Feeling very uncomfortable and some other issues as well

Discussion in 'Pregnancy Help' started by 2rosebuds, Aug 4, 2008.

  1. 2rosebuds

    2rosebuds Well-Known Member

    I am 31 weeks pregnant (I know my ticker says other wise...too lazy to change it :) ), and I am experiencing a lot of back pain. I am also having tightening and much pressue down low. It gets so bad I need to lay down. Here is the part that makes me nervous and I am a bit shy so typing this will be hard. I feel pressure in the area where the baby is supposed to come out...(that was not too bad.) I did see my OB on Friday and she told me the baby is low and that I should be feeling the pelvic pressure I described to here but since then it has gotten much worse. It gets worse late in the afternoon and if I lie down with a heating pad on my back it gets a bit better.

    Anyone feeling this way?

    Is this normal?
  2. snoopytwins

    snoopytwins Well-Known Member

    I'm not yet but I recall this with the boys. The boys were also very fond of kicking and jabbing my cervix which made for many uncomfortable times.

    So sorry you're feeling uncomfortable. Try to rest up...not terribly longer for you!
  3. jamey2193

    jamey2193 Well-Known Member

    I'm sorry you are feeling so crummy. Did you have the tightening and lower back pain along with the pressure? I would send the doc and email or a call just to be sure it's nothing to worry about. I have heard that as long as the back pain goes away when you change position and rest, it's normal but I would call to be sure. Hope you feel better soon.
  4. ChristinaB

    ChristinaB Well-Known Member

    I've had pelvic pressure with lots of my children. Usually it goes away after a few weeks in mid-pregnancy. I describe the pain as "it feels like I've been kicked hard between the legs." So yep, I think it's totally normal.
  5. momoftheforest

    momoftheforest Well-Known Member

    I feel the same way, I see my ob every week, and asked about this last Thursday. she told me that the back pain and contractions (the tightening your feeling) are very normal right now and since its not the first pg, they can start as early as 13 weeks. the pressure is from baby being low getting ready. She told me that they extract some kind of chemical from their kidneys that cause the BH, and you feel them primarily between 6ish - 10 at night. Im supposed to watch and make sure they dont become regular and consistant, or if they dont stop, then that would be PTL, but normally, they should stop whenyou go to bed.
  6. kcole

    kcole Well-Known Member

    I will be 32 weeks this Thursday and feel the EXACT same way - tightening contractions, pelvic pressure/pain, back pains, etc. I feel like I should be ready to go into labor any minute. I mentioned it to my OB at my appt last week and she examined me and said my cervix is still closed and starting to soften a bit. She didn't seem worried but did tell me to take it easy and to not over-exert myself. I have been having to sit down and rest a lot!
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