
Discussion in 'The Toddler Years(1-3)' started by nicolepag, Jun 11, 2008.

  1. nicolepag

    nicolepag Well-Known Member

    Hello.. Okay, here is the scoop

    Last Wednesday night around 4:30 my daughter came down with a fever (102). She had no energy and wouldn't eat dinner. She woke up Thursday AM and ate all of her breakfast and was full of energy. No fever. No fever on Fri and Saturday. Sunday around 3:00 pm she came down with a fever again (101.5) and just wanted to lay on me. Grandpa came over around 4:00 and she was fine - we went outside and played. But then after he left, back to just wanting to lay on me and still running fever. We cancelled all plan on Monday to be safe and she was fine all day Monday - ate/played. Her temperature was around 99 all day. On Tuesday, she was fine all day - ate/played but she still had a temp. Before bed, her temp went up to 102. We have been giving motrin/tylenol.

    We went to this doctor this morning, to be on the safe-side. And the doctor said that she checked out fine. She thought maybe it could be a urinary tract infection. She was spazzing out at the office so I opted not to go through the rather stressful manner to abstract urine. The doctor was okay with this but suggested if the fever keeps up that we should come back in and do the test. The other thought was that it could just be a viral infection. And earlier in the week the nurses suggested 2-yr molars.

    I have looked online and haven't seen UTI linked with fevers. If it were viral, I would have thought that my son would have caught it by now (whenever one is sick within a day the other one is). I am just not sure. Has anyone experienced this sort of thing? Help!
  2. summerfun

    summerfun Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    Trevor got something like that last summer for about 5 days. He had a fever and just didn't want to do anything. The dr. said it was probably viral, but no one in our house got it. I was thinking it might have been his molars because he did get them shortly after. I still think it was his molars. Hope she feels better soon. :hug99:
  3. jakeandpeytonsmommy

    jakeandpeytonsmommy Well-Known Member

    Aww, my boys are currently on Day 3 of high fevers!

    Jake had croup Monday night and is getting a little better from that. However, I think it is teeth and this nasty weather too.

    Hope things look up soon!
  4. Moodyzblu

    Moodyzblu Well-Known Member

    My boys also had this last week .. it was a viral infection .. thankfully they are better now. I hope yours are better soon !
  5. stacyann_1

    stacyann_1 Well-Known Member

    Fever viral infections are very common in toddler hood, that's why so many people think it has to do with teething or growth spurts, because often there are no other symptoms. That said, in my experience it usually is on for a number of days (usually 4), then breaks. That's what we are going through now. Maya had a fever from 1.5 weeks ago on Friday to Tuesday. My son didn't start the fever until the following Sunday. He's still going strong, I hope it breaks over night. I would do the UTI test to be sure. If your daughter will sit on a toddler potty at all and pee, you can bring it into the doctor yourself. OTherwise we have put this plastic bag around her closed her diaper back up and waited.. this worked ok also.

    Hope she's better soon!
  6. Jennib9

    Jennib9 Well-Known Member

    All 3 of my girls had this same thing and for 2 it turned out to be viral but one of the twins had to have the catheter to test for UTI (awful experience but I was so worried that if she had that and was not treated, could be serious) but checked out fine, the other turned out to have an ear infections. They also did a blood test on Sophia (who they checked for UTI) to check white blood count to determine if there may be some sort of infection-that only consisted of finger prick.. but her fever did the same thing. Either way, it's no fun, especially the not knowing. I hope she feels better soon. :(
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