Feeling seriously frazzled!

Discussion in 'The Toddler Years(1-3)' started by TamSam, Jan 3, 2010.

  1. TamSam

    TamSam Well-Known Member

    Hello All,

    I'm already feeling a bit better after perusing Twin Stuff (as I always do), but I'm feeling seriously frazzled lately. I am now a stay at home mom, and I'm finding this is much harder than any day at the office! My husband is a flight attendant and usually gone, so a lot falls on me. Mostly, I'm feeling lonely and having a hard time entertaining the twins. I want to watch less TV, but it's too cold to go out and I'm feeling pretty sluggish and out of ideas. Any thoughts? Are there any good strategies/schedules out there? I feel like I need a better discipline plan, too. I feel stressed and like I'm yelling too much.

    Thanks for the help in advance.

  2. mylife

    mylife Well-Known Member

    Most days, I am right there with you! We recently moved to Utah, so getting out in the snow sometimes doesn't happen!! When we are able to get out, I'll pack lots of their favorite snacks (ones I save only for outtings) & load up the stoller & cruise the mall or Target or Wal-mart. But only before their nap time! Then, by the time we get home, it's time for diaper changes, lunch, nap, then sweet quiet!!
    On the days we can't get out, well....we got some great toys for Christmas! A kitchen, a tea set, & they like books a lot. But, one of their favorite things is for me to lay on the floor, belly down so that they can both sit on my back & bounce up & down! I can usually get in a good magazine article out of this. They'll "help" me sort laundry, too.
    But, yes, there is yelling, throwing of toys (from me & the kids).

    Hope this has helped some!!

    Hang in there!
  3. cjk2002

    cjk2002 Well-Known Member

    I can relate. It's been so cold here lately and just getting them dressed to go to the car takes forever.

    But even with it being cold, I try to get out somewhere....anywhere every day. I have not done this yet, but a lot of malls have play areas that they can run around in. Also check out those free local parenting magazines. In my area they are opening a lot of these play areas for kids 6 and under. By us there is Little Monkey Bizness and Kid's Town.

    I do this as well. Just yesterday I was at Costco and I picked up some new snacks and I'm saving them for our outings.

    Another thing that has saved my sanity are Elmo dvd's. As soon as I switch the tv over to turn on the dvd, they know what's coming and will sit on the couch and get all excited. Each one is about 50 minutes and I can leave the room for a little bit to get things done around the house.

    I also just bought a Step 2 playhouse for their playroom. It won't be delivered for another 3 weeks but they love the one we have in the yard and my hope is that it will keep them busy indoors as well.

    You could also check into meetup.com and see if there is a playgroup in your area or join your local twins group.
  4. kingeomer

    kingeomer Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    You've gotten some really good suggestions:
    dance to music with them
    drawing and coloring
    mine have a play kitchen they just love
    tents (you could probably build with blankets....we got them a Yo Gabba Gabba one for Christmas)-mine love to crawl in out and play peek a boo.
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