
Discussion in 'The Toddler Years(1-3)' started by twinboymomma, Sep 28, 2007.

  1. twinboymomma

    twinboymomma Well-Known Member

    One of my guys has had a fever for about 24 hours. We have been "piggy backing" tylenol and motrin as our local children's hospital told us to do at a previous emergency room visit. He has the fever, it breaks, then goes up again, more medication, then it breaks, then goes up again. The good thing is he is still eating and drinking a little and does have wet diapers (yet not near as wet as normal, but still wet). But he just seems so lethargic, he just wimpers and whines and his eyes look so sad. I feel so bad for him! WWYD? Do you think this could just be his darn molars causing all of this trouble and just try to ride out the fever or would you call your doc just to be sure?
    Thanks in advance!
  2. Fay

    Fay Well-Known Member

    It's not going to hurt anything to call the dr's office and talk to a nurse. They'll probably know if these kinds of symptoms are going around and can either tell you how to treat it at home or suggest you come in. I sure hope he feels good as new soon, poor thing!
  3. dfaut

    dfaut 30,000-Post Club

    Fevers are a good thing if they don't get too high!! Take advantage and hold him and cuddle him!! Keep up with the Ty. Mot. combo - if it gets TOO high you will need to give him a warm bath (coolish). I would call your doctors office and let them know and see how they want you to proceed. I have a feeling you are already doing all the right stuff.

    I do a mix of juice and water when they are sick (pretty much the only time they get juice, so they really drink it up!).
  4. summerfun

    summerfun Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    With it being Friday, I would call your ped. The lethargic thing is what I don't like, if he wasn't acting that way I'd say don't call, but I always call on Fridays with the weekend coming.
  5. double-or-nothing

    double-or-nothing Well-Known Member

    If the fever is over 102 I would DEFFINATELY call. Then again, it can't hurt to call them anyway and just check in and let them know what is going on. That's what they are there for.
  6. axpan

    axpan Well-Known Member

    Our pedi wants to see the girls if there is a recurrent fever. he wants to have an explanation- like a throat or ear irritation.
    he sais teeth will not cause high or recurrent fevers more like a low grade fever.
    i don't want to scare you with possibilities but i would suggest you call your pedi and get the little guy looked at.
    hope he's feeling well soon.
  7. twinboymomma

    twinboymomma Well-Known Member

    Thank you everyone for responding! It appears his fever has FINALLY come down and he seems a lot more alert. I am even pretty sure I saw a little bit of a smile on his face. I am going to keep an eye on him for the next few hours and see where it goes.
    Thanks again for your responses!
  8. twinboymomma

    twinboymomma Well-Known Member

    Well, I guess it has to get worse before it got better. We thought we were out of that water and BAM fever spikes again. My poor little guy had us really scared because he seemed to be barely even coherent. So off I go to the ER with him and DH stays home with his brother. As I am on my way in DH calls and says our other DS has a fever now as well. Unfortunately, we got the same doc we had the last time we brought our other DS in for bronchiolitis. She was rushing through and I swear she said WORD FOR WORD what she said 6 months ago, found nothing and sent us packing telling us to come back if he gets worse. YAY for not finding anything serious, but BOO for still not knowing what the cause is. So now we sit with 2 sick little boys, and can't tell what's wrong. I HATE when my kids are sick, I wish I could take it away from them. And I hate giving them so much medication just to keep them comfortable. So I guess now we just wait for whatever they have to ride its course.
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