Fetal Firbronectin Test - how accurate was it if you took it?

Discussion in 'Pregnancy Help' started by Krissa72, Jun 26, 2009.

  1. Krissa72

    Krissa72 Active Member

    I had one today and thank God it was negative, I would have wound up in hospital with steriod shots this weekend.

    I just was put on modified bedrest (which I am actually HAPPY about, I was doing WAY too much with working and all), and put out of work due to shortening cervix, it is now down to a 2.5. I was not dialated at all from outside of cervix when checked yesterday.

    OB said 95% chance I will not go into preterm labor in 2 weeks - how accurate it that really?

    Thanks!! :)
  2. becky5

    becky5 Guest

    I had 3 or 4 done and they were all negative, and all accurate!
  3. Colette

    Colette Active Member

    They say that if you get a negitive then there is a very low chance like 2% that you will go into labor within 2 wks. I think you are in pretty good shape!
  4. Minette

    Minette Well-Known Member

    I don't know how much you can tell from just one person -- I'm more inclined to trust the studies that the doctors are relying on. But FWIW, I had a negative test when I had a PTL episode at 29 weeks, and I never did go into real labor. I wound up delivering by scheduled c/s at 37 weeks, and I don't think I was dilated at all.
  5. tburke75

    tburke75 Well-Known Member

    I had three all negative and they were very accurate. one at 24 weeks, one at 28 weeks and one at 30 weeks. All negative. I delivered at 34 weeks. So I believe that test! Oh and your cervix...long. Mine was 3mm at 28 weeks and I went another 6 weeks! You are in great shape. But I would still take it easy and stay in bed as much as you can! Good luck!
  6. Kyrstyn

    Kyrstyn Well-Known Member

    I have heard and read that they are incredibly accurate if they come back negative. However, if they are positive it doesn't necessarily mean that you will go into labor in 2 weeks. It just means that you are in fact excreting a protein that is found while you are in labor but it is still very inconclusive. I had a positive fFN test done at 24 weeks and I didn't deliver until 28 weeks. GL!
  7. ssb2e

    ssb2e Well-Known Member

    I had a negative fFN test at 25 weeks and a positive one at 27. I never did go into labor and was delivered just before 32 weeks from preeclampsia. So, from what I've heard, they are very accurate if they are negative, but a positive just doesn't give the reassurance that you won't deliver. Also, my cervix was less that 1 at 26 weeks and even that held out! Good luck!
  8. orlandojennifer

    orlandojennifer Well-Known Member

    I had a postive 4 weeks ago,and IT STRESSED ME OUT! I was 25 weeks,and my Docs admitted me to the hosp after the postive( I was alreadt in L&D)

    Anyway when I got discharged I went on the manufacturers website,and saw that the test is CONTRATINDICATED In mulitple gestation pregnacy!

    All that stress for nothing...you cant imagine how much I cried when it was positive,my whole world fell apart around me...untill I did the research!

    ill try to find the link!

  9. newjersey_mom

    newjersey_mom Well-Known Member

    I had one done at 28 weeks 6 days because I started having contractions at work. It came back negative. This was a Friday, on Wednesday I went into labor again at 29 weeks 4 days and took another. It was positive. I delivered the girls at 32 weeks. Not sure if the test was accurate or not...I just kept going into labor!
  10. adrianna_hartmann

    adrianna_hartmann Active Member

    I had a positive test at 27 weeks. Was admitted to the hospital for steriod shots, and then placed on strict bedrest. Stayed on bedrest for 10 weeks, then delivered via scheduled c-section at 37 weeks due to pregnancy induced hypertension. I am my OB's new "story" - patient who stayed pregnant the longest after a positive result. Her story when I had my positive was 6 weeks. :) (also had someone with a negative test who delivered 2 days later)

    I'd say take the results with a grain of salt...
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