
Discussion in 'The Toddler Years(1-3)' started by melslp13, Oct 2, 2008.

  1. melslp13

    melslp13 Well-Known Member

    My 2 and a half year old DD Sarah has had a fever all day, ranging from 104.1 when unmedicated or due for another dose, to 101.1 when medicated. She's spiked up to 104 three times, each time when meds are due again, and has had mostly cold symptoms otherwise, except for diarrhea once. My question is, while I know the doc says don't worry unless they hit 105, how long should I wait before really worrying about her continuing to spike as high as 104 every 4-6 hours?
  2. Flutterbymama

    Flutterbymama Well-Known Member

    QUOTE(mel&2 @ Oct 2 2008, 06:48 PM) [snapback]1009053[/snapback]
    My 2 and a half year old DD Sarah has had a fever all day, ranging from 104.1 when unmedicated or due for another dose, to 101.1 when medicated. She's spiked up to 104 three times, each time when meds are due again, and has had mostly cold symptoms otherwise, except for diarrhea once. My question is, while I know the doc says don't worry unless they hit 105, how long should I wait before really worrying about her continuing to spike as high as 104 every 4-6 hours?

    As long as she is responding to the meds and seems to be acting "normally" not lethargic, drinking liquids, etc... I would continue to treat the fever and try to get her in first thing tomorrow morning. I treat high fevers with both Motrin and Tylenol, giving one every 3 hours so the fever doesn't get a chance to break through. If you're concerned, I'm sure your ped has an on call doctor. I hope she feels better.


    edited: clarify wording
  3. HRE

    HRE Well-Known Member

    Unfortunately, I know those high fevers, too. My kids tend to get them when they get strep throat or something along that line. They are so not fun...and they scare me everytime. I would alternate medications through the night...tylenol and motrin/ibuprofen every 2 or 3 three hours so you don't have those fever spikes. And if she's not better tomorrow, take her in just to make sure there isn't some form of infection developed. :hug: Sorry, they are scary moments!!

    And never hesitate to call or go in if you feel uneasy about how she is doing anyway!
  4. ahmerl

    ahmerl Well-Known Member

    I would say to call the on-call doctor even if it is just for your piece of mind. I hope Sarah feels better soon.
  5. excitedk

    excitedk Well-Known Member

    I would alternate tylenol and advil and make sure to keep on top of dosing her, if it lasts for more than 2-3 days I would bring her in, or if she gets worse.
  6. KCMichigan

    KCMichigan Well-Known Member

    I would call and follow PEDI advice. Depends-some kids spike high fevers and some dont.

    Mine dont generally and on DD had a 103+ fever for 2 days off/on just as you described (when nonmedicated/due for more). It seemed unusual for her. So after talking to PEDI, we took her to urgent care and her ear was massively infected.We would have risked a ruptered eardrum if we had waited too long. The first 2 days on antibiotic brought the fever down, thenit spiked again 2 days later- we ended up on a higher antibitic and she was fever free w/in 36 hrs! I had asked her repedetly if her ear hurt and she said no- her head hurt. She never messed with her ears (rubbing , pulling etc) so I hadnt a clue since she is not prone to ear infections. She also had cold liek symtoms and few days prior.

    I hope your DD feels better soon!
  7. Safari

    Safari Well-Known Member

    You can also give luke warm baths to cool her.

    My girls get high temps and we alternate motrin and tylenol. And we use baths for above 103-104. Also, dress her lightly and in breathable fabric (no fleece, cotton is typically best).
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