finally computer back and my update 34 wks!

Discussion in 'Pregnancy Help' started by cheriek, Apr 5, 2008.

  1. cheriek

    cheriek Well-Known Member

    Hi Everyone; sorry for late replies; i have been in and out of the hospital for weeks now; this is my first time with the laptop working and email so please bare with me for getting back to everyone:) --
    Update: i had my 2 steroid shots today-ouch-but this will mature the girls lungs if they chose to arrive earlier then 37 wks- I had a complete u/s and Charlotte and Evelyn are doing fabulous! approx 4 lbs 14 oz and 4 lbs 4 oz:) both head down now-yeah! no c-section will be needed if they stay this way! We are heading down to the end of the few weeks--the OB thinks i should give birth within the next 2 wks; we came close last nite ---i am only 1 cm dilated and softening-so if we can last for at least 36 wks the twins NICU time wont be that long at all! anytime after that is perfect and we can have very short stay in the hospital! Mean while im back on bedrest; poor Brice is doing all the work and im having a tough time not doing things but its best for the girls since now they would be great but very premature; we are holding onto that and thier big brother Jake needs his own birthday;)
    No pictures yet-sorry-as soon as Brice can get the nursery going-painting and hooking up the big computer we can all the pics of Jakes new room and the girls room! and my latest belly shot im measuring 43 wks this is def a first for me! i usually measure a week or 2 behind;) --like any pg woman im ready to get my body back and we are super anxious here to bring our newest additions home soon! Looks like spring has finally came! its strange and sweet but we have a little ladybug on our window sil who has been with us for the past week thru all our L&D ordeals; i like to think its a Good luck sign from all our love-ones who couldn't be here:)
    Im on strict bedrest and as long as i dont move i dont get any contractions or cramping. Very anxious to be done but we know a few more weeks is best for them:)
  2. mommymauro

    mommymauro Well-Known Member

    Glad your ok…
    I have a gut feeling my body is starting to get ready too… just little signs (some are tmi)
    I wouldn’t be shocked if I went into labor any time… but I know we need to keep them in… I just wouldn’t be shocked…


    PS my ds was born the day i turned 36w and he had NO nicu time
  3. Jayn

    Jayn Well-Known Member

    Cherie and Elizabeth- You are both getting so close! I am SO happy that both of you have made it this far! 34 weeks is a HUGE milestone!
  4. Overachiever

    Overachiever Well-Known Member

    Yay! I'm so glad things are going well. Hang in there!
  5. brookbranplus2

    brookbranplus2 Well-Known Member

    Good for making it to 34 weeks! My Ob said I could actually go off of bed rest at 34 weeks. I guess every OB is different. I been to the hospital 3 times through out my pregnancy for pre term labour now. I'm 1.5 cm dilated and 50% effaced but I'm still going. Hopefully you will make it to 36 weeks too! Good luck!

    [email protected] Well-Known Member

    I think the ladybug is a goodluck sign too! ;)
  7. cheriek

    cheriek Well-Known Member

    thanks girls:) i cant believe its finallly our time now to have our babies:)) i will get to go downstairs on the couch til my appt on thurs starting Monday-yeah! I didnt want to stay in the hospital over the weekend; she said if i promised not to move i could go home--im being a good girl :lol:
    They had a huge lot of woman go into labour Friday and i didnt want to be one of them tee! the shots need 48 hours to work so i feeel better knowing its doing the job:) If i could move the fridge and cupboards upstairs i would be so happy :lol: i do get fed ; im just use to snacking;)
  8. mommymauro

    mommymauro Well-Known Member

    QUOTE(2+2more! @ Apr 6 2008, 01:42 PM) [snapback]707764[/snapback]
    They had a huge lot of woman go into labour Friday and i didnt want to be one of them tee!

    That is very interesting about Friday night… Friday night my contractions were all over the place but all less than 10 min (like 11, 5, 9, 7, 3 min apart) and they were HARD… I waited 2 hours to take my terbu because sometimes just lying down and drinking an obscene amount of water does the trick… but I got nervous and was just waiting for my water to break or something drastic… but the terbu was starting to work an hour after I took it… I thought for sure I was going to have to go to the hospital… but after an hour they softened and spread out to 11, 20, 13, 15 min apart… and I fell asleep… I woke up in the morning feeling like I had give birth my body was soo tired… but I am glad both of us weren’t one of those many women who gave birth last Friday… maybe the Friday after next :wub: …
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