Feeling lonely and a bit depressed

Discussion in 'Pregnancy Help' started by akuaba, Mar 18, 2008.

  1. akuaba

    akuaba Well-Known Member

    just venting, i guess.
    i am almost 35 weeks and i am feeling kind of down.
    i am working from my mom's house and living at my mil's house due to construction at my house that my husband procrastinated a bit on. now, i probably will have to bring the babies back to my mil's house for the first couple weeks as the construction is finished (putting up drywall, painting, finish work, cleaning the house from all the dust!).
    i have been working from home since about 26 weeks or so and living at my mil's now for about the same amount of time.
    my husband is working on the house full time now and we are using my paycheck to pay for bills until it is all done.
    so..anyway..it's not my dream situation that i had for when the babies are born.
    i had ideas of putting together their nursery and being at my home. you know, it really bums me out.
    and my husband, comes back to his mil's house every night and we get to sleep together which is nice.
    but..i feel that there is a weird distance between us. i feel really lonely. he just isn't talking to me about much anymore.
    and i feel that i have become such a homebody because i can't do much anymore that i don't have much to offer as far as conversation.
    i know he is stressed too about all the changes that are coming with the twins.
    and i have to say it's hard for me to get into all the "aren't you excited!!" comments from all the family when i am thinking about getting through the c-section and getting through these last weeks with blood pressure problems..will i even make it to my c-section date?? are the babies okay? will i be able to handle all this? will my husband and i do okay with all these pressures?
    my husband and i get along really great, don't get me wrong. and i don't feel that their is any big underlying thing going on here..it's just stress and weird living circumstances. but...it still makes me feel lonely and vulnerable and..well..sad.
    are these just the hormones talking??? ugh. this is hard.
    if you got to the end of this..i appreciate you reading this. any words of advice or encouragement would be wonderful.
    take care...
  2. cottoncandysky

    cottoncandysky Well-Known Member

    youre doing a great job mama, keep your head up. this too shall pass. :hug99:
  3. butterfly02

    butterfly02 Well-Known Member

    I remember the last few weeks when I was pregnant, I remember feeling the same way!!!

    I learned that DH was nervous about being a daddy, let alone a daddy to twins!! He was also getting anxious to hold his little ones, and frustrated as he knew that I was uncomfortable and there was nothing he could do to fix it except wait....near the end I think that he was more impatient than I was!!!

    Your DH, is probably also trying to rush to get the house finished...that would be great if your house was finished before the babies are born :)

    It has to be hard living at MIL's. I did this for 6 months a long time ago and it was awkward at times, could not imagine doing it while being pregnant! You are a trooper!!!

    Hang in there things will be better soon. I hope that your house is ready soon :hug99:
  4. audie522

    audie522 Active Member

    I feel for you. I'm 5 1/2 months pregnant and my husband is renovating the kitchen- by himself. Never have I realized how much time and dust spackle makes! I understand that you would rather be in your home and in your own bed but from experience I think I wouldn't mind being in a clean house. I HATE waking up to a messy kitchen. I can't clean it up b/c I can't bend down and spend so much time dusting, especially when he does it after work and on sundays. I also can't ask him to tidy up better b/c then I think he'd blow:) After the kitchen we still have the babies room to do and all I hear is the clock ticking. I wish I could do more but I can't. I wish I had something to say to make you feel better. Just try to relax and take the time to yourself and enjoy it. Are you into crafts at alll? Maybe taking up a project that you can handle on your own will help. I'm in the middle of registering (which is far from relaxing) and that is driving me absolutely crazy. On my own time I've been cross stiching a quilt for the babies and that really relaxes me and reminds me that all this craziness is here for a good reason. I know its gonna be really hard but I can't wait for those precious moments of when they are sleeping in my arms, smiling, and looking at me with wonder. Take care of yourself and maybe have a talk with your hub about how you're feeling. He may not even realize how you are feeling and I bet he is having anxiety as well. You have to take care of eachother.
  5. shannonfilteau

    shannonfilteau Well-Known Member

    I too stayed with my Mom and trust me you'll love the extra hands when they are here.

    These feelings will pass and you'll be home before you know it and then you'll miss the help (maybe)

    I sure did after I came home and was alone when DH went to work.
  6. lisaessman@verizon.net

    [email protected] Well-Known Member

    That is a good point about having extra help when the twins come, it might be nice!

    I have had to stay with my mom at various points, and I feel like my relationship with my husband is always a bit different. We were just there for a few weeks this Fall while waiting for our house to be ready. I felt like I never saw my husband, and when he was around we didn't talk about anything personal becuase there just wasn't the opportunity.

    I bet everything will feel better once the babies get here. Hang in there, Lisa
  7. akuaba

    akuaba Well-Known Member

    Thanks so much for all the feedback, good advice and support! I needed that. It will be nice to have the extra hands for help. That is definitely true! I need to take a look at the positive things too. That will make me feel better.
    Lisa...I totally agree with your statement "I have had to stay with my mom at various points, and I feel like my relationship with my husband is always a bit different. We were just there for a few weeks this Fall while waiting for our house to be ready. I felt like I never saw my husband, and when he was around we didn't talk about anything personal becuase there just wasn't the opportunity. "
    That hits the nail on the head!!
    You're right..I didn't think of it that way, really. It's hard to get in personal conversations with his parents around and by the time they go to bed, I am in bed because I am so exhausted.
    Thanks again. You guys are the best. Thank goodness for this board.
    Take care!!
    Have a great evening.
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