Fever without other symptoms

Discussion in 'The Toddler Years(1-3)' started by twinboys07, Dec 9, 2008.

  1. twinboys07

    twinboys07 Well-Known Member

    While I feel like a pretty seasoned mom in many ways, I can never figure out when I need to take the kids in for medical care when it's just something minor. Jacob has had a 101.5-102 degree fever today, with no other symptoms other than lethargy and snuggly neediness. He was at the doctor yesterday for a sore on his mouth, which turned out to be either a cold sore or nothing significant (they did a culture for strep & impetigo-- came back negative). Otherwise, the kid seems fine. No sniffles, sneezes, red eyes, or anything!

    What would you do? What are your personal benchmarks for getting them seen by a professional?

    Thanks, moms!!
  2. kma13

    kma13 Well-Known Member

    Could it be an ear infection? My kids are always asymptomatic for ear infections, no fevers either. I would probably treat that type of fever for a day and then reassess the next day if still fevered I would take to a dr! HTH
  3. dfaut

    dfaut 30,000-Post Club

    I've had that before. I just keep them comfortable (motrin/tylenol) and hydrated as best I can. Let them rest and they pop out of it w/in about 2 days! Otherwise, I would go back.

    I think at such a young age a 101.5 fever isn't as HIGH as it would be in an adult.
  4. CHJH

    CHJH Well-Known Member

    Does he go to daycare? My sons had sore mouths and one had a fever. A few days later one popped up with spots on his hands and feet. The other didn't get spots. Turns out they both had hand-foot-and-mouth disease. It only lasts 10 days or so. Could that be it?
  5. twinboys07

    twinboys07 Well-Known Member

    They don't go to daycare but our nanny, who worked for us until last week, does care for another family with young children. I will keep an eye out for HFMD, though.
  6. 2plusbgtwins

    2plusbgtwins Well-Known Member

    I usually dont take mine to the DR unless they are on day 3 of a fever, or if they fever is really high, or if they just seem totally fussy/inconsolable.

    With 102, I would just give tylenol/motrin, and keep an eye on it for another day or two.. My first thought would be an ear infection if there are no other symptoms.
  7. Meximeli

    Meximeli Well-Known Member

    I'm with Amy, if the fever has gone on a couple of days, if it's very high, or if they are miserable and non of us has any chance of sleeping we go to the doc. If not we wait it out.
    I hate to think this, but he probably picked up a little "gift" at the doctors office yesterday. But it sounds like his system is fighting it off fine. But because he was in their waiting room yesterday, I'd call the office and let them know.
  8. whosermomma

    whosermomma Well-Known Member

    QUOTE(~* dfaut *~ @ Dec 10 2008, 04:20 AM) [snapback]1104802[/snapback]
    I've had that before. I just keep them comfortable (motrin/tylenol) and hydrated as best I can. Let them rest and they pop out of it w/in about 2 days! Otherwise, I would go back.

    I think at such a young age a 101.5 fever isn't as HIGH as it would be in an adult.

    This is how we are too. Mine get fevers with no other symptoms here and there. I usually get concerned if its super high and I can't control it.
  9. moski

    moski Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    I, too, would give it a day or so, then if he still has a fever, call the nurse and talk to her. Liam recently had HFM and he had a fever, spots in his throat and ended up with some sores around his mouth and on his fingers. Hope he's feeling better!
  10. nurseandrea02

    nurseandrea02 Well-Known Member

    My initial reaction was Hand, Foot, & Mouth, too. Even if they don't go to daycare, they can get exposed at places like the mall, shopping carts, etc. It's HIGHLY contagious. When Conner had HFMD at 9 mos, he ONLY had sores in his mouth, so at first I just assumed his fever/fussiness was teething related. Our Ped found it at our regularly scheduled 9 mo visit. He got faint spots on his feet a few days later, but nothing I would've noticed had I not been looking. Hopefully he'll just get ONE sore in his mouth vs them spreading!!! When the boys got HFMD last (you can get it a few times...there are various strains), I also got the joy of catching it & I was downright MISERABLE! The mouth sores were horrid, the fever sucked, & the sores on my hands & feet were like painful blisters. As a kid, I would be fussy too...geesh, I was fussy as an adult! I believe we've had it in our house 3 or 4 times (I've lost count...but we're daycare kids) and of all those times, BOTH boys have gotten it (at varying degrees...one always worse than the other). Keep an eye out for your other little man! Also, if the sores in his mouth get worse or he gets more, mix Maalox with liquid Benadryl & swab it around in there. It was heaven sent for me & seemed to work good on the boys too. Of course, all this is dependent upon him truly having HFMD, but it sure sounds like he does! Regardless, I'd definitely give him Ibuprofen to help with the fever & mouth sore pain (I'm surprised your Ped didn't think HFMD with a mouth sore in a toddler?!?!).

    Good luck!
  11. twoplustwo

    twoplustwo Well-Known Member

    QUOTE(~* dfaut *~ @ Dec 9 2008, 08:20 PM) [snapback]1104802[/snapback]
    I've had that before. I just keep them comfortable (motrin/tylenol) and hydrated as best I can. Let them rest and they pop out of it w/in about 2 days! Otherwise, I would go back.

    I think at such a young age a 101.5 fever isn't as HIGH as it would be in an adult.

    my thoughts too.

    I let it ride for several days in that case. They usually get past it pretty quickly. If it goes past 24 hours, it can't hurt to call the nurse to see if they have any advice adn keep them updated on what's going on. They will usually say to give it another day or two then come in if it doesn't get better after that.
  12. bridgeport

    bridgeport Well-Known Member

    I really just go with my gut. If it seems wrong (too high of a fever, lasting too long, not controlled with Tylenol, other symptoms), then I'll call and tell the nurse the symptoms. I never just call and make and appointment and take them in without talking with a nurse first about the symptoms. They're always happy to give me some advice over the phone and let me know what to watch for. It eases my mind to call, but so far they've never once needed me to bring the kid in. (And you don't have to pay a co-pay to call and talk to the nurse!)
  13. Becca34

    Becca34 Well-Known Member

    Yep, I was also going to mention calling and talking to a nurse -- I've done it often, without taking the kids in. They should be happy to give you advice over the phone...
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