
Discussion in 'The Toddler Years(1-3)' started by megkc03, Mar 2, 2009.

  1. megkc03

    megkc03 Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    My 16 month old has his first fever. :( I noticed last night his head was hot-not cheeks/forehead-but head! Then when getting him ready for bed, I noticed his back/stomach were really warm as well. He was acting totally fine too. He had a temp of 101.5. Gave motrin and he slept all night. Woke up with a fever of 102.6! It went down after about 2 hours, and has stayed away thus far. I gave Motrin at 7:15am and Tylenol at 11:30am. He took a 2.5 hour nap-instead of the usual 25 minute one!

    My question is-I know they say push liquids-except he won't drink anything! He had a few sips of milk at bkfst and a few sips of juice with am snack. He hasn't eaten much either. A few Cheerios and some aplesauce-that's it-all day. I can't put him down or he freaks out. Thank goodness Nicholas is doing so well-it's like he gets it!

    I checked his diaper and it's a little wet-it was changed around 9am... Oh-and he had the MMR on Tuesday last week-could that have anything to do with it?
    So how do I push the liquids???

    Thanks for any help!
  2. moski

    moski Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    Do you have any popsicles or freeze pops in? Maybe you can get some liquid into him that way. Nolan was running a fever for 2-3 days last week. He didn't really have any other symptoms, but it lasted from Thursday thru Saturday. He was fine by Sunday.
  3. becasquared

    becasquared Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    Alice loves eating ice. I would stay away from milk right now, just stick to pedialyte. The syrup from canned fruit works too.
  4. Trishandthegirls

    Trishandthegirls Well-Known Member

    Ice is a major hit here. I chop up ice cubes into toddler sized bites and my girls will eat (drink?) about four big ice cube each that way. It's such a treat. Freeze pops are another innovative way to get liquid in them. Good luck!
  5. nurseandrea02

    nurseandrea02 Well-Known Member

    They have Pedialyte freeze pops (not sure what name they sell them under) but my boys love them. However, the ONLY time my duo refuse liquids is when they have Hand, Foot, & Mouth because of the sore throat (being extremely clingy is also a huge symptom of HFMD, just so you know...). Even when Conner ran 104 with his roseola, he still drank normally, so I'm lucky. Plus, mine LOVE Pedialyte (ick, but I'm not complaining!). Even though his fever is gone, I'd maybe try Motrin or Tylenol in case he isn't drinking due to a sore throat. It could also be his ears, in which case it hurts to swallow, too. It's so hard with little ones who can't tell you what's wrong, isn't it? Hopefully he spunks up soon! (On a side note, what an awesome nap you got out of him! Too bad it was when he was sick!)
  6. megkc03

    megkc03 Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    QUOTE(nurseandrea02 @ Mar 2 2009, 04:53 PM) [snapback]1211691[/snapback]
    They have Pedialyte freeze pops (not sure what name they sell them under) but my boys love them. However, the ONLY time my duo refuse liquids is when they have Hand, Foot, & Mouth because of the sore throat (being extremely clingy is also a huge symptom of HFMD, just so you know...). Even when Conner ran 104 with his roseola, he still drank normally, so I'm lucky. Plus, mine LOVE Pedialyte (ick, but I'm not complaining!). Even though his fever is gone, I'd maybe try Motrin or Tylenol in case he isn't drinking due to a sore throat. It could also be his ears, in which case it hurts to swallow, too. It's so hard with little ones who can't tell you what's wrong, isn't it? Hopefully he spunks up soon! (On a side note, what an awesome nap you got out of him! Too bad it was when he was sick!)

    Right about the nap? Go figure! LOL!

    Thanks ladies! I need to write this all down for future reference-as well as put popsicles and the like on the next grocery list! Although...I may eat them all! ;)
    Shortly after I wrote about him not drinking-he started to drink his cup of water/juice. I think it is almost gone-so that's a relief! AND-he is back to his normal self! YAY!! I am so relieved! Fevers scare me for some odd reason(I have no reason to be afraid-personally-I think I am just worried about it getting really high). He is much cooler, playing, not on me, and starting to eat. And Nicholas was a tropper! Glad this day is over and it ended well! Thanks for the suggestions again!
  7. dfaut

    dfaut 30,000-Post Club

    Mine had a fever the other day and besides a couple of forced bites of jello and a few licks of a popsicle, he took NOTHING in!! He pottied once in the a.m. and once in the p.m. and when the fever broke he was fine and drinking and eating again. It's going to take DAYS of not drinking to dehydrate him. OH! I almost forgot that I gave him crushed ice. That's what he ate and kept SOMETHING in him!! :hug: I know how concerning it is!! :hug:
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