Fever - this is the 4th day of it!

Discussion in 'The Toddler Years(1-3)' started by dtlyme, Apr 9, 2008.

  1. dtlyme

    dtlyme Well-Known Member

    Archer started with a fever late Sunday. It's now Wednesday and he still has one. I took him to the pediatrician yesterday and his ears are clear and strep was negative. The highest his fever has been (yesterday afternoon) was 104.2. It was at a lower 100.3 late this morning. He is now sleeping on the couch. I would have thought by today he would have been better. Has anyone experienced a long fever like this? Should I call the pediatrician again?

    A fever today means no school again tomorrow and no work for me. If I don't work I don't get paid (duh), but I still have to pay their pre-school! This is turning into an expensive week for me :(

    Anyway - the money bit is the least of my worries - I am just moaning and sick of my own company! Any advice or feed back would be appreciated. I am just worried.
  2. mommymauro

    mommymauro Well-Known Member

    My son once had a fever for 5 days with no other symptoms, same as you describe… high until I gave Tylenol and then down to 101 100.3 … same thing at the pedi, nothing… we had an appointment set up on the 6th day to do x-rays but it lifted mid day the 5th day… It was strange… he was totally fine, even playing and jumping the first 2-3 days, I just happen to grab him for a hug and realized he was hot, took his temp and was all WOW (I even kept taking my temp thinking the thermometer might be broken)… then the fever took its toll and he was tired and just laid around… I couldn’t really do more then I was… lots of liquid and waiting… hopefully your will lift sooner then tomorrow…

    But it was a long 5 days
  3. 2Xthelove

    2Xthelove Well-Known Member

    my dd had a fever 2 weeks ago that lasted 5 days also. her highest being 103.5 tylenol and motrin worked for me. we did motrin every 6 tylenol every 3 combined to keep fever down. also i gave her a bath and let her play in there and that helped to get fever down also. no other symptoms either. the doc told me to look for a rash when the fever breaks. said sometimes when a child has a high fever for a couple days and there is no other sign of illness besides saying oh they must have a virus it could be aereola disease. which a rash will break out after fever is gone. the rash usually lasts a couple hours or a couple days. she had a bloodtest done when she had fever and it came out negative but he said to just watch her. if she breaks out in a rash to call. there really isn't anything they can do for her if she did break out in a rash but i guess they just need to know. i hope he feels better soon. oh and she never did break out in a rash either.
  4. dtlyme

    dtlyme Well-Known Member

    Thank you! Your reply is very reassuring and exactly what is going on here. he just woke from a nap and is running around acting totally normal. Hopefully tomorrow there will be NO sign of a fever!

    Thanks again!!

    And thanks for the info on the rash - i will keep my eyes open for it!
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