, it's okay, you're okay, don't cry, come sit on mommy's lap, give your brother a hug, say sorry, give him back his blankey, leave the dog alone - she's sleeping, it isn't time for milk - you can have water - NO want wawee, want MILK, etc. that an entire day can pass and I feel like there wasn't any time for fun! :(

    Shared activities (blocks, legos, Little People, cars, etc.) seem to turn into an argument - fighting over who sits on my lap (b/c they don't think there is space for two :lol:), whose cars are whose, who gets to push this button or that button, who gets to knock the block tower over this time, etc. - and when I try to do something individual (just read one a story) I always end up with 2 more on my lap! :laughing: We do silly games, sing songs, play chase, dance to music, tickle and tackle, hide and seek, etc. - but in comparison to the amount of time I spend "fixing" problems, it seems like there are just not enough fun things happening. :(

    Is it just the age? 2 (almost) 2-year-olds (plus a 5.5 year old)? :faint:

    What do you do to have fun with your kids? How do you work it in among all of the other stuff?

    Thanks for sharing! :)
  2. ldrane

    ldrane Well-Known Member

    GET OUT OF THE HOUSE!!! Seriously, that keeps the sanity. We are really involved in a mom's group (playgroup). We do things with them 2-3x a week and it really breaks up the monotony. If we stay home day in and day out, I hear the fighting, crying, whining, etc...more often. Getting out has helped us so much.
  3. brandycaviness

    brandycaviness Well-Known Member

    I agree with Laura. A change of scenery can do wonders!!!
  4. twinboys07

    twinboys07 Well-Known Member

    I agree - a change of scenery, or a visit from a friend. Both will bring out the best in my boys, for awhile at least. ;)
  5. jjzollman

    jjzollman Well-Known Member

    Thanks, ladies! :)

    I think some of my feelings come from going back to work in August, so I'm always feeling like the time spent with them is when they are at their "worst" - early mornings and 4:00 p.m. on. I will make more of an effort to get out and about on the weekends; sometimes it is just such an effort to get us all out the door that I don't do it. We're on break now for 2-weeks (I'm a teacher), so I'll definitely try to get out of the house a bit more over these 2 weeks!
  6. Two_more_cookies

    Two_more_cookies Well-Known Member

    The thought of getting the kids out especially in the winter (boots, coats, hat, mittens) makes me tired at 33 weeks preggo, but we try to do it when we can. Before we leave the house I tell them where we are going and that I will need them to be good listeners or we will be returning home immediately. They get the picture and we usually have a great time. We went to the children's library a few days ago and they did great. There are toys to play with and stuff to color. We were there for about an hour and went home. It was a nice short outing for them.

    I hope no one shoots me for this but before John & Kate got really commercial I admired the short little trips they would take as a family. I figured if she can do it with 8 I can do it with two. Just set expectations before you leave provide swift and immediate consequences if they misbehave.

    You can do it...just take a deep breath and go!

  7. DATJMom

    DATJMom Well-Known Member

    Yep, we get out. But I am home during the day so I have a lot more time for that. How about a walk when you get home before dinner, if its not freezing?? And get out on the weekends. We are definitely still in the day to day mundane stuff, but it is getting better. Thank goodness.
  8. Minette

    Minette Well-Known Member

    I also work FT and there isn't much time for fun on weekdays. (Especially not at that age -- now that they stay up a little later [at age 4], we can at least go out to dinner once in awhile or play a game after dinner.) But we always get out for activities on the weekends.

    This aspect of our lives has gotten a lot easier and more rewarding as they've gotten older. With toddlers it was very minute-to-minute, but now we can do things like decide on Friday that we're going to bake cookies on Saturday, and then actually do it! They enjoy the planning and anticipation (and talking about it afterwards) as much as the activity itself, which makes it seem much more worthwhile to spend the time that goes into organizing a purely "fun" activity.

    So, hang in there! And also remember that with toddlers, the time you spend singing silly songs, reading books, etc., is fun time to them, even if it comes in 2-minute segments.
  9. cricket1

    cricket1 Well-Known Member

    Get out of the house. Even if it is just outside (if you can). And it is a phase. It has only been in the last year (they are 5.5) that I find us not only staying home alot but perfectly happy and (mostly) playing well together with the need to ocassionally seperate them. It may also be just being home from day care. I work three days and on those day and the first day I was off at that age they were so much worse as far as pushing the limits, pushing my and each others buttons and just plain being more sensitive.

    Also pay attention to your mood. If I responded negativly to them and what they were doing it was like a huge downward spiral.

    Personally the last half of year two and year three were out most difficult. :youcandoit:
  10. jjzollman

    jjzollman Well-Known Member

    Thanks everyone!

    I'm sure part of it is just the work-week rut. :( Nothing much to do about that except enjoy the heck out of our summers and long breaks! :)

    I will definitely make more of an effort to get out and about on the weekends, though.

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