Few questions regarding solid food?

Discussion in 'The First Year' started by gij7728, May 29, 2009.

  1. gij7728

    gij7728 Active Member

    Hi, I am just starting to make my own homemade babyfood for my babies and am wondering if I could use kidney bean as one of their solid food items? Will it cause them gas? As far as green beans, I read in wholesomebabyfoods.com; it mentioned NOT to cut, wash or trim the beans if I am going to freeze them, why? How much of solid food do you give your LO's? Mine are currently taking approx. 1 1/2 Tbsp, is it too little? Thanks for sharing with me. :drinks:
  2. VivGuest

    VivGuest Well-Known Member

    I'm not sure about the beans.... They may be a little hard on their systems this young.... but don't quote me.

    But as far as the amount, it sounds good to me. As I understand it, at this point it's more like practice than actually getting nourishment, that should still come from breastmilk/formula. Getting use to new tastes and textures being in their mouths, that sort of thing. And remember, their stomaches are still itty-bitty. GL!
  3. ohjojo

    ohjojo Well-Known Member

    my pedi said kidney beans and other legumes were not recommended until 8-9 months. i probably wouldn't try it as a starter food as beans are pretty complex.

    as far as the green bean thing, i think they must be talking about freezing them fresh, if you plan on saving them before you process them into babyfood...

    your amount seems right on, at this age solids are really just for practice, not any real nutritional value. formula or BM should be their main source of nutrition.
  4. gij7728

    gij7728 Active Member

    QUOTE(ohjojo @ May 29 2009, 03:35 PM) [snapback]1333126[/snapback]
    as far as the green bean thing, i think they must be talking about freezing them fresh, if you plan on saving them before you process them into babyfood...

    Duh...That makes more sense. When I read No wash/ cut/ trim I was like "YUCK". Thanks
  5. meganguttman

    meganguttman Well-Known Member

    I agree on waiting for the beans. I don't think my boys had them until they ate them whole, but we also don't eat them at home. It sounds like your amount is good. At 7 months my boys would share the Gerber 2oz size and then we slowly went up to sharing 4oz of my homemade food. We didn't start solids until 6 months though.
  6. Neumsy

    Neumsy Well-Known Member

    I did use fat free refried beans, or pureed kidney beans for Owen, but not till he was about 10 mos. It's alot of fiber for little digestive systems. (And personally I detest green beans, and so I think no child should ever be subjected to them! LOL! :lol: )
  7. muscaria10

    muscaria10 Well-Known Member

    Dun think legumes and beans are such a good idea for babies so young - all the fiber (not to mention insoluble ones that can cause gas! they'd be gassy!), high protein stuff too 'heavy' for their little intestines to handle me think.

    My kids are having 2 tsp of cereals and 2 tsp of any puree food, then again, I feel that they're eating alittle too much. But we can't stop at just two becos Gizelle will tear the house down until u give her another 2 tsp of something!
  8. maybell

    maybell Well-Known Member


    here's a quick reference on what to introduce at what age... beans are listed as 8-10 months...
    That website is full of great information, I loved it. I also read Super Baby Food by Ruth Yaron and really liked it.

    We started with just mashing up and pureeing avocados and also sweet potatoes.

    I also have a nice spreadsheet that I've used to show when I've introduced what foods... we didn't start until almost 8 months... and even though our babes are now 13 months old... and the pedi said she doesn't recommend any restrictions... ours have many things we haven't introduced yet... but b/c of timing... we try to wait the 4 days between any new food...

    if you (or anyone) wants my spreadsheeet just pm me. I compiled it from both the Super Baby Food book and the Wholesomebabyfood website.

    good luck
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