Finally Sleeping til 7am

Discussion in 'The Toddler Years(1-3)' started by TXCowboys, Aug 18, 2009.

  1. TXCowboys

    TXCowboys Member


    Just a quick note to say thank you for the advise on the "new and improved" routine! Now, the boys are sleeping until 7am. Also, taking one nap a day

    Y'all are the BEST!!
  2. TwinLove

    TwinLove Well-Known Member

    Shelley, that is terrific news!!! :yahoo: Enjoy momma!! :hug:
  3. kingeomer

    kingeomer Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    :woo: That is fabulous news Shelly!!!! :woo:
  4. lianyla

    lianyla Well-Known Member

    What did you do?? Tell me your new schedule pLeaSe! We are waking up at 4:55 am and here comes daylight savings time and that means 3:55 am and i will be in the mental institution. I'm not kidding. HELP ME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I've tried a later bedtime and it does NOT help! But I'm willing to try it again. How long did you extend etc? Give me (and any unfortunate folks like myself) the skinny.

    Thx! And congrats!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  5. annagloth

    annagloth Well-Known Member

    I would love to know too!!!!!!!!!!!!! Mine wake up at 5am sometimes 4:30 and there's no way we can go to one nap at this point! They are in bed at 6:30 and asleep by 7/730pm. How did you transition?
  6. Natalochka

    Natalochka Well-Known Member

    This is what my girls are doing right now too....its driving me crazy!! I would guess that bedtime does not need to be later - at least not for us. They are definitley tired and need that extra sleep that they are not getting right now. I hope it passes soon...but I'm curious to hear what worked also!
  7. TXCowboys

    TXCowboys Member

    Hi Everyone:

    Sorry it's taken me so long to reply. I've been working and also just got my wisdom teeth pulled!! YIKES!! Feeling better slowly...

    Anyways here is the schedule now.

    7am Wake - I go in with sippy of milk (never empty handed)and I we start breakfast at about 7:30

    11am - Lunch

    Noon - Nap

    2:30-3pm - Wake usually one before the other, it's a good nap now

    3:30 Good Snack of fruit, crackers cheese

    5:30 Dinner

    Then straight into bath. Playtime.

    6:30 Sippy of milk and another Snack (graham crackers/banana)

    Brush teeth

    7pm - Story time as they sit in their cribs, kisses, one song and then lights out.

    Finally, have a good schedule that works most days. They are now 17 months old.

    I wouldn't suggest babies who are 14 months go for one nap yet. I tried and it was terrible.

    It seems that the more they sleep for naps, when they are really young, the better sleep they have at night.

    This really works for us and I hope it will work for y'all when the time is right for your LO's.

    It took me about a month of transitions. One day two naps another day one nap and so on....

    Now, they seem pretty good wiht the one nap but I have to keep them very busy and stimulated and we have a great time!

    Hope this helps!
  8. TXCowboys

    TXCowboys Member

    At this age, my boys went through the same thing. It sucks! We did CIO if the cries weren't that bad. If it was bad, we would try to pat him down. If that didn't work we would get him up and try a little banana and milk. This usually worked. In time he realised that we weren't going ot come get him and that it was still night nights. Thank goodness, both boys didn't do this at the same time. I feel your pain! It will pass though. Hang in there!
  9. lianyla

    lianyla Well-Known Member

    Well, I'm out of luck. Mine are 23 months now and we've had that same schedule (literally the SAME) since they were 14 months old! Thanks anyway!! Good job making it work tho:)
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