finally giving it a shot

Discussion in 'The Toddler Years(1-3)' started by Gabe+2more, Jul 9, 2007.

  1. Gabe+2more

    Gabe+2more Well-Known Member

    Gabe is now over 3, been showing signs for some time now. We've tried before and quit quickly because my SIL wasn't on board with training. I've had some heart to hearts with her and it seems that she's finally on board.

    Last week, Monday and Tuesday, Gabe wore underwear at her house during the day (except for naps) and had 1 accident on Monday, none on Tuesday. Then the rest of the week, didn't want to wear underwear so she didn't push it. which to me is confusing!

    Over the weekend we ran out of diapers at our house and he had to wear his underwear. He wore a pullup over to her house today and I made it clear that he needed to wear his underwear during the day, diaper at naptime (till she runs out) and when he gets up from nap, back into his underwear. He can wear the pullup that he was wearing over there this morning back home this evening.

    I HOPE HOPE HOPE this works! I've promised Gabe that once he gets good at going on the potty for a whole week..pooping and peeing, we'll have a party with Cake and Presents. He was really excited and seems to be on board.

    I HOPE HOPE HOPE this works!

    Any advice to increase success would be great!!
  2. heathernd

    heathernd Well-Known Member

    I think you are doing the right thing. At his age insist that he wear underwear during the day with pull ups at naptime/nighttime. It is also very important that you and SIL are consistent, and I am glad to see she is finally on board. I also think letting Gabe know there is a reward for him and reminding him is a good idea. You might want to give thought to smaller rewards along the way as well (stickers, gummybears, etc.) as kids need lots and lots of positive reinforcement. Good Luck and let us know how it's going!
  3. Gabe+2more

    Gabe+2more Well-Known Member

    Thanks for the response, I think smaller rewards along the way would be helpful too! I just know how much he likes parties with I dangled that particular carrot early!

    Thanks again!
  4. becky5

    becky5 Guest

    Good luck! Heather's suggestion of smaller rewards along the way is a good one! Maybe a chart with stickers?
  5. kmob82

    kmob82 Well-Known Member

    with my son, who's 3, i had to bribe him in order for him to get potty trained but i figure whatever works! LOL
  6. Dianne

    Dianne Well-Known Member

    Sounds like you have a good plan. I am curious about the pull up going over and back though, does he sleep in the car? K&K had diapers for night time for quite awhile even after they were day trained and the first thing we did when they got out of bed was to put their underwear back on.
  7. dfaut

    dfaut 30,000-Post Club

    I hope it works for you!! You have to have your care providers on board!!! Good luck and keep us posted. Maybe do a deal at the end of each day - making a big deal out of being dry and clean the whole day? I liked those ideas!!
  8. Gabe+2more

    Gabe+2more Well-Known Member

    I make a BIG deal about how well he's doing every chance I get. He did GREAT yesterday! No accidents and was dry upon waking from nap, promptly went to the potty and peed a ton! He was dry this morning when he got up as well, went to potty first thing.

    I know there will be bumps along the road, but I'm VERY encouraged by how well he's done so far.

    Oh, Dianne - he doesn't sleep in the car, but my SIL said he should have a pullup on in the car...I just went along and didn't think anything else about it. He's staying dry, so he really doesn't need it. I hadn't really thought about it till u mentioned that.
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