Few question regarding sound machine

Discussion in 'The First Year' started by gij7728, Jun 9, 2009.

  1. gij7728

    gij7728 Active Member

    Hi, I am thinking of getting a sound machine (plug-in & has a projector) but I am worry that they will only sleep if it's on. My babies are already STTN (hope I don't jinx myself), but their naps are still all over the place. sometimes 30 minutes, most of the times 45 minutes and if I'm lucky they'll sleep for 1 - 1 1/2 hr (rarely). I have to be sooooo careful not to make noises while they are sleeping otherwise, they'll wake up and cry. They only take 2 naps (they eat every 4 hr). 3 weeks ago they still took 3 naps but as soon as they switched their schedule to 4 hr by themsleves, they refuse the 3rd nap (eventough I think they still need it). And for the past week, they wake themselves up earlier and earlier in the morning. Today they woke up & crying at 5.45 am. They used to sleep until at least until 7 - 7.30 am (they go to bed around 8-8.30 pm). I've heard so many moms that gushing about how good their babies sleep with the sound machine. But once it stops, their baby will wake up. My questions are:
    1. Will they be able to sleep without it once they get used to it?
    2. Is it too late for me to use the sound machine since they are so used to sleep without any noise?
    3. Is it possible to wean them off? How old?
    4. Is it normal that everytime they wake up from their sleep with crying?
    5. At this age, how many naps your baby takes?
    6. Can your baby sleep just about anywhere? They ONLY sleep in their cribs, when we go to grandparents house or anywhere they won't sleep eventough they are sooooo tired (unless in their carseats when the car is moving). Is there anyway I can get them used to sleep anywhere other than their cribs?

    I am sorry if I asked too many questions :blush: . I know all of you must be really busy, I really appreciate any of your suggestions. Thanks a lot.
  2. DATJMom

    DATJMom Well-Known Member

    QUOTE(gij7728 @ Jun 9 2009, 10:16 AM) [snapback]1347220[/snapback]
    1. Will they be able to sleep without it once they get used to it?
    2. Is it too late for me to use the sound machine since they are so used to sleep without any noise?
    3. Is it possible to wean them off? How old?
    4. Is it normal that everytime they wake up from their sleep with crying?
    5. At this age, how many naps your baby takes?
    6. Can your baby sleep just about anywhere? They ONLY sleep in their cribs, when we go to grandparents house or anywhere they won't sleep eventough they are sooooo tired (unless in their carseats when the car is moving). Is there anyway I can get them used to sleep anywhere other than their cribs?

    1. Yes. Sometimes I forget to turn it on and they still go to sleep.
    2. No, I just started using one in my 4 YO's room to drown out the noise of non-sleeping 2 YO's. ;)
    3. Yes
    4. Yes. Mine woke up crying for a long time. They cycled out of it at about 8 or 9 months and then cycled back in and out in the second year. Now, not so much unless I have to wake them.
    5. At 5 months, we were taking one predictable nap about 1.5 hours after they woke up and then cat napped the rest of the day. At about 6 months I got them into a predictable afternoon nap too. Hang in there.
    6. When they were younger they would only sleep in their cribs or fall asleep in their carseats in the car. Now they will sleep in someone else's bed, but we have to be in there to keep them quiet to fall asleep.
  3. becasquared

    becasquared Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    1. Will they be able to sleep without it once they get used to it?
    2. Is it too late for me to use the sound machine since they are so used to sleep without any noise?
    3. Is it possible to wean them off? How old?
    4. Is it normal that everytime they wake up from their sleep with crying?
    5. At this age, how many naps your baby takes?
    6. Can your baby sleep just about anywhere? They ONLY sleep in their cribs, when we go to grandparents house or anywhere they won't sleep eventough they are sooooo tired (unless in their carseats when the car is moving). Is there anyway I can get them used to sleep anywhere other than their cribs?

    1. Yes
    2. Nope
    3. Whenever
    4. You mean there are times that they don't?
    5. At 5 months they were taking 3-4 naps a day
    6. Nope. Only in their cribs or in the pack n plays at someone's house.

    I wouldn't get the projector one though, I would invest in a good (adult) white noise machine. I got ours from Brookstone years ago and it's still working (although now it's in the kidlets's room instead of ours)
  4. sharongl

    sharongl Well-Known Member

    I never had one. I didn't want to get them used to something and then have it backfire if we were away from home (2 of my friends had to do emergency runs for a new mobile while on vacation, because their kids couldn't sleep without them). At this age, if they wake after 30 min, don't go in and get them. Chances are, if you leave them alone, they will go back to sleep and will wake rested--ie, not crying.
  5. gij7728

    gij7728 Active Member

    QUOTE(sharongl @ Jun 9 2009, 10:35 AM) [snapback]1347258[/snapback]
    At this age, if they wake after 30 min, don't go in and get them. Chances are, if you leave them alone, they will go back to sleep and will wake rested--ie, not crying.

    I've tried that, they only cry louder and louder especially Michael, he'll ended up screaming like a lunatic. At that point they wake the other one up. aarrgghhhhhh.....
  6. gij7728

    gij7728 Active Member

    QUOTE(becasquared @ Jun 9 2009, 10:26 AM) [snapback]1347242[/snapback]
    I wouldn't get the projector one though, I would invest in a good (adult) white noise machine. I got ours from Brookstone years ago and it's still working (although now it's in the kidlets's room instead of ours)

    What model (Ithink they might have more than one model)? How much did you pay for? Thanks
  7. gij7728

    gij7728 Active Member

    QUOTE(sharongl @ Jun 9 2009, 10:35 AM) [snapback]1347258[/snapback]
    At this age, if they wake after 30 min, don't go in and get them. Chances are, if you leave them alone, they will go back to sleep and will wake rested--ie, not crying.

    If I leave him alone, is it same thing as CIO? Because I'm 99.9% positive that he'll cry. How long should I let him cry for? If his brother wakes up too, should I let both of them cio? Thanks
  8. DATJMom

    DATJMom Well-Known Member

    QUOTE(gij7728 @ Jun 9 2009, 03:14 PM) [snapback]1347719[/snapback]
    What model (Ithink they might have more than one model)? How much did you pay for? Thanks

    Here is the one we have from Brookstone in our room.

    We have this one by Homedics in the kids rooms and my DH uses one for when he travels too.
  9. rumbo

    rumbo Well-Known Member

    QUOTE(gij7728 @ Jun 9 2009, 12:17 PM) [snapback]1347724[/snapback]
    If I leave him alone, is it same thing as CIO? Because I'm 99.9% positive that he'll cry. How long should I let him cry for? If his brother wakes up too, should I let both of them cio? Thanks

    I started letting one of my girls CIO during naps at your LO's age. I started because we would rock and rock, sing and sing, and as soon as we put her down, she'd wake up and cry. It took a week of beginning consistent but now we just put her down and let her go to sleep on her own. Sometimes she still cries (like now) but for the most part she goes to sleep pretty quick. She was one who would get hysterical and a few times I would go in and soothe her but it felt like whenever I'd leave the room we'd start all over, so I just had to let her cry, never for more than an hour though. That being said, we separated them for naps while we did this. One in our room, and one in theirs. I used a white noise machine in our room and just turned a stereo to a static station in their room. They can sleep without it (they do at my mom's) but it sure blocks out the noise for them, which is good.
  10. adrianna_hartmann

    adrianna_hartmann Active Member

    We also recently bought a sound machine (for about $20-30 at Bed, Bath, & Beyond). We bought one when we realized that our poor napper/grumpier baby responded really well to shushing, and thought this might help, too. We've also separated (one in the nursery, one in the guest room in a pnp) our babies for sleep...naps and nighttime...because one sleeps longer at naptime and through the night....while the other still gets up at least once at night, cries herself to sleep (although doesn't take too long anymore), and frequently wakes and cries for a bit on and off during naptime (I just let her cry, she eventually goes back to sleep....and when the crying escalates and lasts longer, I know the nap is over!) We also put an old battery-operated freebie sound machine we already had in with the other baby, just to drown-out the crying from the CIO baby. :) Both babies can fall asleep in their swing, glider, carseat, etc., so I know they are not dependent on the sound machine. Also, if they do get addicted, they are portable, and there are lots of very healthy, functional adults who use sound machines to go to sleep. :)

    I think it's worth a try, and nothing to worry about....

  11. gij7728

    gij7728 Active Member

    I finally went out and bought the sound machine. Sharon, I did let Michael CIO when he woke up from his naps yesterday (another 30 - 45 minutes naps). and O Lord, he cried frantically for approx. 50 min. (1st nap) and not more than 15 min. for his 2 nd nap. I kept watching the clock, when it hits 50 minutes I really thought that he won't go back to sleep at all, but I was wrong. And guess what he took 2 - 2 hours nap that day. I also used the sound machine so Matthew won't wake up. And it seems like Matthew LOVES it, he took 1-1 1/2 hr nap yesterday (which is RARELY). Whew, we'll see what will happen today. So far, they've been napping for almost 1 hour. Keep my fingers crossed.

    Adrianna, " Also, if they do get addicted, they are portable, and there are lots of very healthy, functional adults who use sound machines to go to sleep" thanks for the support, I feel less worry and quilty now (especially, now I know that it works!) I just worry that they have to rely on music to fall asleep as they get older. I, personally can only fall asleep in a dark quiet room but I guess everybody is different. ;)
  12. jaclynkoehl

    jaclynkoehl Well-Known Member

    Rather than buy a sound machine we decided to use a radio set on an AM channel that is all static (I already had a CDplayer/radio in the room). Worked like a charm and really helped me to get the babies soothed and to bed at night without a pacifier, swing, or too much mommy/daddy intervention. We started doing it when they were about 8 weeks old. My son started using his soothie less to get to sleep and dropped the swaddle but my daughter still needed to be swung or rocked and swaddled for another 7 weeks. Even though they still needed additional help getting to bed at night, the white noise seemed to really help with the calming process. As soon as I turned on the radio they would start yawning. Now at almost 16 weeks neither need assistance going to bed at night - they usually fall asleep before we can get them both in their cribs at about 8:30. My son has completly dropped the soothie (daughter never used it). We rarely have to get up before 2:30 to feed either and are sometimes going till about 4:30 for both. I strongly believe that leaving the white noise on all night helps them soothe back to sleep if they wake up a little in the night.

    We also run a fan blowing into the room that creates a little white noise. Have heard that the air circulation helps prevent SIDS.

    1. Will they be able to sleep without it once they get used to it? . Is it too late for me to use the sound machine since they are so used to sleep without any noise?
    I have no problems with the the twins sleeping during the day without it.
    3. Is it possible to wean them off? How old?
    Don't know yet.
    4. Is it normal that everytime they wake up from their sleep with crying?
    Mine usually wake up from naps crying to get a bottle but they usually don't wake up crying in the morning. We usually have 10 to 15 minutes of smiling, playing, and diaper change time in the morning before they're ready for a bottle.
    5. At this age, how many naps your baby takes?
    I forget how old yours are, but at almost 4 months mine are taking 5 to 7 naps during the day.
    6. Can your baby sleep just about anywhere? They ONLY sleep in their cribs, when we go to grandparents house or anywhere they won't sleep eventough they are sooooo tired (unless in their carseats when the car is moving). Is there anyway I can get them used to sleep anywhere other than their cribs?
    My son will just go to sleep when he's tired regardless of where he is or what is going on. My daughter usually starts to get cranky and needs some rocking and shooshing to relax and then I can put her down just about anywhere and she'll sleep. The only time they throw a fuss about daytime naps is when I'm not close. They'd rather sleep on mats on the living room floor than upstairs in their cribs... even if I'm banging around in the kitchen or the TV is on.
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