fever after immunation ?

Discussion in 'The Toddler Years(1-3)' started by firsttimer, Jan 30, 2007.

  1. firsttimer

    firsttimer Well-Known Member

    Kaleigh received her MMR and Hep vaccines a week ago Monday. Monday of this week (7 days later) she developed a fever of 102. She still has it today. It goes down with Tylenol. I called the pedi office and they want to see her if it is still present tommorrow.

    I was just curious if anyone else has experienced fever post vaccination and how long they lasted.

  2. firsttimer

    firsttimer Well-Known Member

    Kaleigh received her MMR and Hep vaccines a week ago Monday. Monday of this week (7 days later) she developed a fever of 102. She still has it today. It goes down with Tylenol. I called the pedi office and they want to see her if it is still present tommorrow.

    I was just curious if anyone else has experienced fever post vaccination and how long they lasted.

  3. Tam1969

    Tam1969 Well-Known Member

    The fever can come and go up to two weeks from what I understand. My girls actually broke out with a rash at the two week point after the MMR and started their fever then. The pedi just said to give Tylenol and it would go away in a couple of days which it did.
  4. valentinetwins

    valentinetwins Well-Known Member

    Mine got a 102 fever that lasted for about 5 days and then a bright red rash at about 7 days that lasted almost 5 days as well. The MMR was not a fun one for my kids. They do not usually react to their vaccinations but they did to the MMR. If the Tylenol is bringing it down than I wouldn't worry. [​IMG]
  5. ads3046

    ads3046 Well-Known Member

    fever can come and go up to two weeks from what I understand

    This is correct with the MMR vaccine. Some will even get a rash.

  6. greatexpectations

    greatexpectations Well-Known Member

    Yup, we got ours starting right around 7 days and lasted about five days in all. We had a huge loss of appetite, too. Poor babies!!
  7. Minette

    Minette Well-Known Member

    We only got mild fever and crankiness right at 2 weeks after the vax. But I do remember the doctor saying they could have a high fever anytime from 7-14 days later.
  8. firsttimer

    firsttimer Well-Known Member

    Thanks everyone. The pedi's office called after my post and wanted to see her today...turned out to be double ear infections! I never would have guessed it in a million years. It's the first ear infection in our house and first round of antibiotics [​IMG] I guess it had to happen sooner or later.
  9. debid

    debid Well-Known Member

    That's good that you took her in! Hope she feels better soon.

    Mine both had a mild rash about 10 days after the shots and they ran a low fever for a day but mostly it was the fussiness and refusal to eat solids that I noticed. It was such a relief when they were back to themselves. That MMR is a rough one.
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